Given A Second Chance: Time for Revenge!

Chapter 437: Daddy, come and sit

When Pei Yi heard this, his eyebrows wrinkled imperceptibly, and he returned to normal in an instant, and said lightly, "I don\'t know."

"Okay, you go out to greet the guests, I\'ll continue." Su Zibao pouted, obviously a little unhappy. It would be unhappy for any family of four to have their warm holiday interrupted. And the person who interrupted was the ex-girlfriend of his own man.

Pei Yi said, "You wait for me to come and cut it, right now."

"Go, go, I\'ll do it. Don\'t delay business." Su Zibao waved his hand.

Pei Yi went out, but the kitchen door was not closed, Su Zibao pricked up his ears and listened to what was being said in the living room. It\'s not that she suspects what Pei Yi and Mu Yunlan have, but that Mu Yunlan is now a dangerous bomb in Su Zibao\'s eyes, and suddenly coming to Pei Yi must be nothing good.

Listen to what she\'s planning to do.

As soon as Pei Yi came out of the kitchen, he saw an extra woman across from the two small dumplings in the living room. White gauze skirt, hair shawl, aloof temperament, dignified and elegant, it is Mu Yunlan.

Su Aochen treated everyone with a paralyzed, ignorant face, and there was no difference at this time. However, Su Lianqiao, who was always sweet and pleasant, didn\'t laugh anymore. Obviously, the two little dumplings didn\'t like seeing Mu Yunlan very much.

Su Zibao is not the kind of person who doesn\'t tell his children anything. If Aochen and Forsythia didn\'t know anything, it would be worth the loss if they were deceived into being a good person.

Since returning to the country, Su Zibao, who has enemies with him, has asked Gu Yian to introduce them to each of them one by one, and Mu Yunlan is the number one person to watch out for.

They already know that Mu Yunlan is the ex-girlfriend of his own cheap dad, and he is still a little involved with cheap dad. In short, it is my mother\'s rival, very annoying.

"Pei Yi, I\'m sorry to disturb you now and interfere with your vacation. It\'s just that I found a loophole when I checked my work notes today. If I don\'t handle it properly, the loss will be huge, so please make up your mind." Mu Yun Lan said apologetically, with a very sincere expression.

Pei Yi smiled, "Well, it\'s alright, thank you for your hard work. What\'s the loophole?"

"I\'ve brought all the materials, you can take a look." Mu Yunlan took out a stack of materials from the folder he kept with him.

Pei Yi walked over to pick up the materials, looked at the two little ones, and then looked at Mu Yunlan, standing there. Because the sofa in the living room is two opposite long strips, and now Su Aochen and Su Lianqiao occupy one, and Mu Yunlan occupies one.

Besides, Pei Yi had no place to sit and could only stand.

The attitude of the two little dumplings just now was very unfriendly. Who knows if he sits in the past now, he will be dismissed and driven away directly. Or in front of outsiders, making Mu Yunlan think that his family of four is not harmonious. As for sitting next to Mu Yunlan, Pei Yi didn\'t even think about it.

And when Pei Yi was standing and looking at the information, he didn\'t expect Su Lianqiao to smile sweetly and shouted, "Daddy, come and sit."

Pei Yi instantly thought he had auditory hallucinations. Daddy?

Turning his head to look at the two little ones in shock, Su Lianqiao still smiled sweetly, while Su Aochen nodded at him. In an instant, Pei Yi understood what they meant.

This is to show father and son in front of Mu Yunlan.

He and Su Zibao thought that it would take a while for Aochen Forsythia to accept him, and it would take a while to enjoy the happiness of being a father, but they didn\'t expect that because of Mu Yunlan\'s appearance, Pei Yi and the two boys would be directly The relationship between the dumplings skipped the run-in period and quickly reached the sweet period.

So Pei Yi, who was not welcome just now, sat in the middle of the two small dumplings.

, on the left is the cold and arrogant son with facial paralysis, and on the right is the sweet and lovely daughter, enjoying the blessing of being a father.

Su Zibao, who was preparing ingredients in the kitchen, also heard the voice of the conversation. Su Lianqiao\'s words almost frightened her, but she immediately realized that the little guys were deliberately mad at Yunlan for her sake.

There is nothing more humiliating than letting an ex-girlfriend who still has plans for Pei Yi see his family of four happy.

Pei Yi flipped through the documents, frowned and thought for a while, but didn\'t speak. Obviously, the loopholes in the information given by Mu Yunlan will not be solved for a while.

And the other party is waiting for Pei Yi to make up his mind, you are not good at chasing people.

Su Aochen and Su Lianqiao looked at each other, neither wanting this unsightly person to disturb their family reunion time here. But you can\'t drive people directly, you have to think of a way.

"Bang bang bang!" There was a sound of chopping vegetables from the kitchen. Suddenly, for some unknown reason, the chopping sound paused for a while, and there was a very low and extremely low inhalation sound, which was almost inaudible.

Ao Chen and Forsythia in the living room didn\'t hear it, but Pei Yi had undergone special training and had a good hearing. He raised his brows, immediately put down the information in his hand, and walked into the kitchen in three or two steps, shouting, "Wife, you Did you cut it?"

"\'s fine!" Su Zibao said quickly. Just now she was too focused on eavesdropping on what they were saying, but when she paid attention, she accidentally cut her index finger. Fortunately, she responded quickly, but only cut a layer of skin.

As soon as they heard the cut, the two little dumplings sitting on the sofa also got up, including Mu Yunlan, all crowded into the kitchen.

Pei Yi was the first to arrive, and he had already picked up the spare medicine box in the kitchen cabinet, put on Su Zibao to stop the bleeding, and then put on the Band-Aid.

"Mom, how are you? Does it hurt?" Su Lianqiao said distressedly.

Su Aochen looked at Su Zibao with worry.

Su Zibao smiled at the two little dumplings and said, "It\'s alright, just a little bit of skin, it doesn\'t hurt, it doesn\'t hurt at all."

"It\'s obviously bleeding. Ten fingers are connected to the heart, doesn\'t it hurt?" Pei Yi looked at Su Zibao with dissatisfaction in his eyes. Why did he just leave and cut his hand. She said it didn\'t hurt, but when she saw the bleeding, one big or two was distressed.

Su Zibao smiled helplessly, shook his fingers, and said, "This horse has stumbled, and people have stumbled. Just a little sip, it doesn\'t hurt, it doesn\'t hurt!"

"Don\'t move! I just stopped the bleeding, don\'t throw the blood out!" Pei Yi\'s voice was low, grabbed her wrist, raised her hand and checked it carefully to make sure there was no blood spilling from the wound, and said, "You go out to play, I\'ll cook."

Su Zibao said immediately, "No, I\'m going to cook for you. No, no! I\'m going to cook it myself! I\'ve been planning for several days, and I finally have time today, so I\'m going to cook!"

"Okay, you like what you do. But you are responsible for frying it. I\'ll cut it first, okay?" Pei Yi always has the most patience and the deepest doting on her.

Su Zibao nodded in satisfaction, "That\'s about it."

Seeing the love between the two of them like no one else, even the two little dumplings felt the hurt of being a single Wang. This kind of doting and unbridled willfulness at any time and place is just the two of them.

One can imagine the mood of Mu Yunlan standing beside him.

She has been by Pei Yi\'s side for the past four years, but the Pei Yi she saw had never spoken to anyone so tenderly and dotingly. Sometimes it is indifferent and inhumane, and sometimes it is the lazy and sloppy smile that is used to dealing with others. It seems that there are only two faces like this.