Given A Second Chance: Time for Revenge!

Chapter 422: Pei Yi's sister, Lan Ruo

At this time, the living room on the top floor of the Century Building was very discordant and filled with the smell of gunpowder.

Lan Ruo is wearing a long blue dress, black hair and a shawl. Her well-defined facial features have a classical beauty of a lady, and she is a full-fledged royal sister.

"If it wasn\'t for my dad telling me, Pei Yi, would you still never contact me again? You didn\'t even inform me about such a big thing as you did to the Chen family. Did you forget who I am from you!" Lan Ruo Apricot eyes stared, pointing at Pei Yi and scolding.

Seeing this scene, Pei Yi sitting on the sofa rubbed his eyebrows with a headache.

Yan Xu quickly smiled and said, "Sister Lan Ruo, don\'t be angry, Pei Shao doesn\'t want to trouble you. How can you do things in Cangxi District without the help of the Lan family, who can suppress the Chen family except the Lan family, Pei Shao has long been with the Lan family. Uncle has contacted, and Uncle Lan is very clear about this matter, none of us dare to conceal Sister Lan Ruo on purpose."

"That\'s why I was even more angry. My dad also turned his elbows out, and he didn\'t tell me until the Chen family started. But hum, this matter is now under my control, Pei Yi, if you offend me, Miss Ben will Let the Chen family jump around and stop helping." Lan Ruo looked at Pei Yi and said proudly.

Pei Yi\'s brows furrowed even deeper, and he sighed deeply. Uncle Lan sent Lan Ruo over, was this intentional to **** him off?

"Don\'t dare, how could we, Young Master Pei, dare to offend Sister Lan Ruo. Sister Lan Ruo, please take a seat. You have come from afar. You are tired and thirsty. Come and drink tea." Yan Xu said with a smile. Serve a cup of prepared honey citron tea.

Lan Ruo took a sip and said with a smile, "Yes, that\'s the taste. I still remember what I like to drink, so don\'t bother with you and tell me about the Chen family sooner. Pei Yi, I heard about yours. The little wife doesn\'t recognize you now. I\'ve heard a little about what happened to you at the time. She belongs to the Su family, so she doesn\'t deserve to be your daughter-in-law, but since it\'s the marriage that Mr. Pei decided before his death, even if we all agree .But what happened to your daughter-in-law? Four years ago, you ran into someone and ran away. Now when you come back, it is said that you still have a hot face and a cold butt. I have never seen a woman with such a big heart. How can she be so angry, you One did not cheat and two did not go to prostitutes. Mu Yunlan is innocent to you, but it is true that a child died in her stomach. She has no guilt or guilt for her life, so she made you apologize in front of Mu Yunlan for four years. Come back and show your face?"

Pei Yi\'s eyebrows sank, and his face was cold. Yan Xu hurriedly gave Lan Ruo a wink, but Lan Ruo gave him a sneer and said, "Yan Xu, if you have trouble with your eyes, then I\'ll show you an ophthalmologist. The Luo family is gone, and Mr. Pei is gone. She has a lot of Su family. But our Lan family is yours, Pei Yi! She is so arrogant, her tail is about to go to the sky, she is so proud, I have never seen a woman who treats people like a wife as a wife. He Just bullying you like this, all these people around you are watching, none of them support you or stand up for you?"

"Sister Lan Ruo, this... The thing that happened back then was because Pei Shao misunderstood Miss Su, and that\'s what happened later. So what happened back then, our boss said, it\'s all his fault, it\'s all his fault, don\'t do Miss Su\'s business. ." Yan Xu quickly explained.

"Haha, is it that Mu Yunlan\'s child was miscarried by Pei Yi? That\'s why Mu Yunlan didn\'t pursue it, but the more she doesn\'t pursue it, the more I know Pei Yi, the more you feel sorry for her. Now she You have gained a firm foothold in South China. When you tried to help her divorce Ye Chenxuan, you did not offend anyone less. You should pay her back. I will not say more about her, but also your daughter-in-law. In the past four years, she has not disappeared without a trace

, there is no news at all, you are looking all over the world, just like a monk guarding an empty room and waiting for her to come back. Others do not feel distressed, but I am distressed as my sister. If she is so heartless, don\'t bother. It\'s not impossible to live through a divorce, just go and have a look at the children when you want. When Lan Ruo said this, the anger on her face was a little less, but she was more melancholy. "Since she appeared, you have not been accustomed to her, and there has not been a conflict that you are not standing behind her, even this time. Chen family, you didn\'t make plans for her too. But do people appreciate it? Just tell me, did she give you a good face? "

With these words, Lan Ruo dared to say that she was Pei Yi\'s older sister, and in terms of these people, they were all subordinates.

"Sister Ruo, I\'ll handle my housework myself. Thank you." Pei Yi looked at Lan Ruo and said only this.

The Lan family is a super aristocratic family in Cangxi district other than the Chen family. Like the Chen family, it has a lot of energy in the political and business circles, but it is weaker than the Chen family in all aspects. However, compared to several giants in Haicheng, they were much stronger. They were the only family in Cangxi District that could compete with the Chen family.

If you want to bring down the Chen family, looking for the Lan family is the best choice. And Su Zibao also thought of this step before.

The Lan family has a close relationship with Pei Yi. Pei Yi\'s consortium is concentrated abroad, and in China his identity is mainly the captain of the dark team.

At that time, Pei Yi was not the captain, just an ordinary member. He once went to Cangxi District to perform a mission to protect some high-ranking political officials who were in danger because of their involvement in something. Pei Yi was responsible for protecting the Lan Ruo family.

At that time, Pei Yi disguised as ordinary guard soldiers to protect them, which is also what the Anjue team often did, disguising various identities. Even if your true identity is revealed, other people will not know that you are a member of the Secret Squad.

The situation at that time was dangerous. Pei Yi exchanged his own life for Lan Ruo\'s family. It was nothing that he often performed such dangerous tasks. And the Lan family took him back for treatment, and they only knew that he was Pei Yi and didn\'t know anything else, and finally let Lan Ruo recognize Pei Yi as his younger brother. Because if it wasn\'t for Pei Yi, Lan Ruo would have died long ago.

The Lan family repays their gratitude and has been taking care of Pei Yi since then, and Lan Ruo even considers herself Pei Yi\'s sister.

Later, Pei Yi\'s influence developed from abroad to China, such as the acquisition of the Xiao family\'s Century Consortium, Song Yingjie of the Song family has always been his right-hand man, and the Lan family has also become Pei Yi\'s ally. Lan Ruo really loves Pei Yi as much as her younger brother, because she is the only child and has no siblings at home, so she is very protective of Pei Yi.

And this sister, sometimes interferes in some things. For example, now I start to interfere in the affairs of Pei Yi and Su Zibao. But Lan Ruo is just kind, everyone\'s position is different, Lan Ruo\'s position is Pei Yi\'s sister, she will not allow anyone to bully her brother.

She felt that Su Zibao was bullying people because Pei Yi liked her.

At this moment, the doorbell rang, and Xiao Xiaodai said, "Ms. Pei, Miss Su is here."

As he was talking about Cao Cao, Cao Cao arrived. Lan Ruo sneered, "Pei Yi, she must have come to me, but you know the situation in Cangxi District. Before we start, you can\'t let the Chen family know that we are ready to start, so I can only reject her first. , don\'t leak your mouth. If you don\'t want her to think that you can\'t help you, you can go to the inner room and stay here, and I\'ll come here."