Given A Second Chance: Time for Revenge!

Chapter 425: The conflict between Ye Hanjun and Leilie

"Come, eat an apple." Su Zibao handed a sliced ​​apple to Lei Lie, who was lying on the hospital bed.

Lei Lie now enjoys the highest level of treatment. He picked up the apple that Su Zibao had cut, took a bite and said, "Crisp and sweet, delicious."

"How did you investigate what happened last time? Who the **** hit you like this? Was it an ordinary gang fight, or Chen Ding behind the scenes?" Su Zibao asked.

Lei Lie\'s eyes turned cold, but a smile appeared on his face, "A Bao, you don\'t have to worry about this matter, and you don\'t have to interfere. After I get out of here, I will definitely make those who do it pay the price! "

Hearing his tone, Su Zibao felt that Chen Ding had ordered this matter. If it was just an ordinary little gang, if there was anything Lei Lie couldn\'t tell Su Zibao, he could solve it himself. But because the super family was involved, he was afraid that after telling Su Zibao, Su Zibao would have to find a way to help him, so he simply didn\'t say it.

"Actually, I have already met the Chen family. The Su Group\'s property was completely suppressed by the Chen family in Cangxi District. I originally thought that if I could bring down the Chen family, then it would be much easier for you to clean up the Chen Ding." Su Zibao With a low smile, he continued to peel the apple.

Lei Lie said in surprise, "When did it happen? What happened?"

After he was hospitalized, he didn\'t know much about the outside news. Su Zibao and the others let him rest and didn\'t tell him.

"Well, it\'s just the last few days. You, just take good care of your injuries." Su Zibao said, "I will find a way to solve the matter of the Su Group. It\'s just a matter of time. It\'s impossible for the Chen family to cover the sky in Cangxi District. If there is anything you need me to do, just say it, you\'re welcome."

While the two were talking in a low voice, Ye Hanjun came over.

Lei Lie was injured and was hospitalized. Su Zibao came to visit every day. Although Ye Hanjun didn\'t know Lei Lie, he also came every day because of Su Zibao. This second young master has a magical skill of being jealous at any time, just like at this moment, seeing Lei Lie eating an apple cut by Su Zibao, he is not happy again.

"A Bao, I want to eat too." Ye Hanjun said.

Su Zibao simply handed him the apple he had just cut in his hand, "Take it."

Ye Hanjun immediately took it and was very happy to get the apple. He sat next to Lei Lie and bit the apple crisply. This kind of show-off eating apples was a bit like a vindictive child.

"Mr. Ye, please be quiet, I want to rest." Lei Lie counterattacked calmly.

Ye Hanjun tutted, "Is it an eyesore when A Bao cuts the apple for me?"

"Hey, Ye Hanjun, don\'t talk. Lei Lie wants to rest, you go out." Su Zibao immediately ordered the guests to be expelled. She and Leilie are good friends, and when the two conflict, she must be on Leilie\'s side.

But this sentence stabbed the hornet\'s nest, Su Zibao defended another man in front of him, which made Ye Hanjun very, very unhappy.

All of them are smart and honorable people, but when it comes to love, they all become mortals, and a little thing is enough to be jealous and go to war.

"A Bao, you actually drove me away. If you want to be alone with Lei Lie, I won\'t leave." Ye Hanjun said angrily.

This guy…

Su Zibao has three black lines on his forehead. Lei Lie is a patient, and the people who come here to visit are Ye Hanyun, either relatives or friends of the Fire Gang, no matter who they are, even some familiar people from a small family, but at least they are all visiting patients in front of Lei Lie. gesture. It\'s not the first time this is Ye Hanjun, the second young master.

, every time he comes over, he acts like the enemy.

Can Su Zibao leave a person with a bad attitude towards Lei Lie in Lei Lie\'s ward, of course not.

And the reason for this was that when Su Zibao visited Leilie on the first day, he chatted with Bo Yina Lelie at night, but he didn\'t go back and stayed with him all night.

Ye Hanjun knew that Su Zibao had spent the night in Lei Lie\'s ward the next morning. Although there is obviously a Bo Yina, and it\'s not a single man and a widow living together in the same room, but our second young master Ye\'s jar of old vinegar has been overturned. And when he came over in the morning, he saw Su Zibao dozing off and falling asleep beside Lei Lie\'s bed. Lei Lie put a blanket on her. The scene was warm and harmonious. He lit the explosive bag of Ye Er Shao at once, and there was a lot of trouble that day. one.

After that, every time Su Zibao came over, he would follow him, and Lei Lie didn\'t like each other\'s eyes.

Ye Hanjun\'s status is noble, but Lei Lie is a lawless character, so he won\'t give you face just because you are the second young master of the Ye family.

This is Lei Lie\'s ward. Lei Lie is still a patient. Compared with the two, Lei Lie is Su Zibao\'s sincere friend, so every time there is a conflict, Su Zibao defends Lei Lie, but the more she defends, the old altar of Ye Er Shao The sauerkraut is a little more sour.

"Don\'t make trouble. Ye Hanyun, you go back first. You are not here to visit Lei Lie. If you really have something to ask me, change the time and place, and don\'t come to the ward to make trouble." Su Zibao pulled Ye Hanyun who was sitting on the hospital bed, Just push him out the door.

Ye Hanjun smiled, "Then, Bao, did you promise to spend the afternoon alone with me?"

"Fuck off." Su Zibao said angrily.

Just as the two pushed and walked away, Ye Hanjun walked backwards, accidentally swayed his foot, staggered, and fell back to the ground. Su Zibao grabbed Ye Hanjun\'s hand, but he couldn\'t hold such a big man at all, and they both fell directly to the ground.

At the moment of landing, Ye Hanjun hugged Su Zibao with both hands and made a human flesh pad, so that Su Zibao would not roll to the ground beside him.

"Abao, how are you? Did the fall hurt?" Ye Hanjun asked worriedly.

Su Zibao raised his head, "It\'s okay, how are you?"

But just by looking up, Su Zibao suddenly realized that there was an extra pair of shoes at the door, oh no, it was an extra person.

A slender body, a black windbreaker, a angular outline, a handsome and evil temperament, and long and narrow eyes that are deep and charming. Not Pei Yi, who is he?

Looking at each other, Su Zibao was stunned. After a while, he realized that he still fell into Ye Hanjun\'s arms.

He quickly got up from his arms, and the moment he saw Pei Yi, he felt a little cramped for some reason. In fact, she didn\'t do anything, but because she fell into someone else\'s arms, it was as if she had done something.

Pei Yi came almost at the same time as Ye Hanyun. He saw with his own eyes that two big men were jealous for an apple, and she was really charming. This sentence is a bit sour.

Between pushing and shoving, Su Zibao and Ye Hanyun rolled together again.

It seems that without him Pei Yi, there will be no shortage of men by her side. It seems that she is good and never treats him alone.

The last time he was injured on the Ferris wheel because of her, Pei Yi tried his best to get Su Zibao to come to see him, so pitifully bleed all over to eat an apple she cut.

These are very difficult things for him, but for others, Lei Lie and Ye Hanyun, they turned out to be just such a simple sentence.