Given A Second Chance: Time for Revenge!

Chapter 444: Shen Fangbin digs his own grave

Which of the people present was a good stubborn, when they saw that their belongings were lost, they all shouted for Shen Fangbin and Shen Huan to come up with an explanation.

"Uncles and uncles, I just came back to the Shen family, and it didn\'t take long for me to take over the Shen family\'s research laboratory. Do you think I have such a great ability to take away the contents?" Shen Xi looked at the crowd with a calm tone.

Shen Fangbin sneered, "It\'s not who you are. The last time the people above came to hand over things, it was you who stayed in the basement with them, and no one went in after that. You must have stolen something from the Shen family at that time. Shen Xi , I advise you to hand it over obediently. It\'s too bad to guard yourself against theft."

"That\'s right, this is the property of the Shen family, how can you use it without permission!" "Hurry up and hand it over, such a person is not worthy of being the team leader of the research laboratory, and should be kicked out!"

The people of the Shen family basically favored Shen Fangbin, and they were very excited. For so many years, they have been bewitched by Shen Fangbin, and the choice between Shen Fangbin and Shen Xi must be the former.

Only one or two smart people could see that this was Shen Fangbin\'s plan against Shen Xi, but unfortunately Shen Xi was still too tender, not a match for Shen Fangbin. It seems that from now on, the Shen family will return to the situation where Shen Fangbin said nothing.

Shen Fangbin sneered, "I want everyone to know if you have stolen a patented product, just go to your room and search it."

If it was Shen Xi who didn\'t know the reason, he would definitely search and search for whatever he was afraid of. But now Shen Xi has understood that Shen Fangbin is waiting for this move.

"I refuse." Shen Xi said directly.

Zhou Hong said, "If you didn\'t steal anything, why are you afraid of being searched? It must be you who stole it, otherwise you will ask everyone to search to prove your innocence. If you didn\'t steal it, we apologize to you."

"I didn\'t steal anything, why should I be searched? That\'s my private space, my **. If you really want to search, unless the entire Shen family is searched. It\'s not fair to search me alone." Shen Xi He said lightly, not the slightest change between his brows and eyes.

Su Zibao\'s Qingyue voice sounded outside the door, "The Shen family is really eye-opening, so many people bully an orphan whose parents are helpless. When Shen Xi\'s parents were still alive, they contributed to the Shen family. There are more than one or two patents. There are more than one or two that have been put into use by the Shen family for profit over the years. Everyone shared the dividends with the patents obtained by Shen Xi\'s parents. I know that Shen Fangbin cooperated with other family companies to develop the patent. But why don\'t you think about it, if there is no patent developed by Shen Xi\'s parents, what would you use to cooperate with others, do you rely on Mr. Shen Fangbin\'s mouth?"

As soon as the voice fell, a pair of talented and beautiful people appeared in the eyes of everyone.

The person who spoke was Su Zibao, whom they were extremely familiar with. Last time, he held the title of Shen Xi\'s fiancée, and he made a splash in the Shen family as soon as he appeared. And beside her is a handsome man in a black trench coat, with a lazy and undisciplined smile on his angular face.

As soon as these two people appeared, they instantly attracted everyone\'s attention. Su Zibao\'s words also made many people blush, but no, they really took advantage of others and bullied their orphans.

Thanks to Shen Fangbin for making everyone make money, why not thank Shen Xi\'s parents. If there is no patent researched, how can you make money.


bsp;Shen Fangbin hated Su Zibao to the extreme. Every time it was the woman\'s fault, he said angrily, "You are not from the Shen family, so you have no right to take care of our Shen family\'s affairs. You are no longer Shen Xi\'s fiancee, there is no one here. You speak."

Now he has determined that Shen Xi will be kicked out by himself soon, so he no longer maintains that hypocritical face.

"We are indeed not from the Shen family, and we have no right to take care of the Shen family\'s affairs, but so many people bully Shen Xi alone. As friends, I\'m so sorry, we just can\'t see it. The Shen family is really powerful, it seems that the next The next time we attended the Imperial Capital Party, we had a new conversation." Pei Yi sneered, the sarcasm on his face was clear.

As soon as they heard this, everyone knew that no matter how the matter was dealt with today, if it goes on like this, everyone in the imperial capital will know tomorrow that the entire Shen family united to bully Shen Xi alone. Actually not.

"Isn\'t that the search for Shen\'s house? Fang Bin, I think what Shen Xi said is very reasonable. Let\'s search and search together." One of the seniors with a high grade and some prestige said.

Shen Fangbin\'s face was ugly as if he had eaten shit. Searching where he lived in front of so many people would mean that everything would be found. Whoever doesn\'t have sex, who doesn\'t have hobbies, has to expose all their sex, and no one wants to arrest anyone.

Shen Xi smiled slightly, "Maybe this batch of patented products was taken away by my uncle before I took over the laboratory. Otherwise, why is your face so ugly, uncle, and you refuse to agree to the search?"

"This is my private sex!" Shen Fangbin said with a stiff face.

Shen Xi said lightly, "Uncle has sex, which means, can\'t I have it?"

The scene froze for a while. Shen Fangbin didn\'t let go, the search couldn\'t be carried out, Su Zibao saw a playful look flashing in his eyes, and approached Pei Yi\'s ear and said in a low voice, "Why doesn\'t Shen Fangbin agree to the search?"

"If it wasn\'t for those things that were hidden in his room, then there were other wonderful things hidden in his room." Pei Yi pursed his lips slightly, and the answer was not too loud or too small, just enough for the Shen family. All heard.

The scene was quiet for a moment, and the next moment, everyone began to persuade Shen Fangbin to let him agree to the search, because now everyone is interested in this "wonderful thing" that cannot be seen.

If they don\'t search their house now, and Shen Xi refuses to agree to the search, then there is no way to frame them. If you agree to the search, although the impact will not be good, as long as it is found out that Shen Xi is hiding and stealing the patent, if you have so much trouble, presumably the Shen family will not pay too much attention, enough to attract their attention.

So after the whole scene was noisy like a vegetable market for more than ten minutes, Shen Fangbin finally agreed to the search, with a sullen face like constipation, which made people feel relaxed and happy.

"Senior first, uncle should set an example for me as a junior, and search your house first, right?" Shen Xi stomped his nose on his face.

Shen Fangbin held his breath and waited until he found that the box in Shen Xi\'s room was slapped in the face, and sneered, "Search it! As long as you don\'t make excuses, Shen Xi."

"Don\'t worry, uncle, uncle has gone all out, even if you demolish my house, I have nothing to say." Shen Xi said lightly.