Given A Second Chance: Time for Revenge!

Chapter 433: Mu Yunlan earns money for Pei Yi

Imperial Capital, Sea View Villa Area on Cuiping Road.

Su Zibao looked at the information sorted out by Gu Yian, and the dark blue eyebrows frowned slightly. The information Ye Hanjun collected about Mu Yunlan was very detailed and there was a lot. She had lived for more than 20 years, so many aspects of the information, just screening it would be a headache.

In the past, Ye Hanjun investigated Mu Yunlan because Ye Chenxuan was worried that she had an extramarital affair, but Su Zibao and the others wanted to investigate a different focus from Ye Chenxuan, and it was not so easy to find out the clues.

It has been a week since the last time I got the information, and there is not much useful information that Gu Yian can filter out, but one of them caught Su Zibao\'s attention.

That is, someone as meticulous as Gu Yian was able to discover such clues.

Mu Yunlan has a strange habit. She likes custom-made clothes or jewelry, and even the café or library she frequents has a magical rule. That is, for example, recently, she likes the coffee of this house, and she will go there frequently for several months. And after a few months, I won\'t go there at all.

Any place you like, anything you like, seems to have a timeliness. And if you look at it together, it seems unrelated but it makes people suspicious, she seems to be using this method to connect with others.

And the trouble is, if she is really sure that she is using this method to contact people, it is impossible for Su Zibao to find the person the other party is contacting.

Because it is obvious that after the time limit has passed, she will not go, that is to say, the people who would have gone to the coffee shop, clothing store, and jewelry store are no longer there.

Such a rule only existed in the three years she was in the imperial capital.

After she appeared in Haicheng, she no longer had such a habit.

Mu Yunlan\'s behavior didn\'t attract Ye Chenxuan\'s attention at all. From outsiders, it seemed to outsiders that a woman likes to go wherever she likes, with that freshness. There\'s nothing wrong with not liking it when the freshness is over.

"It is precisely because Mu Yunlan knows that Ye Chenxuan is monitoring him, and that there is an inner responder like Mu Huashang by his side, that he will use this method to contact some people who cannot be discovered. Who could this person be? Mu Zi Fan? It is possible, with Ye Chenxuan\'s perverted possessiveness, if Mu Yunlan dares to meet Mu Zifan, the end will be bleak. However, if the other party can really be so pervasive in arranging a meeting with Mu Yunlan, or passing on information, it\'s just mere A Mu Zifan can\'t do that." Su Zibao pondered.

When the Li family changed hands, Su Zibao had suspected that it was not so simple behind Mu Zifan and Mu Yunlan.

The information from the current investigation is more supportive of this.

"I agree with Eldest Miss\'s point of view. From the information given by Mr. Ye Hanjun, we can see that Mu Yunlan is very perfect, and there is no flaw in it. However, combined with Mu Yunlan\'s real living conditions, in the way of getting along with Ye Chenxuan. In the middle of the school, unless she has a tendency to be abused, it is impossible for her to maintain such a perfect state. Everyone has a dark side, but some people hide it deeply." Gu Yian smiled slightly, and when he said the last sentence, his eyes slightly cold.

Su Zibao nodded, "Yeah. Although it still can\'t prove that Mu Yunlan is really connected with some people, I believe that there must be something complicated behind her."

It\'s not that Su Zibao and Gu Yian are smarter than Brother Ye Chenxuan, they can see that something is wrong with Mu Yunlan, but the other party doesn\'t.

It\'s just that the focus of the two sides is different. What Ye Chenxuan needs to be sure of is that Mu Yunlan has not had **** with Yi, and Ye Hanjun is even more uneasy.

Caring about Mu Yunlan, after receiving these messages, he sent them directly to Ye Chenxuan without even reading them.

In order to find out what was wrong with Mu Yunlan, Gu Yian and Su Zibao picked up the details one by one.

"Yian, Ye Chenxuan said last time that Mu Yunlan was in charge of a project recently. Do you know what project it was? If it is as I guessed, if there is someone behind Mu Yunlan, she can\'t give any project to her, and there are leaks. Possibly." Su Zibao\'s face instantly became serious.

Gu Yian couldn\'t help laughing and said, "Miss eldest has just reconciled with Mr. Pei, so she is worried about his property for Mr. Pei? Miss eldest is really a good wife and mother who must be at home."

Su Zibao blushed pretty, and cleared his throat with a stern face, "Speaking of business."

"In response to Miss, Mu Yunlan did participate in some meco business and was also in charge of a project. But not only did Mu Yunlan not leak the secret, but he did a very good job. The project is in her hands. After estimation, at least it will be given to Pei The gentleman made three billion dollars." Gu Yian said with a smile, "This project is the promotion of e-commerce, if the eldest miss needs, I can immediately adjust the detailed information."

Did it very well, made at least three billion dollars?

"Even if Mu Yunlan is dedicated to work, he can\'t earn three billion dollars casually, right? Ian, do you know what three billion dollars is? It\'s equivalent to a quarter of our Su Group\'s total assets. One!" Su Zibao was stunned and dumbfounded.

Three billion dollars, and even the US dollars, I bought all the small giants in Haicheng Yishui\'er casually.

"But it is true. This is the money that Mu Yunlan earned for Mr. Pei within four years. The real money and silver are in Mr. Pei\'s account. The eldest lady can ask Mr. Pei. I estimate that the real funds may be more than It is estimated by the outside world that three billion dollars is higher." Gu Yian said, paused and continued, "Mu Yunlan used almost all of her contacts in order to make this money. She was originally famous in the imperial capital. She married Ye Chenxuan and met a lot of people from the business and political circles, so she must not have easily earned the three billion dollars."

Strange, if Mu Yunlan really had someone behind her, why would she still do her best for Pei Yi. Su Zibao couldn\'t believe it, she really loved Pei Yi so badly that she had to pay back so much money.

Wait... Or these three billion dollars are just to buy Pei Yi\'s trust.

Three billion dollars is already an astronomical number for ordinary people, but for the behemoth meco, it is just a value in the stock market.

"Then what about this project?" Su Zibao had a hint of enlightenment in his heart.

This is a very simple and obvious truth. If you want to gain the trust of the other party, then you need to give something first. It\'s just that the other party paid 3 billion US dollars, which is too large, making it difficult for people to doubt her.

"In four years, apart from this project, Mr. Pei did not let Miss Mu intervene in other business. And this e-commerce, Mu Yunlan is solely responsible for it." Gu Yian said, "However, the eldest lady should have heard about the recent South China has come up with the planning rights of five new cities, right? This is the war between Yucheng Real Estate and Century Consortium, and it is also a battle between Mr. Pei and Pei\'s family. Century Consortium is backed by meco, while Cass Consortium supports Yucheng Real Estate. A business battle will directly determine the status of Yucheng Real Estate and Century Consortium in the real estate market. For this battle with Yucheng Real Estate, Mr. Pei\'s Miss Xiao Xiaodai of Century Consortium, Mr. Yan Xuyan of Shengshi Jewelry, Supreme Linglong Mr. Song Yingjie and Mr. Bernard are all involved in this plan, and Mu Yunlan is also on the list."