Given A Second Chance: Time for Revenge!

Chapter 421: you promised to come

"No." Pei Yi coldly refused. As the number one **** in Haicheng back then, he was the best at dealing with girls, and he also had a face that girls liked the most.

But at this moment, he was not in the mood to talk to anyone.

Su Zibao actually missed the appointment. She clearly agreed, but she didn\'t come.

"Can we get to know him? Well, hello, my name is..." The girl obviously wanted to get to know him and introduced herself.

But Pei Yi frowned and glanced at her, turned and walked to the other side of the bridge to wait, leaving only the girl\'s back.

Who made Pei Yi have such a face of harming the country and the people? This is not the first girl to strike up a conversation with him. Especially in Qingjing Lake, there are many strangers and men and women who walk together by striking up a conversation.

By this time the sun had set and it was raining. People who came to visit Qingjing Lake left one after another. Pei Yi looked at the lotus flowers in the lake and lowered his head to glance at the bracelet in his hand. He was looking forward to seeing Su Zibao\'s tenderness, but it gradually became lonely.

It seems that this bracelet, he really won\'t be able to send it out for a while.

Why Su Zibao promised him but didn\'t show up, this is a question that can\'t be thought deeply. Because it would be hurtful to conclude that the other party didn\'t take the date to heart and forgot, or that she didn\'t intend to do so when she agreed.

It might as well be that she was delayed by something, so she didn\'t show up. But what would delay her the whole day?

Pei Yi didn\'t want to think about it. His baby was just late anyway, so he waited a little longer until she showed up.

There was no shelter from the rain near Qingjing Lake, and even the Lord of Heaven was rushing Pei Yi back.

Pei Yi looked around. There were lotus leaves sticking out on both sides of the Jiuqu Shuihuan Bridge. If he squatted beside the railing of the bridge, the lotus leaves would still be able to withstand the wind and rain. Although he definitely didn\'t have an umbrella, it was better than standing here without tiles. The place is dry and strong.

So we, Sanshao Pei, hid under the lotus leaf, leaned back against the bridge railing, curled up into a ball, and the lotus leaf just blocked the sky above his head, and got a small place to shelter from the rain.

There was also a slight drizzle of rain falling on Pei Yi.

The sky was getting dark, and the rain was getting heavier and heavier. There was no one in Qingjing Lake, only the sound of the rain and Pei Yi\'s heartbeat remained silent. In fact, as long as he walks a few hundred meters out to the road, he can stop the car and go back.


He wanted to wait for Su Zibao, she said she would definitely come back, she would not miss the appointment, she was just late.

The cold wind filled the sleeves, and the summer night was extraordinarily cold.

From afternoon to evening, from sunny to heavy rain.

This is what Su Zibao saw when he came. He was already on his way back, but thinking of Pei Yi, he made the driver drive to Qingjing Lake again.

He knew clearly that with Pei Yi\'s character, he must have left long ago. When he found that he couldn\'t get through on his phone, he must have gone back angrily, thinking he was playing tricks on him.

But for some reason, the car drove in the direction of Su\'s house, but her mind drifted to Qingjing Lake. Just take a look, I really can\'t go back without a look.

Su Zibao is here.

Walking to Qingjing Lake with an umbrella, he saw Pei Yi who was squatting under the lotus leaf beside the bridge to hide from the rain under the street lamp. For some reason, Su Zibao\'s heart was beating wildly.


nbsp;He is there! It\'s been so long, and he\'s still there.

"Pei Yi." Su Zibao trotted to Pei Yi for a while, stretched out an umbrella to cover his head, "Why are you still here?"

Pei Yi looked at her, a surprise flashed in his eyes, he hugged her tightly, and said in a magnetic and hoarse voice, "You promised to come."

You promised to come.

"But I didn\'t come." Su Zibao bit his lip.

A clear smile appeared in Pei Yi\'s long and narrow eyes, "You are here."

He wasn\'t angry at all and didn\'t question why she came now, just because she was so happy when she came. For the first time, Su Zibao knew that Pei Yi actually wanted very few things, very few.

As long as you give him that little bit, he will feel happy. And the reason for this is because people like him have been hurt and betrayed since birth, so their hopes for happiness are really low.

He is clearly a cold-hearted, cold-blooded person who has always been domineering as a president in front of her. The strong one does not allow her to divorce, and the strong one wants to be with her. It seems that he can only decide everything, not others. to refute.

But at this moment, Su Zibao suddenly realized that behind those strong and fierce people, the real Pei Yi would be happy for such a little thing.

He used to disguise his identity in Pei\'s family, deliberately pretended to be a gangster, and always had a sinister and lazy smile. After tearing up the truth of his life, he became indifferent to his anger and anger, and no one knew what he was What are you thinking.

Even Su Zibao wasn\'t sure what Pei Yi wanted to do. But at this moment, she can be sure that at this moment, what Pei Yi extravagantly wants is to see her.

"Baby, I\'ve repaired the bracelet, wear it." Pei Yi took out the bracelet and looked at Su Zibao.

Su Zibao pursed his lips, this time he didn\'t stop him, the bracelet was tied to his wrist. The seven star stones shone brightly in the night, Pei Yi took Su Zibao\'s hand, and the lip line rose slightly.

The rigid relationship between the two has finally eased a little at this moment.

After the Qixi Festival, the Chen family took action against the Su Group!

Eighty percent of all Su Group\'s properties in Cangxi District were closed for various reasons. Originally, the other party had not acted, and Su Zibao thought that the Chen family would not escalate the conflict because of what happened at the Emperor\'s base. But it turns out that the Chen family is so domineering.

Originally, they made mistakes first, and in the end even Chen Tianci didn\'t apologize, but Feng Xueli bowed his head and paid the money and left without sincerity, but now they really continue the conflict and suppress the Su family.

"Miss, the Chen family didn\'t send it out before, it turned out to be waiting for the unified action now." Gu Yian said.

Su Zibao sneered, "If they don\'t do anything, I\'m really worried that they\'ll be slapped with cold knives. If Chen Ding can make a ruthless attack on Lei Lie for unwarranted things, then the revenge of the Chen family is also within my expectation. Lan How about the people at home, how is the contact?"

"Miss, it\'s very coincidental that Lan Ruo, the eldest lady of the Lan family, came to Haicheng on the day of the Chen family\'s operation, and is now in the Century Building, with Pei Yi. The manager of the Lan family is this Ms. Lan Ruo. , Miss can talk to her directly." Gu Yian said.

Su Zibao was stunned, Lan Ruo came to Haicheng, at Pei Yi\'s place, and by such a coincidence... just after the Chen family had just attacked the Su family.

Could it be involved with the Chen family?