Given A Second Chance: Time for Revenge!

Chapter 434: Ex-girlfriends are the most annoying creatures

The planning rights for five new cities in South China, she knew, when she first came to Haicheng that day, she heard them talk about it.

But at that time, she didn\'t know that the original plan involved so much.

The collision between Yucheng Real Estate and the Century Consortium was the collision between the Pei family and Pei Yi. When grandpa died suddenly, and he died in such a hurry, Pei Yi was swept out of the house and was prevented from even taking a look. The encrypted file left by his grandfather once said that the will that Grandpa Pei planned to distribute Shengshi Jewelry to Pei Yi did not appear at all.

All this made Su Zibao feel that there must be something wrong with the death of Grandpa Pei! There must be clues!

The Pei family must be hiding something. Therefore, the battle between Pei Yi and the Pei family is very important. He must win this battle.

Moreover, this time the conflict has also escalated, involving the two behemoths of meco and the Cass consortium. Or, for the two super consortiums, they are just using Yucheng Real Estate and Century Consortium as pawns to manipulate this real estate battle.

It must be a great matchup.

Only by destroying the Pei family can we know why grandpa left in such a hurry, and we can know if there was any buried truth. Only in this way can it be considered that Pei Yi really took revenge for his mother and the Luo family.

"I\'an, do you think there is such a possibility? The reason why Mu Yunlan worked so seriously in the project that Pei Yi assigned her to be responsible for was to gain Pei Yi\'s trust and at the same time show her excellent business acumen in business. Therefore, now the Century Consortium and Royal City Real Estate are fighting over the right to plan the new city, such an important business plan, she can participate in a reasonable and reasonable way without being suspected." Su Zibao said.

Gu Yian nodded slightly, "Miss is very reasonable."

"But you said just now that Pei Yi did not let her intervene in any other projects except for the e-commerce project that she was solely responsible for?" A strange look flashed in Su Zibao\'s eyes.

Pei Yi did this... It seems, there is a little, that kind of meaning...

"Yes. Mr. Pei is the general manager of meco in Asia, and meco has not many projects in country z, mainly real estate, jewelry, cultural industry and Internet industry. Real estate is in charge of the Xiao family of the Century Consortium, and jewelry is the language Xu and Song Yingjie are in charge, Mr. Pei Hanwen in the cultural industry is in charge, and some other small companies that have been annexed, such as Liu\'s pharmaceutical company Liu\'s, are all in charge of Yan Xu and Bernard. In addition, meco shares in companies such as Su\'s Group , but the dividends do not participate in decision-making, including the cooperation with the Liang family in the imperial capital. In recent years, meco has cooperated with some big families in this way, and there are few businesses that need to be deliberately operated as a project. Mu Yunlan is in charge of a branch of the e-commerce industry. From the point of view of distribution, Mr. Pei treats Mu Yunlan and others equally." Gu Yian said.

This seems plausible. Although meco is huge, but there are not many businesses involved in domestic business, so if I give you an e-commerce business, it will really take care of you?

But why does Su Zibao not believe in such a high-sounding reason.

Thinking of the deep light in Pei Yi\'s long and narrow eyes, and the evil and charming expression that looked like a smile when his thin lips were slightly raised, I always felt that this guy was very black.

Could he actually deliberately use Mu Yunlan to help him make money?

Only give one e-commerce, know Muyun

Lan will definitely perform well and use her connections to make her own money, while other projects will not let Mu Yunlan intervene at all. On the surface, it seems that meco doesn\'t have any projects that need Mu Yunlan\'s participation at the moment, which makes people not picky.

And now, why should Mu Yunlan be involved in such an important planning with Yucheng Real Estate over the rights to plan five new cities. If Pei Yi is really wary of Mu Yunlan, this plan, which is about whether he can bring down the Pei family, will never let anyone who doesn\'t trust participate.

Su Zibao didn\'t believe that Pei Yi dared to take this bet even for the purpose of testing. Because this time, he can\'t afford to lose.

Once lost, Yucheng Real Estate will completely overwhelm the Century Consortium. Yucheng Real Estate was originally the leader in real estate, especially in South China, which was the home of the Pei family, where connections were concentrated. Compared with Yucheng Real Estate, the Century Consortium has lost its geographical advantage.

Coupled with the help of the Cass consortium behind it, it will definitely beat the underdogs and bring them down. If you lose one step, it will be difficult to turn around.

So if Pei Yi really didn\'t believe Mu Yunlan, how could she let her participate in this plan. Maybe Mu Yunlan has only been in charge of one project for four years, is it really just because meco doesn\'t have so many businesses that need to be operated?

Is Pei Yi wary of Mu Yunlan?

Su Zibao would be really dumbfounded. For a while, he seemed to have it, but for a while he felt that Pei Yi trusted Mu Yunlan very much.

Strange, Pei Yi has always acted like he believed in Mu Yunlan, why did he feel that Pei Yi had actually been wary of Mu Yunlan? Is this magical intuition because I hope Pei Yi doesn\'t trust Mu Yunlan\'s little woman so jealously?

Su Zibao sighed helplessly, she really didn\'t know what Pei Yi was thinking, and now she just told Pei Yi without any real evidence, and she didn\'t know where to start.

"Looks like I\'m going to join this plan too." Su Zibao said to himself, making up his mind.

If Mu Yunlan really wanted to make trouble, Su Zibao would just take this opportunity to tear her true face apart. If she doesn\'t do anything this time, she can help Pei Yi to bring down the Pei family and do her best.

Gu Yian smiled and said, "Mrs. Pei really did her best for Mr. Pei."

"It\'s not for him, I just want to see if Mu Yunlan will do something. I said, I must reveal her true face!" Su Zibao turned his head on purpose, Leng Bangbang said, "Yian Don\'t you know that a broken-hearted ex-girlfriend is definitely the most hated creature in the world!"

It\'s obvious that your concern and concern for Pei Yi are overflowing, so it\'s not like pretending to be so duplicitous at all, okay?

But Gu Yian just smiled softly, "What the eldest miss said. Calculate the time, Mr. Pei is coming soon."

Today just happened to be the weekend, Aochen and Forsythia were out of school, so Su Zibao flew from Haicheng to the Imperial Capital to spend a pleasant weekend with the two little guys. Then Pei Yi insisted on coming, Su Zibao was actually a little embarrassed.

A few days ago, I told the two little dumplings that I would never be with Pei Yi. The two little dumplings also firmly stated that they absolutely support their mother, and they don\'t want to be cheap.

But... it\'s only been a few days, and I\'ve changed my mind.

Su Zibao really doesn\'t know how to tell the two little ones, come on, let me introduce you to each other, this is your daddy?