Given A Second Chance: Time for Revenge!

Chapter 426: deep love is restraint

What is his place in her heart?

Since Su Zibao appeared, Pei Yi never thought that she would not like him. It seems that there is a realization in his heart that Su Zibao likes him.

Even if she was treated coldly by Su Zibao again and again, even if she was rejected again and again, no matter how many things he did for her, she was not moved, but he didn\'t even doubt that Su Zibao would not like him long ago. .

I haven\'t liked it since I left four years ago.

Why did he trust their feelings so much? Why do you believe that, Bao still likes him? Pei Yi didn\'t know it himself, it was just an intuition.

It was not until the beginning of the Qixi Festival that Pei Yi felt that his perception was probably wrong. Why do you think Su Zibao likes him? Why do you think Su Zibao doesn\'t like others? Why do you think they can get back together?

She ignores him, but smiles at others. He even gave her a gift and waited all day in the heavy rain, but she would take the initiative to prepare gifts for others. When he was injured, he grabbed an apple and the wound burst, but now, in a word, two men eat the apple she cut and fight.

What is he in Su Zibao\'s heart? That\'s right, since she came back four years ago, she has made it clear that she doesn\'t like him, she doesn\'t want to see him, she would do everything possible to be the identity of Shen Xi\'s fiancee, and she doesn\'t want to be involved with him.

Thinking that she is still the original Su Zibao, thinking that there is no distance between them, but she is deceiving herself, how long will she be able to deceive? It seems that the reunion after four years is all because he is forcing her. She never loved him.

But even so, seeing this scene now, Pei Yi\'s first reaction was still the same as back then, pulling her hand to the side. He didn\'t like at all that Su Zibao was involved with any man.

She could only be entangled with him, and she could only be disconnected from him.

Don\'t have a relationship with others.

"Pei Yi, let go, what are you doing?" Su Zibao was caught off guard, and his hand was clasped in his palm.

Pei Yi\'s long and narrow eyes glanced coldly at Lei Lie and Ye Hanyun, Lei Lie smiled at him indifferently, he had always stood in the identity of Su Zibao\'s friend and never overstepped, while Ye Hanjun looked at each other very unhappily. He said, "Pei Yi, didn\'t you hear that A Bao wants you to let go? Don\'t let go!"

Pei Yi glanced at him coldly and ignored him, then looked at Su Zibao, "Come out, I\'ll talk to you."

"You let go, I have nothing to talk to you about." Su Zibao tried his best to pull out his hand and frowned. Seeing this scene, Ye Hanjun immediately rushed to help, but he was not Pei Yi\'s opponent. The other party was holding Su Zibao with one hand, and Ye Hanjun, who was able to block with the other hand, couldn\'t get close to him at all.

Seeing that the trouble continues like this, maybe it will develop into a fight between Pei Yi and Ye Hanyun, and it is obvious that there is a huge disparity in strength. Su Zibao had to say, "Ye Hanjun, you go back first and leave me alone. Pei Yi, you are not going to talk to me. Talk? Come, let\'s go out and talk."

"But Abao..." Before Ye Hanjun could finish speaking, Pei Yi had already pulled Su Zibao and walked out of the ward.

Seeing this, Ye Hanjun planned to catch up, and Lei Lie, who was lying on the hospital bed, said, "Hey, Ye Ershao, A Bao and Pei Yi have something to do. They need some time to talk alone, so don\'t bother. You are not Do you like to sit in front of me and eat apples? Come on, keep eating, and I\'ll cut it for you when you\'re done!"

"Don\'t you like Su Zibao?" Ye Hanjun turned around and looked at Lei Lie in surprise, "She was just pulled out by Pei Yi, aren\'t you worried? You\'re afraid I\'ll disturb them."

Lei Lie picked up the apple next to him and took a bite. It was cut by Su Zibao just now. It was sweet and crisp, with a pleasant taste. It seemed to be sweeter than ordinary apples.

Of course he likes Su Zibao. Long, long ago, before Ye Hanjun knew Su Zibao, he liked her.

But even though it was so early, it was still too late. If you fall in love with a married woman, the best thing to do to her is to keep your duty as a friend and never go overboard, not to affect her relationship with her husband because of yourself, to care for her as a friend and take care of her, Sometimes she even got into trouble with her man and acted as the persuader.

Just like when she was so angry that she wanted to leave, it was Lei Lie who sent Su Zibao\'s ticket information to Pei Yi.

Another example is now that when Ye Hanjun was going to chase out, he still wanted to stop Ye Hanjun so that no one would disturb her for her.

Because she is married, because she has someone she likes, and because she loves her, she can\'t destroy her family, let alone affect her happiness.

The man Lei Lie, who seems to be sunny and stubborn and carefree, will take a deeper consideration when dealing with Su Zibao\'s feelings.

Superficial liking is presumptuous, deep liking is restraint.

"It\'s a matter of the two of them, and no outsiders need to intervene. No matter what the outcome is, it\'s Po\'s own choice and answer." Lei Lie didn\'t answer his question about whether he liked Su Zibao or not, and avoided talking about it.

Ye Hanjun giggled, and his evil peach eyes showed a hint of ridicule, "So you are so timid, you dare not admit that you like her even a word."

"If you can keep a low profile and don\'t say that you like her, I think Po will have a lot less trouble." Lei Lie said lukewarmly, and choked back.

Ye Hanjun stretched his waist and smiled evilly and arrogantly, "A Bao is so likable, I just like it, and there is no way to hide what I like. If Pei Yi really thinks that my existence affects them, it means their feelings It\'s not reliable at all. It\'s really indestructible, how can others be shaken? And I\'m different from you, do you think it\'s good for Pei Yi and Su Zibao to be together? I don\'t think so, I just think it\'s good for her to be with me. "

Everyone likes it differently, and it doesn\'t mean who loves more and who loves less. Lei Lie belongs to seeing Su Zibao happy, he will take good care of her, and at the same time live his life well. And Ye Hanjun obviously belongs to him. If he can\'t get her, he can\'t live his life well.

Just like the past four years, Ye Hanyun had a bad, very bad life.

Lei Lie didn\'t speak any more, just continued to take a mouthful of the apple silently, and said in his heart, "A Bao, Ye Hanjun, I\'ll hold you back. What do you and Pei Yi have to say, please make it clear."

Although you have come here every day these days, it makes people feel that their heart is not here.

It is normal to have some headaches because of the affairs of the Chen family in Cangxi District, but from what I know about you, apart from that one, nothing can affect your mood so continuously.

Su Zibao was pulled by Pei Yi to the green belt outside the hospital corridor. The sun was shining and the camphor tree exuded a faint fragrance. Su Zibao finally let go of Pei Yi\'s hand and looked up at him:

"What are you going to say to me?"