Given A Second Chance: Time for Revenge!

Chapter 435: Three words are enough to deal with his Mrs. Pei

Moreover, if two little dumplings who haven\'t seen their father in four years, suddenly accept an extra identity, it also needs some buffer time.

Hey, this is a headache.

Later, the two of them will go to school to pick up the small group, and then we will talk about it.

After Su Zibao had a headache for Mu Yunlan, he also had a headache for Pei Yi. At this moment, a car stopped at the entrance of the villa, and Pei Yi came.

The purple printed shirt and ordinary trousers looked particularly good on his long legs. With a languid and slender smile on his handsome and fair face, he walked to the door of the study under the guidance of the servant, knocked on the door and walked straight in, directly holding Su Zibao sitting on the reclining chair in his arms, completely Ignoring Gu Yian and the servants in the room, her angular chin rested on her shoulder, and took a deep breath. It was her breath and fragrance, and her magnetic and **** voice was hoarse: "Good morning, wife. ."

He is such a charm and aura that people feel as if they are the only two left in the world at any time and anywhere.

Like this time.

Gu Yian waved at the servant waiting beside him, quietly stepped back, and closed the door.

Su Zibao hugged his neck with both hands, and a charming and bright smile evoked on his lips, "Good morning, Mr. Pei. I heard that you are working on a new city construction project recently. Would you mind my participation?"

Pei Yi was slightly startled, his narrow eyes narrowed slightly, "Huh?"

"Suddenly interested in real estate. What, is Mr. Pei afraid that I will ruin your plan, or does he not believe me, worried that I will leak?" Su Zibao said deliberately, his charming voice dragging out a long tail, "Or...I This Mrs. Pei is not qualified to participate in your affairs?"

A sentence of Mrs. Pei made Pei Yi smile instantly. God knows, Su Zibao said these three words, not to mention that she wants to participate in a planning project, that is, the stars and the moon, and Pei Yi is going to make an appointment for aerospace Bureau person.

She is the best weapon against him, and now it seems that these three words are enough.

Pei Yi stared at Su Zibao brightly, but she felt a little hairy. What\'s the matter, what\'s the matter with this look, what does it mean to look at her like that?

And then, Su Zibao understood.

Pei Yi leaned down and sealed her lips directly. The domineering and lingering kiss was intoxicating, and for a while, only the voices of lips and teeth were left in the study.

After a long time, the long kiss just ended, Pei Yi slapped his mouth as if he hadn\'t eaten enough, and looked at her with a burning eyes of some kind.

Su Zibao blushed and panted when he kissed him, and there was a hint of anger in her tone, but her coquettish look was more like a coquettish no matter how she looked at her, "Hey! You haven\'t answered what I said just now."

"What is mine is yours, everything is yours. Whoever dares to stop what Mrs. Pei wants to do, who dares to stop me from cutting him for you." Pei Yi looked at Su Zibao and smiled especially teasingly, adding three words to Mrs. Pei. sound.

Su Zibao raised his chin and snorted coldly, then turned his head, "Then it\'s settled. When I return to Haicheng, I will participate in this project you are working on recently."

"Yes, Mrs. Pei said yes." Pei Yi smiled dotingly.

Su Zibao felt a little embarrassed like this, and changed the subject slightly blushing, "Let\'s go, let\'s go pick up the child."


The words blurted out made Su Zibao stunned for a moment. we, we.

These simple two words, for them in the past, were four years apart.


Pei Yi was also slightly touched, looking at Su Zibao with affectionate and gentle eyes, "En."

The car drove all the way to the door of Chenxi Academy. Today is the school holiday, and many parents like them are waiting outside the door. The couple were sitting in the car, their eyes staring in the direction of the school gate.

At this moment, they are no different from countless ordinary parents in this world. Just two parents who came to pick up their children from school.

It was the first time for Pei Yi to have such an experience, and it was also for Su Zibao.

After a while, they saw the figures of Ao Chen and Forsythia, and the two quickly got out of the car and led the small group into the car. A family of four went away.

Pei Yi sat in the driver\'s seat and drove, Su Zibao and his two little ones sat in the back. The brothers and sisters hadn\'t seen Su Zibao for several days. No matter how precocious and sensible the child is, the mother who suddenly leaves and has never been separated will do so.

"Mom, why did brother Pei Yi come with you?" Su Lianqiao looked at Pei Yi who was driving in front, her watery eyes blinked, her little head tilted slightly, and she wondered, "Could it be that brother Pei Yi has applied for us now? The driver at home?"

"Pfft!" Su Zibao laughed outright, and someone who was driving in front of him almost shook his hand and the car drifted away. Fortunately, Pei Yi\'s driving skills were superb, and a car accident was avoided.

Su Aochen said with a sullen face, "Second goods, brother Pei Yi is not short of money, how could he come to our house as a driver."

Pei Yi thought to himself, this little dumpling is smart.

As a result, I heard people add slowly, "Uncle An drives very well, Ms. Bao, please don\'t change drivers. Brother Pei Yi\'s driving skills are not good."

Pei Yi glanced in the rearview mirror. Are these two little guys on purpose?

Su Zibao cleared his throat, looked at the little guy and then at the person driving in front of him, and said carefully, "This...that...I...he..."

"Hey, mom, what are you going to say, why are you hesitating?" Su Lianqiao asked curiously.

Su Aochen looked at Pei Yi in front of him, and raised his eyebrows slightly, "Ms. Bao, you won\'t have been taken by him, have you?"

"Little bastard, pay attention to the words you use, what does it mean to be taken down, do you say that about your mother!" Su Zibao resentfully stretched out his "magic claws" and ravaged Su Aochen\'s hair, turning his neat hair into a ball of chicken After the nest, he raised his chin and said, "Why can\'t it be said that I surrendered her!"

Pei Yi, who was driving in front, pursed his thin lips slightly.

Su Aochen and Su Lianqiao looked at each other, it turned out that they were really reconciled.

When they were not reconciled before, the two little guys helped a little. But now that his mother has really become this man\'s wife, Su Aochen suddenly felt that his mother was robbed, and his attitude towards Pei Yi was not so good. However, apart from the unhappy feeling that her dear mother was taken away, there was also a kind of relief that Ms. Bao was finally willing to find someone to take good care of her, and she was looking forward to this person who was blood-related and destined to be her father.

But at this moment, little Aochen wouldn\'t admit the feeling of the last layer, but thought in his heart that Ms. Bao was robbed.

Su Lianqiao still needs some time to accept this cheap daddy that fell from the sky. Although everyone knows that this is their biological father, and they have met before, but Su Zibao\'s attitude was so firm at that time. Although Pei Yi was also very kind to them, he was not the one who was recognized by Su Zibao. It\'s my father, but it\'s not my father.

It\'s only been a few days now, and the inexplicable mother brought this man over and said that it was their father, so they needed some mental preparation.