Given A Second Chance: Time for Revenge!

Chapter 436: Should I change my mouth?

But no matter what, the two little dumplings were first and foremost happy for Su Zibao. In the past four years, Su Zibao has carried two dolls alone, and there are so many suitors in Geasli, but she has never paid attention to it.

So after Su Zibao said these words, the two small groups fell silent. It didn\'t matter that they were silent, but the hearts of the two adults in the car were brought up.

Strong and smart like Su Zibao and Pei Yi, they don\'t even know how to get along with children. Su Zibao is a little better, but it\'s the first time she\'s become a mother, so she doesn\'t quite understand what the two little guys are thinking, especially these two little ones are smart, precocious and assertive.

"Cough, that, Aochen, Forsythia, how are you doing in school? Are you having fun in class? Did you skip class?" Su Zibao changed the subject, thinking to himself, after getting along for a while, I believe there will be no estrangement.

Su Aochen cherished his words like gold, "Not bad."

"It\'s fun! It\'s more fun than the places we used to go to school, and the classmates are normal, and the teachers are normal." Su Lianqiao said with a smile, "My brother and I didn\'t skip class. It\'s interesting to go to school."

The students are normal and so are the teachers. Su Zibao has three black lines on his forehead. How could the people who can get along well with you are the normal teachers and students in the kindergarten and preschool outside.

It can only be said that the children in this place should be the kind of smart and sensible type, and there will not be the situation that happened to Aochen and the others when they were in class.

Su Aochen and the others encountered an incident in class, which directly caused the two to fall in love with skipping classes and became very tired of learning.

When I was still in Geas, a little girl in the class suddenly started crying. When she cried, several children followed. The teacher who was playing the piano and sang nursery rhymes naturally didn\'t care about playing the piano and singing. Immediately coax the children, the mess in the classroom has turned into a coaxing class.

This is very common in kindergartens, and for the two little ones, it is simply unbearable.

Su Zibao didn\'t force them to go to class after knowing the situation. But it\'s fine now that I\'m young, but if I grow up, it will be troublesome if I always tire of studying. Fortunately, Chenxi Academy has solved Su Zibao\'s troubles, and the school badge sent by Li Han has helped a lot.

Since both of the teachers and classmates in this school recognize them, then I can rest assured.

The car drove all the way back to the villa. On the way, Su Zibao asked the brothers and sisters about some specific situations in the school. After listening to their descriptions, he felt more at ease. The two little dumplings had a good life in school, and they were all excited when they mentioned campus life.

After returning to the villa, Su Zibao prepared to cook. The housekeeper bought a wealth of ingredients in advance. She rarely cooks now, and there is no need to cook if there is a chef at home. But being able to cook a meal for Pei Yi and his children is not the same as simply eating to fill the stomach.

Su Zibao enjoys cooking for his family. Seeing Pei Yi and the two little dogs eating their own food, it was a kind of happiness.

"Pei Yi, you play with Aochen and Forsythia, and I\'ll cook." Su Zibao said.

Before Pei Yi could answer, Su Aochen said with disgust, "We don\'t need to accompany us. Brother Pei Yi should accompany Ms. Bao to cook."

Judging from this title, it will take some time for the two small dumplings to accept this cheap daddy. They have to be relieved. It\'s not that they don\'t recognize Pei Yi, but it\'s a bit too sudden. If they really want them to call Pei Yi\'s daddy, neither of them can say it.


Brother Pei Yi, let\'s fight my mother! come on! "Su Lianqiao also waved a small fist and said with a smile.

Pei Yi was not angry when he was rejected. He picked up the apron on the shelf next to him and tied it to Su Zibao\'s body. His voice was magnetic and gentle, "Exactly what I want."

"Okay." Seeing this, Su Zibao had no choice but to take Pei Yi\'s hand into the kitchen.

As soon as the two figures disappeared in the living room, Su Lianqiao shook Su Aochen\'s hand and said, "Brother, do you think we are going to call Daddy instead?"

"Don\'t shout." Little Su Aochen turned his head arrogantly, feeling that he stole his mother.

Su Lianqiao nodded and said shyly, "Yes, I\'ve only known each other for a while, so embarrassed."

Su Zibao in the kitchen lowered his voice and said, "Pei Yi, I don\'t think they reject you, they just don\'t know you well, it will be fine in two days."

"Well, I know." Pei Yi picked up the potato next to him and peeled it, and his handsome face did not show any discomfort, but a calm and comfortable expression.

Seeing that he didn\'t care, Su Zibao continued, "Because they haven\'t seen you in the past four years, it\'s normal to be a little awkward now, wouldn\'t you mind?"

His own son and daughter don\'t call him anymore, Su Zibao feels a little embarrassed, probably because he was too dissatisfied with Pei Yi in front of the two little dumplings before? As a result, the attitudes of the two small groups were influenced by themselves.

"It\'s me who has been absent for four years, how can you blame them, blame me." Pei Yi looked at Su Zibao, his narrow eyes looked at her, and the corners of his lips curved, "But I believe that within a few days, the two little guys will definitely Call me Daddy."

Su Zibao picked up the kitchen knife next to him to cut vegetables, and teased, "That\'s impossible. Everyone knows that our family is different from children of the same age, but it\'s not like you can coax them with a few models and a few ice creams."

"I\'m coming." Pei Yi reached out and held Su Zibao\'s hand holding the kitchen knife, and said, "I\'ll cut the vegetables, you wash them."

In fact, it is almost the same, but it is safer to wash vegetables. His tenderness to protect her could be seen in the details. Such meticulous care and consideration, although it is a very ordinary and ordinary little thing, can not compare with the moments of life and death they experienced before, but it gives people a sense of ordinary happiness.

She never extravagantly courted love vigorously, nor did she expect love to die or live, because among these shocking sensations, there were always things that hurt each other.

She just wants to be able to have simple and ordinary happiness. Don\'t be too vigorous, don\'t be too eye-catching, the water will flow, and each other will be immersed in each other.

"What? Are you confused by my handsome appearance and look stupid?" Pei Yi reached out and shook his hand in front of her. He had already taken the kitchen knife in her hand and cut vegetables by himself.

Su Zibao glared at him, but couldn\'t help but chuckle, "Don\'t say it, Pei Yi, you look pretty handsome when you cut vegetables."

"Don\'t even look at whose husband, right?" Pei Yi raised his chin with a look of pride.

Su Zibao followed him with a stinky smile, "That\'s right! My man Su Zibao is so handsome when it comes to cutting vegetables."

Just as the couple were flirting, the servant knocked on the kitchen door and shouted, "Mr. Pei, a lady surnamed Mu is looking for you."

"Miss Mu? It\'s strange, isn\'t Mu Yunlan in Haicheng? Why did he come to you?" Su Zibao looked at Pei Yi, and those bright eyes stared at him.