Given A Second Chance: Time for Revenge!

Chapter 431: What kind of experience is it to be in love with

Su Zibao bit a warm current flowing slowly through his heart. In the past, Pei Yi would help with everything, although Su Zibao didn\'t necessarily need help.

But this kind of other party doesn\'t care whether you need help or not, and he takes your affairs to heart and does what he does for you. It\'s really a very warm feeling.

Therefore, Pei Yi ignored the affairs of the Chen family in Cangxi, and Su Zibao fully understood, but it was impossible to say that he was not disappointed at all.

He used to be so kind to her, and for Yuyanluo\'s sake, he would not be defeated by the Cass consortium directly. But now, she is ignoring what happened to her. How come there will be some gaps in my heart, some ... loss.

It\'s not that he really wants Pei Yi to do anything for Su Zibao, it\'s not that he really wants him to solve the trouble for her, it\'s just the feeling of taking action for her, which makes people feel that she is protected by him. A sense of being protected is not a concept at all, compared to solving everything by yourself.

Su Zibao has always been a self-reliant person, but doesn\'t a strong woman need protection? Don\'t strong women need to feel cared for and loved? She is too strong, only stronger people can protect her.

Su Zibao is stronger, and Pei Yi is stronger.

Now Su Zibao knew that Pei Yi was still the same Pei Yi, the one who protected her and guarded her, the man who silently looked like a wall in front of her.

It seems that the days when husband and wife worked together to deal with all crises at first have returned. He was always there, never far away.

"By the way, Su Zibao, do you still remember Liang Bulian and Liang Qianqian from the Liang family in the imperial capital? The Chen family directly suppressed the Su family for such a trivial matter, intending to force the Su family to go bankrupt. But why are they more powerful and influential than the Chen family? The Liang family has not done anything until now. No action was taken against the Su family, and no warning was given. For a super family like the Liang family, as long as they express their disgust for the Su family in public, there will be a lot of people who want to please. Their people are the forwards to trouble the Su family." Lan Ruo looked at Su Zibao and said casually, "The Liang family is calm, and no one is taking action from below. Hasn\'t Miss Su ever suspected it?"

In fact, Su Zibao had been waiting for the Liang family to act. She knows who she has offended. No matter what the Liang family does, she will follow. But the fact is, the Liang family really didn\'t do it.

"You should know that the Liang family has close cooperation with meco. Pei Yi is the head of meco in Asia. He can decide whether meco cooperates with the Liang family or with the Liang family\'s hostile family. And the Liang family also Some smart people are no better than the old man in the Chen family who is a idiot who spoils his grandson and can\'t tell the difference. A smart person like Miss Su should be able to figure out some joints. "

Lan Ruo said it very clearly, and Su Zibao understood it immediately. Pei Yi, it was Pei Yi who leveled the Liang family.

Although Su Zibao is not worried even if the Liang family makes a move, but in order to solve her troubles, the other party will take precautions before the danger arises, and the Liang family will be dealt with first. He silently blocked a super family for her, but he didn\'t reveal a word in front of her.

"I heard that your father came back from abroad last month, and his attending doctor was found by Pei Yi. You know all this, and there is nothing to say. I just want to say that you didn\'t show up for the four years. I believe that the world pays the most attention to your parents. In addition to your sister Su Jiaxin, it is Pei Yi who is in a foreign country. This is why your whole family recognizes Pei Yi. You are the daughter of your parents, but your parents recognize Pei Yi so much. And that one Mr. Lin, who loves Pei Yi the most, I am also very grateful to him. To have such an elder who cares and takes care of Pei Yi is really good to Pei Yi.

But the feelings are mutual. If it wasn\'t for Pei Yi being nice to the old man and your family, they wouldn\'t treat Pei Yi that way. Although I don\'t like you, I think the Su family is good and Mr. Lin is good. "

Lan Ruo paused, looked at Su Zibao, and shook his head with a smile, "After saying so much, I just want to tell you that Pei Yi is an arrogant and sullen man. He will never say what he does. But if you feel it carefully, How he treats your relatives, how he treats those who want to bully you, how he silently guards you in this turbulent upper-class circle, whether he loves you or not, who he loves deeply, at a glance. My age When I get older, I hate that a pair of people who love each other wastes each other\'s time because of various misunderstandings. Four years seems to be a short time, but life is only a lifetime, and one day is lost every day. If you miss it, you will go far. Deadlock If you stand still, you will be wasted.”

Pei Yi, who was named by someone as arrogant and sullen, frowned sadly. How did Sister Ruo come here? When she said that she would invite Su Zibao, she only said to see this sister-in-law before leaving.

The Chen family fell, and Lan Ruo had to rush back to Cangxi District to complete the follow-up. The big piece of cake left by the Chen family\'s downfall is the big one.

But I didn\'t expect that Lan Ruo would say everything just like Su Zibao pouring beans in a bamboo tube, from the Chen family to the Liang family, that\'s all, and then to Su Zibao\'s family...

He was really not used to taking credit, and he had to tell Su Zibao what he did, so he felt awkward.

Therefore, Comrade Pei Yi is really a boring man.

And just when Pei Yi was very entangled, Su Zibao, who listened to Lan Ruo\'s words, suddenly laughed, "Miss Lan is right, Pei Yi is a sullen, arrogant sullen."

What is the experience of being in love with Meng Sao, that is, the other party clearly loves you, and he will die for you, protect you and take care of you, because your relationship is good for your family, but he doesn\'t say anything, just one day. Vice you are mine, you don\'t want to run away, you don\'t want to get rid of me, you hate me and I won\'t let go.

It was obvious that she was hurting him with many things and many words, but she never cried out in pain, she always just laughed, as if she would never be hurt.

It\'s like a heart beaten by iron, she will obviously feel heartache and lose control of her emotions, but in front of her, she is just a domineering president Fan Er who can\'t escape from my palm.

"Sister Ruo, stop talking." Pei Yi interrupted with a stiff face, but in fact... Su Zibao already knew that someone was embarrassed now.

I\'m sorry! You know now that I\'m sorry. Why didn\'t you know sorry when you came to save me when you knew the time bomb was going to explode, why didn\'t you know sorry when you jumped off the bridge, how did you not know sorry when you protected me like an idiot .

Now, I don\'t care! do not care! The sky is falling, and the ex-girlfriend doesn\'t care if she wants to die!

I just thought, love you. If what my sister said is right, we will live once, and every day will be one day less.

Why bother? For every wasted day, we lose a day of our time. I am, I am, I love you. I want to be with you very much, I want you to have only one person in my heart, and I want you to spoil me and love me only belongs to me.

Mu Yunlan walks away, what am I afraid of, what am I afraid of in my rebirth? The only one who can hurt me is you bastard. But now, Pei Yi, I give you the knife, do you dare to stab me? If you dare, I won\'t recognize your sister who you beat up.