Given A Second Chance: Time for Revenge!

Chapter 419: Simply unreasonable

Pei Yi looked at her in confusion, "What are you talking about?"

"Young Master Pei, don\'t tell me you were drunk last night and didn\'t know anything?" Xiao Xiaodai paused slightly with her hand on the plate, looking at Pei Yi in shock.

Pei Yi walked to the table and sat down, took a bite of the toast and said, "I should know what to order? You took care of it last night, and the lemon tea tastes good."

Seeing Pei Yi\'s ignorance, Xiao Xiaodai sighed heavily, "Oh my God, Young Master Pei, I have prepared such a good opportunity for you, alone, with no one around, **, you actually only care about Sleep. You you you... It\'s just unreasonable!"

Although Pei Yi\'s reaction was a tad slower, he also reacted at this time. Lonely and widowed, **? Plus Su Zibao in the dream.

"Su Zibao came over last night?"

Xiao Xiaodai said, "Yes, not only came here, but also took care of you all night, and didn\'t leave until this morning. And the lemon tea you just said? Since I helped you back to your bedroom with Su Zibao last night , I won\'t bother you again, the lemon tea must have been prepared by Su Zibao."

She came here last night, took care of him all night, and prepared lemon tea so thoughtfully.

In other words, is it actually not as ruthless as I thought? Su Zibao still has feelings for him.

Thinking of this, Pei Yi instantly revived with blood and energy.

"She came over last night, did she say anything?" Pei Yi asked.

Xiao Xiaodai recalled for a moment and said, "No, but I saw the way she looked at you, and it felt like there was drama."

"What look?" Pei Yi said, already recalling Su Zibao at that time last night in his mind.

"How can I describe it? Just seeing you like that, I feel a little distressed, a little worried, and then a little angry. There is something else that I can\'t describe. That look is more complicated." Xiao Xiaodai thought about some adjectives, and then waved her hand fiercely and said. , "Who made you sleep so dead last night, you wasted the opportunity. Otherwise, if you are drunk and have sex, you will directly push Su Zibao down, and there will not be so many things!"

Pei Yi choked up, looked at Xiao Xiaodai\'s sharp eyebrows, and said calmly, "I didn\'t see you taking advantage of your talk and drinking too much last night to deal with him."

"You, you... What nonsense are you talking about, I won\'t tell you, I\'ll call them to get up for breakfast." Xiao Xiaodai blushed, turned and ran to the guest room. The little girl was a sturdy mess in the face of Pei Yi and Su Zibao, but it was her turn to be shy.

Pei Yi looked at the slice of bread in front of him, and the line of his lips rose slightly unconsciously. It turned out that Su Zibao came here last night, so I\'ll ask her to meet again today and give her the bracelet.

Su Zibao shouldn\'t have slept all night, let her have a good rest today, call her at night and make an appointment to meet tomorrow.

I\'ll have to ask Yanxu later, where is the place for a date here in Haicheng.

At this time, Pei Yi was already thinking about the venue for his next date with Su Zibao.

Su Zibao went back and slept all day, only to wake up at night when he saw a text message on his phone, Pei Yi asked her to meet at Qingjing Lake tomorrow afternoon.

It is midsummer now, and the Qingjing Lake is full of lotus flowers in full bloom. Every summer, the lotus flowers crowd the bridge to the full, and walking on the bridge is like walking among the lotus flowers.

This is also the very famous Qingjing Lake lotus scene in Haicheng.

Every summer, many people come here specially to see the lotus flowers, and it is also a couple\'s appointment.

Yes, it\'s a good place for a family outing.

Su Zibao didn\'t want to agree at first, but remembering how Pei Yi shouted her name when he was drunk last night, he couldn\'t help but text him back, saying that he would go.

Although I have always wanted to restrain myself, I don\'t want to fall so quickly, I want to keep a distance, and I want to solve other things first.

But whether it is Su Zibao or Pei Yi, even if they are the top smart people in the world, they can strategize and prioritize other things. But there is nothing you can do in the face of feelings. Is it possible that you can restrain yourself from not liking him these days, and then liking him again in a few days?

If the mood of liking someone is really so well controlled, there will be no so much hurt and torture.

So even if Su Zibao wanted to restrain herself, look at it again, wait a little longer, and ignore her relationship with Pei Yi for now, the fact is, she couldn\'t restrain her emotions.

If he could restrain himself, he would not have gone to Century Mansion last night, nor would he have seen this dating text message now.

Su Zibao sighed heavily, feeling helpless with his current mood. Ian is right, don\'t embarrass yourself, just go with the flow, take one step at a time.

Riley has an accident!

On the Qixi Festival, Lei Lie acted righteously and helped Bai Yina to block Chen Ding, but he also "confirmed" the rumor that he was Bai Yina\'s suitor and had a close relationship with Bai Yina.

Chen Ding is jealous of Lei Lie and Bai Yina celebrating the Qixi Festival, and it is rumored that the two of them are going on a seven-day vacation for two.

In fact, it didn\'t, but after the bet was spread, everyone else thought they really went. Chen Ding also thinks so.

Originally, he didn\'t take Lei Lie in his eyes. The Lei family was indeed far worse than the Chen family, but Bo Yina had green eyes on Lei Lie, and the Lei family belonged to the same family as the Bai family.

They are all people in the military department, and it is very possible to form in-laws.

Chen Ding was in a hurry, and bought a group of people to clean up Lei Lie. The group of people were gangsters from the next city. They had long been disliked by the Fire Gang, so they seized the opportunity of Lei Lie to be alone, and a group of people beat him up.

Fortunately, Lei Lie was ferocious, injured a few and ran out, met the people of the Agni Gang, and rushed the boss to the hospital. Then I notified the people of the Lei family. The news has not been spread yet. It is in the blockade, but because of the close relationship between Lei Lie and Su Zibao, the news was also passed on to her.

Su Zibao was standing at the door of the operating room. Mr. Lei had come early and was sitting on the chair outside. Bo Yina was walking around anxiously, with tears on her face.

"Master, how is Lei Lie?" Su Zibao asked worriedly, "I received the news, but I don\'t know..."

Lei Zhenxi shook his head and said in a deep voice, "Several knives in his body hurt his liver and spleen. He bleeds too much and fell into a coma. Fortunately, he was sent to the hospital for emergency treatment in time, but the outcome depends on God\'s will."

Su Zibao always knew that the path Lei Lie chose was dangerous, just like he was shot when they were racing to escape, just like the last time Poppy revenge for his capture, but because nothing major happened every time, so Su Zibao I always thought that Relief would be alright.

He was born in Lei\'s family, and his back is to the army. No one in Haicheng dared to oppose him. He didn\'t expect that he would be seriously injured and sent to the emergency room, and his life and death would be unknown.

"How long will the operation take?" Su Zibao asked, feeling his voice trembling.

It was the first time she had felt death, so close, since the last time her father had been in a vegetative state.