Given A Second Chance: Time for Revenge!

Chapter 430: The highest realm of invisible face

"Are you done? After talking, please let me go, I\'m blocking the way." Su Zibao said with a smile.

Mu Yunlan\'s eyes sank, but Su Zibao wasn\'t angry at all. Such self-restraint and self-control is really a difficult person to deal with.

"I\'m talking to you, don\'t you hear me. I said that even if you sneak into the banquet, Miss Lan Ruo will not help you solve the crisis of the Su family. You deserve it, whoever made you offend the Chen family, a super family like the Chen family is also within your power. Offended, I\'ve been suppressed now, who was so stubborn back then. You might as well beg me if you\'re begging Miss Lan. If I\'m soft-hearted and say something in front of my cousin, maybe the Chen family will be able to open up. "Feng Danhui said proudly.

Su Zibao\'s lips curled into a sarcastic arc, "Feng Xueli has no place to speak in the Chen family, let alone you. Let you say something, it\'s not up to me. As for offending the Chen family, oh, I offend you. At that time, I was not afraid. The Cangxi District Bureau has not reached a conclusion yet, so don’t be too happy.”

"Hahaha, is it possible that you can make a comeback. If you can make a comeback, then I\'ll eat the plate. It\'s funny." Feng Xueli sneered.

A magnetic and lazy voice came from behind, "It seems that I was fortunate enough to see the eldest lady of the Feng family in South China perform the unique skill of eating a plate. Tonight\'s banquet will definitely be more fun because of this. Thank you, Miss Feng."

When everyone looked back, it wasn\'t Pei Yi who appeared, but who else was it.

He held a silver-white gilded invitation and handed it to Su Zibao, his lips slightly raised, "I forgot to give you the invitation before."

This silver-white gilded invitation was slapped on Feng Danhui\'s face like a slap in the face. Just now she also said that Su Zibao came uninvited and had no invitation, and was brought in by Pei Yi, but now Pei Yi took out an invitation.

It was clear at a glance who was invited and who was brought in.

Su Zibao took the invitation, with a slight smile on his lips, without even looking at Feng Danhui, "Thank you."

Feng Danhui\'s face suddenly became ugly.

As soon as Pei Yi appeared with the invitation card, she thought that if Su Zibao showed the invitation card in front of her, then she would be too embarrassed. She just said that the other party didn\'t have the invitation card and slapped her in the face.

But in the end, Su Zibao accepted the invitation with grace and indifference just like she didn\'t hear her words before, but just like this, it made her face hurt even more.

It seems that she doesn\'t care about her at all, and doesn\'t care what a clown jumping on the beam says, it\'s simply the highest level of invisible face slaps.

Feng Danhui\'s face turned white and red, red and blue.

At this moment, Lan Ruo appeared. She looked intellectual and elegant in a beautiful long purple dress embellished with feathers. As soon as Mu Yunlan saw her, he walked up and said with a smile:

"Sister Lan Ruo, you haven\'t come out, I still want to go in and find you."

Lan Ruo smiled indifferently, "It\'s a little delay, so everyone has been waiting for a long time."

Her attitude towards Mu Yunlan was lukewarm, but her eyes fell on Su Zibao. Feng Danhui had just recovered from the shame and anger just now, looked at Lan Ruo and said:

"Miss Lan Ruo, today is your private party. I shouldn\'t have said more about who you invited, but I am afraid that Miss Lan Ruo will be deceived, and some people come here with some impure purpose. Who doesn\'t know Cangxi Chen now? The family is suppressing the Su Group, only the Lan family can help, but Miss Lan Ruo has already said that she will not interfere, but a gratifying person still asks Miss Lan Ruo with a shy face."



Lan Ruoliu raised her eyebrows slightly, looking at Su Zibao\'s eyes with a hint of a smile but not a smile, "Oh?"

"Although I really hope to cooperate with Miss Lan, I\'m only here by invitation, and it has nothing to do with the Cangxi Chen family." Su Zibao nodded politely and slightly, elegantly and dignifiedly.

Seeing Su Zibao\'s denial, Mu Yunlan, who was standing on the side, flashed a trace of calm smugness in his eyes. She provokes Feng Danhui with cynicism just for this moment. Of course she knew that Su Zibao was invited, although she didn\'t know why Lan Ruo invited her.

But as soon as the two met, if Su Zibao\'s eloquent words moved Lan Ruo to take action in the situation in Cangxi District, wouldn\'t Su Zibao solve the trouble. She deliberately asked Feng Danhui to mock Su Zibao, that is, to provoke Su Zibao to say such a sentence.

Now that she has said that it has nothing to do with the Cangxi Chen family, she is embarrassed to mention the Chen family again and ask Lan Ruo to help.

Although I came to the party, although I was able to meet Lan Ruo, I couldn\'t say anything and couldn\'t make any substantial progress, which was enough to make Su Zibao feel aggrieved.

Lan Ruo said lightly, "It has nothing to do with the Chen family? No, it is related to the Chen family."

"Listen, listen, even Miss Lan Ruo knows that you are here for the Chen family, and Miss Lan Ruo knows that you are here to hug your thighs, tsk tsk." Feng Danhui was triumphant.

Su Zibaodai frowned slightly, looking at Lan Ruo with a hint of doubt in her eyes, "What does Miss Lan mean?"

At this time, Yan Xu and others also gathered around.

"Everyone just happened to be here. I want to announce an announcement, which is also the theme of tonight\'s party." Lan Ruo\'s eyes swept around everyone, and finally landed on Su Zibao, with a smile on her lips, "Today is ours. The Lan family has since become a good day for the first political and business family in Cangxi District, and it is worth celebrating. I also congratulate Miss Su Zibao, from now on, the crisis of the Su Group has been lifted."

This news was thrown into the water like a blockbuster bomb, causing Mu Yunlan and Feng Danhui, who didn\'t know the inside story, to be shocked, and they didn\'t react for a while.

More than them, Su Zibao, who is the party, is even more unclear.

"Miss Lan, are you saying that the Chen family has collapsed?" Su Zibao asked in surprise.

Lan Ruo smiled lightly, "Yes. The Chen family collapsed. Just ten minutes ago, the Chen family completely collapsed. From now on, there will be no Chen family in Cangxi District."

"Congratulations, congratulations to the Lan family for becoming the first political and business family in Cangxi District!" Yan Xu was the first to react and applauded.

The others also applauded, and in an instant, the applause was thunderous.

But Su Zibao finally understood why Lan Ruo invited her, just to tell her the news.

"I used to wonder why the Lan family didn\'t get involved in Cangxi District. It turned out that they had already interfered. The reason for rejecting me before was just to numb the Chen family. Not only the Chen family, but also I was deceived by Miss Lan\'s superb acting skills. ." Su Zibao said sincerely.

Lan Ruowang smiled at her, "It doesn\'t count as acting, because I don\'t like you personally. You should know what\'s the relationship between me and Pei Yi, I\'m just such a younger brother, he wants the Chen family to fall, and our Lan family is just fighting. He wants to help him bring down the Chen family. It\'s as simple as that. Things went very smoothly, and the Bai family, who never got involved in the political and business world, also took action, but if I, Lan, can put my words here, our Lan family is the main force. If there is no Lan family Home, the Chen family will not fall. Of course, I have to thank Pei Yi for those deployments prepared, otherwise everything would not be so smooth. "