Given A Second Chance: Time for Revenge!

Chapter 432: Meteor shower that belongs only to her

We are all afraid of getting hurt, we are all cowardly, we all run away, we all hesitated to pursue what we wanted.

However, love is the courage you gave me, and let me dare to walk with you.

Dare to love, dare to believe in happiness, dare to be hurt, and have the confidence to drive away all ghosts and ghosts.

Su Zibao took a deep breath and looked at Pei Yi. At this moment, the deep affection in her eyes did not need to be hidden, it poured down like the most beautiful light in the world.

Pei Yi also looked at Su Zibao and watched her walk in front of him step by step, as if seeing a small shining sun. Gradually, that dark world, light and warmth, reappeared.

The cold and dark world behind him regained light and temperature.

Su Zibao didn\'t say anything, just hugged Pei Yi heavily and buried his head in his chest. A very familiar feeling, a very strong support, his taste and breath.

Pei Yi, I\'m back.

Seeing this scene, Lan Ruo finally breathed a sigh of relief. These two people, one is sullen and the other is proud. One is arrogant, the other is stubborn. One is beaten to death without saying anything, and the other is still beaten to death without speaking.

If there is a gap between such two people, it would be difficult to get back together. Fortunately, the opportunity of the Chen family incident made Su Zibao understand again how much Pei Yi likes her.

How much love.

So in fact, the dead Chen family made this pair instead?

And as long as they are reconciled, I believe it will be difficult to separate afterward. Because Su Zibao is really the smartest and bravest girl she has ever seen.

Mu Yunlan\'s face was sinking like water. reconciled? Lan Ruo, who thought she hated Su Zibao, turned out to be an assist for the two of them to reconcile. Really ignored the role of this woman, thought she really hated Su Zibao, but it turned out not to be.

Feng Danhui\'s face was swollen like a fat man. It\'s just a slap in the face. Said that there were no invitations, but the invitations appeared immediately.

It was said that people flattered the Lan family and asked Lan Ruo to take action, but in fact, before Su Zibao could speak, the Lan family had already helped solve it, and they specially invited her over to announce the matter.

Said that Pei Yi would not help Su Zibao... As a result, the elder sister came to take credit for her younger brother.

Even comparing Mu Yunlan and Su Zibao, tsk tsk, are they comparable?

At this moment, Feng Danhui\'s face was already swollen, and Mu Yunlan, who was beside her, was still smiling, but the viciousness in her heart almost overflowed. She had never hated a person so much before, and now her hatred of Su Zibao had reached the extreme.

Lan Ruo said to the man next to him, "Hey, what are you still watching? Hurry up, let\'s prepare it for you."

"Oh, I almost forgot! Sister Lan Ruo\'s shot is really a top hundred!" Yan Shu reacted, and immediately gave Lan Ruo a thumbs up, and then pulled Bernard and the two to sneak away from the grass.

"Pei Yi, you really gave me a surprise today." Su Zibao said in a muffled voice.

Pei Yi looked at Su Zibao, his handsome and charming face was as delicate as a ghost axe, with a demagogic charm.

A surprise for Su Zibao today is that he was well prepared. But he didn\'t expect that Sister Ruo\'s remarks also gave him a surprise. In fact, what happened to the Chen family today is just an opportunity. The previous bits and pieces converged, and it came naturally.

If there is no before, just the Chen family alone will never be enough.

"A Bao, I know you don\'t intend for me to intervene. Even without me, I can find the Lan family to cooperate under normal circumstances. But I just want to do it.

order something. " Pei Yi looked at Su Zibao, but didn\'t say anything after that.

In this way, I can truly feel the meaning of my existence and the value of my life.

In addition to revenge, the meaning of living in this world. On his birthday four years ago, a woman once said to him that she thanked his aunt for letting him appear in this world.

So happy, so grateful. It was the first time that Pei Yi knew how important she was to her.

He just wants to protect her, pamper her, like her, live together forever and grow old together.

Su Zibao pursed her lips, yes, if Pei Yi didn\'t intervene, she would probably be able to solve the crisis. But not as fast as it is now, nor as easy as it is now.

He simplifies what she does complicated.

"You don\'t need to pay attention to what Sister Ruo said just now. I did this just because I wanted to, and didn\'t intend to repay you for it." When Pei Yi said this, he turned his head awkwardly.

Everything he did was never to please Su Zibao. Just because he loves her, those who want to hurt her, he will solve it first. That\'s all, he didn\'t intend Su Zibao to thank him for this, so he didn\'t need to say it, and he didn\'t bother to say it.

Su Zibao raised his chin slightly, and once again understood where Aochen\'s personality came from. This arrogant appearance is exactly the same.

"Well, then what?" There was a hint of teasing in Su Zibao\'s voice.

"Then..." Pei Yi thought for a while with a stiff face, then suddenly lowered his head to look at Su Zibao, his long and narrow eyes suddenly became very serious, "Do you believe in miracles?"

Su Zibao was stunned for a moment, ah?

"If there is a miracle in the sky now, Bao, are you willing to create a miracle of love with me?" Pei Yi pointed his finger at the sky, his thin lips evoked a lazy and evil smile, and his magnetic voice bewitched people\'s hearts , "A miracle of one person in one lifetime, a miracle of living together forever, a miracle of a tombstone whose name will be engraved on a tombstone a hundred years later, a miracle of both of us."

The next moment, without warning, the stars in the sky suddenly slipped one by one, and a meteor shower landed in shock.

The stars are falling all over the sky, and the beauty is like a dream.

Su Zibao looked up at the starry sky. The falling stars seemed to fall into the bottom of her eyes, making her eyes glow with a crystal sheen.

The meteor shower attracted everyone\'s attention, and everyone at the party looked up at this sudden meteor shower, the shocking beauty that cannot be described in words.


"Meteor shower! How come there is a meteor shower all of a sudden? I haven\'t heard any recent reports of a meteor shower." Pei Shishi said curiously.

Song Yingjie smiled slightly, "Because this is a meteor shower exclusively for them."

Pei Yi is not God, how could he say that a meteor shower will bring miracles to the sky. This meteor shower, which only appears in the sky above, is a man-made meteor shower that costs a lot of money.

Spending money like dirt, for Pei Yi, but Bo\'s little wife smiled.

Indulge the knowledgeable and knowledgeable Su Zibao, and it is the first time to see the meteor shower that came for her alone. It turns out that romance can be so intoxicating.

If there is a miracle in the sky now, are you willing to create a miracle of love for the two of us with me?

"I do." Su Zibao looked at Pei Yi. At this moment, her eyes were as bright as the most beautiful gems in the world.

Pei Yi, at this moment, I believe in miracles.