Given A Second Chance: Time for Revenge!

Chapter 427: Mr. Pei can divorce

Su Zibao\'s questioning was cold and refusing to be thousands of miles away.

"Su Zibao, do you like me?" Pei Yi stared at Su Zibao, his long and narrow eyes with a sharp edge.

Su Zibao thought that he would question his relationship with Ye Hanyun, and that he would reason with her because of the people around her, but in the end, he only asked, do you like me?

But this sentence can indeed answer all other questions.

If Su Zibao still likes him, the so-called status of Shen Xi\'s fiancée is false, the concern for Lei Lie is just a friend\'s righteousness, and Ye Hanjun\'s pursuit is useless at all, the most important thing is Su Zibao\'s attitude.

If she likes him, why not three thousand in love.

But with just such a sentence, Su Zibao was unable to answer. She likes him in her heart, but now she doesn\'t know how to face him. She hasn\'t planned to reconcile with him yet, but as long as she answers this sentence, it means that the two are reconciled.

All this was too sudden for Su Zibao now.

It seems that there are still many things undecided between them, and many threads have not been sorted out, but the other party already wants a result.

Su Zibao looked at Pei Yi silently. At this moment, she suddenly realized that she was actually a little cowardly. If you are really brave, you can answer this sentence without hesitation, and then face all the storms in the future with him.

However, the lessons learned always make people discouraged. How much courage it takes to like someone, and how brave it is to admit that you love him and be with him.

Before solving the crisis of trust, she always wanted to take a break, probably because she was running away.

After such a moment of silence, Pei Yi already understood Su Zibao\'s answer, and the pain in his eyes disappeared in a flash, as if he had never been hurt. Pei Yi was never the one who opened up his wounds for others to see. For someone as proud and arrogant as him, asking such a sentence was already the biggest limit.

"Su Zibao, who do you like now, Shen Xi, Lei Lie, Ye Hanjun, or... Gu Yian?" Pei Yi raised a sloppy and self-deprecating smile on his face, and once again used a heavy shell to disguise himself, and changed again. Became that lazy and charming Pei Sanshao who would never get hurt.

Su Zibao took a deep breath, his mind was in chaos. It\'s ridiculous, she was really destined to be planted in his hands, such a sentence made her emotionally overwhelmed, and it took a while for her to recover.

"Who do I like, what is the matter with Mr. Guan Pei?" Su Zibao asked indifferently. The summer sunshine fell on her face through the gaps of the camphor trees, her eyebrows and eyes were picturesque, which should have been the most beautiful scenery in the world, but at this time she was indifferent.

Pei Yimei raised her eyebrows lightly, "Of course it\'s none of my business. Su Zibao, don\'t forget, we\'re not divorced. Legally speaking, you\'re my wife. If you like someone else, it\'s an extramarital affair! So, it\'s not just my business. , and I can handle it."

He was strong and domineering, as if it didn\'t hurt at all.

"If Mr. Pei minds, then get a divorce. I signed the divorce agreement four years ago, and now it only takes Mr. Pei\'s signature to take effect." Su Zibao said coldly.

Pei Yi\'s eyebrows sank, and he held Su Zibao\'s chin in his hand, and his long and narrow eyes revealed a vicious aura, "Su Zibao, let me tell you, no matter who you like, no matter what you want to do with others, I will not let you. If you wish, don\'t think you can get rid of me. I won\'t get divorced, absolutely not."

His eyes were fierce and cold, but for some reason, Su Zibao wasn\'t angry at all at this moment, and he felt distressed for some reason.


; What kind of pain does he have to endure to say through gritted teeth that no matter what she does, he will never get a divorce.

They are probably torturing each other like this?

But as Li Han\'s revenge draws closer, no matter whether Su Zibao can tear up Mu Yunlan\'s true face, he will inevitably confront Mu Yunlan. At that time, if there is an unfortunate conflict and there is no trust in them, Pei Yi will stand on Mu Yunlan\'s side again.

She, Su Zibao, no longer has the courage to endure the same kind of hurt four years ago.

Before she solves Mu Yunlan, she absolutely does not want what happened back then to repeat itself. But after going through these things, she found that she couldn\'t hurt him as coldly as at first. She didn\'t want to see him hurt.

"Well, as long as you don\'t get divorced, I really can\'t remarry." Su Zibao looked at him with a slightly upward arc on his lips, "I won\'t let myself commit bigamy, I told Shen Xi two days ago, I am now Not his fiancée."

Pei Yi stared blankly at Su Zibao, the ruthlessness in his eyes instantly melted into white snow in the spring, the spring breeze turned into rain, and he embraced Su Zibao in his arms.

"A Bao."

Su Zibao didn\'t push it away this time, leaned against his embrace, narrowed his eyes slightly, and pursed his lips.

Ever since he saw Pei Yi hiding under the lotus leaf and waiting for her that night, and since he put on a bracelet for her again, Su Zibao knew in his heart that the identity of Shen Xi\'s fiancee was no longer necessary.

Even if she won\'t be with him now, she wants him to know that she won\'t be with others.

This kind of mood has actually revealed that she still likes him so much, but there are some fears and precautions.

Pei Yi naturally understood this sentence.

The camphor leaves rustled in the breeze, and the figure of the two embracing was beautiful like a painting.

"There is a party tonight, and you are invited to attend." After a while, the two walked side by side in the hospital corridor, Pei Yi said.

Su Zibaodai raised her long blue eyebrows slightly, "What kind of nature?"

"Sister Ruo hosted only a small number of people she knew." Pei Yi paused and added, "Lan Ruo, Sister Ruo."

This title made Su Zibao understand the relationship between Pei Yi and Lan Ruo for a moment, brother and sister? What is the relationship between Pei Yi and the Cangxilan family?

Now invite her to the party. Could it be that last time, there was a turning point? The Lan family plans to cooperate again?

"Okay, I\'ll go." Su Zibao smiled slightly.

It was not the usual grand dinner for ladies and gentlemen. This time the party was just a small private dinner prepared by Lan Ruo. The venue was at the open-air garden winery owned by the Haicheng Century Consortium.

On a summer night, the weather is fine, especially for such an open-air banquet, a starry sky must be chosen.

Century Consortium is a real estate giant that can be compared with Royal City Real Estate. It can be seen from the fact that slightly larger cities all over the country have such iconic high-rise buildings as Century Tower. This garden winery is also very beautiful. The front is a marble arch covered with flowers and vines. After entering, there is a large green grass.

Various warm fog lights in the grass are on, adding a touch of hazy beauty. On the grass are long marble tables with pastries and champagne. There are already a few people sitting there laughing and talking, looking around, they are all acquaintances.