Given A Second Chance: Time for Revenge!

Chapter 420: he's been waiting for her

"Lei Lie has been sent in for two hours. Just now, the doctor asked Grandpa Lei to sign a critical illness notice. I don\'t know how long it will take for the operation to end. What should I do? If Lei Lie has troubles, then I hurt him. ." Bai Yina fell into deep self-blame, and when she said this, such a strong girl instantly burst into tears.

Su Zibao\'s face turned pale when he heard the critical illness notice. It seems more serious than expected.

"Miss Yina, don\'t cry. What\'s going on now will not be known until Lei Lie wakes up. Don\'t blame yourself." Su Zibao comforted.

Bai Yina wiped the tears from her face and cried, "It must be because of me. No one in Haicheng dared to do anything to him. On the Qixi Festival, Chen Ding said that he wanted to kill and maim Lei Lie. It took two days for Lei Lie to have an accident. How dare those little gangsters dare to oppose Lei Lie, if it wasn\'t for Chen Ding\'s instructions, who would dare to do such a ruthless attack on him! Grandpa, it was me who killed Lei Lie, I\'m sorry, I\'m sorry..."

"Miss Yina, don\'t blame yourself, this is what Lei Lie should bear. No matter whether his accident today has anything to do with Miss Yina or not, it is Lei Lie\'s own choice. If it is because of his own fight on his side. , this crime should be his responsibility. If it is for Miss Yina, since he has chosen to pursue you, he should also bear the revenge of others." Lei Zhenxi is a majestic old man, although his eyes are full of hatred for Lei at this time. Lie was worried, but he did not anger Bai Yina because of the accident.

Bai Yina felt more guilty. Lei Lie didn\'t pursue her at all. This should not have been Lei Lie\'s responsibility. He just didn\'t know why he liked Lei Lie to stand in front of her and drive away those suitors, but he never thought that Lei Lie was actually with Shen Huan Chen Ding. Those people are not in a circle.

That time, Shen Huan had the upper hand when they tricked Lei Lie, but Chen Ding would not hesitate to take Lei Lie\'s shot. In exchange for a family member of the same level as the Chen family, Chen Ding would never dare to be so arrogant. Bai Yina ignored this fact, compared to those super families, the Lei family is still a little shallow.

"No matter what, I will pursue this matter to the end. Does anyone think they can cover the sky with one hand?" Lei Zhenxi sneered, the look in his eyes cold.

No need for Bo Yina to say that he could have imagined that not many people in South China dared to offend the Lei family in such a way, and only those with stronger families in other districts would make such a reckless move. But their Lei family are definitely not soft persimmons. The most important thing now is Lei Lie\'s safety, and then we will investigate and settle accounts slowly.

The time was extraordinarily long for the people who were waiting outside the operating room at this time. Su Zibao sat with Mr. Lei and Bai Yina. At this time, apart from the three of them, there were only a few men of the Agni Gang. Lei Lie\'s mother fainted just after hearing the news, and is still recuperating in the ward next door.

I don\'t know how long it took before the door of the operating room finally opened with a ding, and the attending doctor wearing a mask came out and said, "Congratulations, I was rescued safely. But the injury is relatively serious, and I have to lie in the hospital for several months. "

"It\'s good to be rescued, it\'s good to be alive, it\'s good." Bai Yina cried with joy, and hugged Su Zibao tightly, "He\'s fine, he\'s fine, he\'s fine..."

Although he still needs to be hospitalized, as long as there is no danger to his life, it is fine.

"Doctor, does he have other injuries, such as that leg, hand, or where are the internal organs?" Su Zibao was also relieved, but after hearing that the injury was serious, he quickly asked.

Don\'t make a **** disabled.

The doctor smiled and said, "Don\'t worry, although

Fractures, but as long as they rest in the hospital with peace of mind, they will recover without any sequelae. "

"Thank you doctor." Lei Zhenxi said, the old man was relieved at this time.

Lei Lie was still in a coma, and Lei Zhenxi and Bai Yina were guarding him in front of his hospital bed. Bai Yina said, "Miss Su, the doctor said that Lei Lie won\'t wake up today. You have waited for a long time. Come see him tomorrow and have a good rest."

"Well, you two girls go back to rest. Lei Lie estimates that he will wake up tomorrow." Lei Zhenxi said.

Bai Yina looked at Lei Lie on the hospital bed and said, "Grandpa Lei, I want to accompany Lei Lie here, so let me accompany him. You can\'t stay up late when you are too old, so you should go back and rest early."

Several people stayed with the unconscious Lei Lie for a while. When Su Zibao came out, he said hello to Fei who was guarding the door, and asked him to buy some food for Bai Yina.

When she walked to the door of the hospital, Su Zibao realized that she had been in the hospital all day.

It was raining outside at this time, and the pouring rain made it difficult to see the scenery. Su Zibao took out his mobile phone, but found that he didn\'t know when the battery was out.

I was about to go out for a taxi in the rain when I suddenly thought of something.

Pei Yi asked her to meet at Qingjing Lake at two o\'clock in the afternoon, but now... after checking his watch, it was already nine o\'clock in the evening.

A full seven hours passed.

Pei Yi should be... gone, right? Su Zibao thought of this and walked to the road to stop the car and go home.

Eight hours ago, at one o\'clock in the afternoon, Pei Yi arrived at Qingjing Lake.

This place is recommended by words. It is said that it is very suitable for couples to date and has a great atmosphere. It was in the afternoon when Pei Yi arrived. Under the bright sun, the pond was full of lotus blossoms. Standing on the Jiuqu Shuihuan Bridge, you could smell a refreshing lotus fragrance. It was indeed a good place.

He held the bracelet and planned to put it on Su Zibao himself, just like four years ago.

Su Zibao agreed to meet him, which made our suave Sanshao Pei very happy. When I went out, I struggled for a while about what to wear. Like a hairy boy, I would be a little nervous because of a date, which Pei Sanshao had never experienced before.

There were many people visiting Qingjing Lake. Many single women saw such a handsome and charming guy standing there, so they took the initiative to chat up, but they were ignored by Pei Yi.

At two o\'clock, Su Zibao did not appear. Pei Yi thought that she might have been delayed by something and didn\'t care. At half past two, Su Zibao still didn\'t show up.

Pei Yi called her, but found that it was turned off.

I don\'t know what\'s going on recently, every time I want to find Su Zibao, either no one picks up or shuts down. Pei Yi thought about going directly to Su\'s house, but also thought that if Su Zibao was already on her way, and her phone was out of battery, there was no way to contact him.

Since it\'s a date, it doesn\'t matter if a woman is late a time or two.

Pei Yi then began to wait.

From afternoon to dusk, Su Zibao never showed up. A sweet-looking girl walked up and said, "Handsome guy, did the person you waited for not come? Don\'t wait, let\'s play with us, what\'s the point of staying here alone. Let\'s go together?"