Given A Second Chance: Time for Revenge!

Chapter 424: Su Zibao is not bad

After Su Zibao left, Lan Ruowang looked at Pei Yi who was on the sofa over there without saying a word, and cleared his throat, "Hey, Pei Yi, I just talked to the little wife you liked just now, made you angry?"

"Sister Lan Ruo, the boss knows that you are all for the sake of the boss, so how can you be angry with Sister Lan Ruo?" Yan Xu said with a smile, looking at Pei Yi, "Boss, it was the first time that Sister Lan Ruo and Miss Su met, and there was no grievance or enmity. , if it weren\'t for the boss, it wouldn\'t be like this, right."

But don\'t worry about today\'s events, but this pair of sisters and brothers have a rift. The Lan family is now helping the Su family deal with the Chen family. Lan Ruo also has no grudge against Su Zibao. If it wasn\'t for Pei Yi, this situation would never be the case today.

"Sister Ruo, I\'m not angry. Things in Cangxi District will come to an end in a few days. Su Zibao will naturally understand that Sister Ruo is still taking action, and she will also thank Sister Ruo and the Lan family." Pei Yi said lightly.

Lan Ruo sat down beside him and patted his shoulder, "Well, don\'t worry, I know you want to solve it as soon as possible, but you have to give us some preparation time, collect the evidence of the Chen family and take it down in one fell swoop, not giving them room to fight back. , This always needs to be arranged and arranged. At that time, your little wife will know that you are still helping secretly. I don\'t know whether she will appreciate it at that time. If you don\'t appreciate it, all your thoughts will be wasted. "

"Cough, it\'s not in vain. It\'s not in vain to bring down a Chen family. In the future, Cangxi will have the final say with Sister Lan Ruo. With Sister Lan Ruo\'s support, we won\'t be afraid here. We are full of confidence." Yan Xu smiled slightly.

Lan Ruo chuckled, "It\'s just your sweet mouth. Xiao Yanxu, I think you\'ve been hooking up with girls a lot, right? It\'s like talking with honey."

"Sister Lan Ruo, don\'t make fun of me, I\'m still an old bachelor. It looks like I\'m going to celebrate Singles Day with Bernard again this year." Yan Xu said modestly.

Lan Ruo tutted, "Pei Yi, look at how sweet people\'s words are, let me tell you, do you want to coax her with sweet words, maybe it\'s more useful than you keep your head down and protect her in secret?"

"Didn\'t Sister Lan Ruo hate Miss Su just now? Why is this helping Pei Shao again?" Xiao Xiaodai asked with a smile.

Lan Ruo lay on the sofa with a sigh, and glanced at Pei Yi with bright eyes, "I don\'t like her, but I can\'t help Pei Yi like it. I haven\'t seen each other for a year or two, and it\'s rare to come here once, and I still see Pei Yi like this. He looks dejected. Can I be happy when he looks like this? Seeing is better than seeing. I heard a lot of news about her before. At first glance today, it is not as bad as I imagined. At least I refused to cooperate in the end. She was still able to leave gracefully. It was much better than those who begged for someone to do things but didn\'t make a beard and stare. The most important thing is that Pei Yi was sitting next to him just now, and Su Zibao didn\'t ask Pei Yi to say a word about this matter. , this makes me look up to her a little bit."

"Some women rely on men\'s liking, not for profit. Su Zibao is a little proud, but she didn\'t rely on Pei Yi liking her, so she let Pei Yi speak for the Chen family. Since I\'m here, she How can you guess that my relationship with Pei Yi is not bad."

If Su Zibao is really the kind of person who takes advantage of Pei Yi just to solve his own troubles, or is deliberately ignoring him, that is, the person who makes people chase after him with his appetite, he will come to see Pei Yi only if he needs it. help. If Su Zibao is such a person, then Lan Ruo would have to persuade Pei Yi to get a divorce.

But now that they met for the first time, Su Zibao\'s first impression of her was not bad.

Of course, as long as she still treats Pei Yi like this, it\'s impossible for Lan Ruo to like her.

Pei Yi pursed her lips slightly, "A Bao is such a person, but I hope she asks me for help, so that she will feel needed."

"Pei Yi, you are too unconscionable. You laugh when you praise Su Zibao. You talked so much with your heart and lungs just now, but you treated your sister with a cold face. When you have a daughter-in-law, you forget your sister, right? I still feel sorry for you. I\'m sorry for you." Lan Ruo was annoyed, glared at Pei Yi, and said, "I think she\'s not bad. If you two are reconciled, it\'s normal for her to ask her husband to do errands. But you two are like this now, it\'s just Kong has a husband and wife status, and the relationship between friends is not as good, if she still directs you to do things, it will be wrong."

It is because of this that Lan Ruo has never really liked Mu Yunlan very much.

When they were in love before, what Pei Yi did for Mu Yunlan was fine. But then Mu Yunlan got married and Pei Yi got married. The woman came to Pei Yi and asked Pei Yi to help her get a divorce, pretending that the child was his, staying with Pei Yi after the divorce, and asking Pei Yi to help her stand firm in South China heel.

If it wasn\'t for Pei Yi being ashamed of her, Lan Ruo would not have been able to see it.

"Okay, let\'s just leave it like this for now. You won\'t be happy if your little wife is unhappy. When the Chen family\'s affairs are resolved, she will definitely understand how you feel about her. But if she still doesn\'t appreciate it at that time. , then I will not recognize this sister-in-law in the future!" Lan Ruo said.

Su Zibao went to find Lan Ruo to no avail. The Chen family completely suppressed and attacked all the properties of the Su Group in Cangxi District, and the situation was temporarily deadlocked.

In Su Zibao\'s calculations, although the Lan family kept a low profile, but there was such a chance to replace the Chen family, they would definitely not sit idly by. But now the Lan family did not act, which exceeded Su Zibao\'s expectations.

How to solve the troubles of the Su family in Cangxi District needs to be reconsidered.

"Miss, the Lan family refuses to cooperate. We can also cooperate with other families. In Cangxi District, it is not necessary to exclude the Lan family." Gu Yian said warmly.

Su Zibao nodded, "I see, but no one is as suitable as the Lan family. If the Lan family does not seize the opportunity this time, it will be difficult for the Lan family to surpass the Chen family to become the No. 1 political and business leader in Cangxi District. I have analyzed the Lan family\'s information, and some of the Lan family\'s It can be seen that it is a family with great foresight and vision, but it doesn\'t act this time and can\'t figure it out. As for cooperation with other families, let\'s take it slow, and I\'ll take a look."

In the current situation, the Su Group loses millions every day. When ordinary people encounter such troubles, they can quickly solve the problems and save the losses.

In fact, if you choose the wrong solution, it can only be a greater loss.

"Let\'s go, let\'s go see Lei Lie." Su Zibao said.

For several days, Su Zibao went to the intensive care unit to see Lei Lie every day, and at the same time thought about ways to solve the crisis in Cangxi District. Although the Su Group suffered heavy losses every day, Su Zibao did not become impatient because of this, but just spent more time analyzing and investigating.

Lei Lie woke up the next day after being sent to the hospital. Because of his serious injuries, he had to lie in bed to recuperate. In order to keep him from being bored alone, Su Zibao, Baiyina and others came to see him in turn. Even Li Han, who was running around in the imperial capital for the Li family, also came to see him a few times.