Given A Second Chance: Time for Revenge!

Chapter 418: The baby in the dream loves him

"Hey, Miss Su, are you looking for Pei Yi? He\'ll be too drunk to answer your call." Xiao Xiaodai looked at Pei Yi and shook her head and sighed, "Although it\'s midnight now, I shouldn\'t have brought this up. I\'m very kind, but if it\'s convenient, I hope Miss Su can come to Century Mansion."

The speaker inside was not Mu Yunlan, but a voice that was somewhat unfamiliar but not too unfamiliar.

"Who are you?" Su Zibao hesitated for a moment and asked in confusion. What\'s going on, why is she a little confused about the situation, why Pei Yi\'s mobile phone is in the hands of a woman.

Xiao Xiaodai said, "I\'m Xiao Xiaodai, we met, Miss Su."

Su Zibao remembered who she was, and then asked, "What happened to Pei Yi?"

Otherwise why call her so many times.

"If drinking too much is an accident, he is indeed in a serious accident." Xiao Xiaodai smiled helplessly.

Su Zibao now almost understood what was going on. Pei Yi was drunk, the phone was next to him, and Xiao Xiaodai picked it up. Xiao Xiaodai, Yan Xu, Bernard and the others are often together. Could it be that this group of people met for a drink on Qixi Festival tonight, and then Pei Yi accidentally made so many phone calls when he drank too much?

It turned out nothing happened.

"I see, that\'s nothing. Excuse me, bye." Su Zibao breathed a sigh of relief, but his tone did not change at all.

Xiao Xiaodai said quickly, "Miss Su, why don\'t you come over? Pei Yi drank too much, it must be uncomfortable in the middle of the night."

"It\'s none of my business whether he\'s suffering." Su Zibao said calmly.

Xiao Xiaodai said hurriedly, "It seems that I should call Mu Yunlan, Miss Mu will definitely come over immediately."

"Whatever." Su Zibao said coldly and hung up the phone.

Xiao Xiaodai looked at the phone that was hung up, frowned helplessly, and did not call Mu Yunlan. Just now Pei Yi indicated that he would not go back, he wanted a baby.

Yan Xu and Bernard, two neurotic men, couldn\'t understand the meaning of this short sentence, but as a woman, Xiao Xiaodai was more delicate, and probably understood that Pei Yi wanted to see Su Zibao now. He didn\'t go back, because today Qixi Festival, he just wanted to stay with Su Zibao.

Even if Su Zibao didn\'t show up, he didn\'t plan to have **** with anyone else.

So what I said just now was just a slap in the face. I didn\'t expect Su Zibao to be fooled. Xiao Xiaodai looked at Pei Yi on the sofa and spread her hands, "Master Pei, I have tried my best, your family is too difficult to handle. I have to take care of the three of you tonight. , it seems that I don\'t want to sleep."

The three men were all dead and dead. Xiao Xiaodai spent a lot of effort to drag Yan Xu and Xiao Xiaodai to the next guest room. When she was about to perform the "mopping magic" on Pei Yi, suddenly I found a figure in front of the glass door.

"Scared me to death, Miss Su, you are here." Xiao Xiaodai was startled and hurried over to open the door.

In my heart, I was thinking that the eldest lady had resolutely refused to come over on the phone just now, but she did not expect to appear in less than ten minutes, which means that the other party should have hung up the phone and came directly by car, otherwise it would not have been so fast.

Is duplicity a disease that everyone in love will get?

With Su Zibao\'s help, it was much easier to get Pei Yi back to his room. Now that Su Zibao appeared, Xiao Xiaodai took the initiative to disappear in place, went into the room next to Bernard, and kindly helped them to close the door.

looking at su

Zi Bao was sitting beside Pei Yi\'s bed, staring at the person on the bed without blinking, Xiao Xiaodai couldn\'t help laughing secretly, Master Pei, thank me when you wake up.

The early morning night was very quiet. There was only the ticking of the clock in the bedroom. Pei Yi was very drunk. He didn\'t talk in his sleep, he didn\'t hold her hand, and he didn\'t make long speeches.

He just lay on the bed so peacefully, if it weren\'t for the strong smell of alcohol that the whole room could smell, he would just look like he was asleep.

What did he want to say to her when he called her so many times at that time? And even if he didn\'t hear a word, Su Zibao seemed to understand what he wanted to say.

Such a calm and wise person, if not out of control, how could he make calls one by one? Su Zibao can even imagine what kind of state he was in at that time, which is distressing.

He looked like he was asleep, and for some reason Su Zibao felt very lonely looking at him.

He was originally a lonely person, even with so many close friends and so many subordinates around him, he was still lonely.

Pei Yi turned over, his sharp brows furrowed, and he muttered something vague, which he couldn\'t hear clearly, but he vaguely felt that it should be...

I want baby.

Su Zibao reached out and stroked between his brows, trying to smooth out the small wrinkle, but he didn\'t know if it had disturbed him, but Pei Yi suddenly opened his eyes, startling Su Zibao.

Four eyes met, one was shocked and inexplicable, the other was drunk and hazy.

"Baby." Pei Yi looked at Su Zibao and smiled, his long and narrow eyes lit up slightly, and his lips pursed slightly. It was a gentle and indulgent smile, tender and warm.

Su Zibao thought that Pei Yi was awakened by him, and was thinking of saying something to show that he didn\'t care that much about him when he appeared here, when he saw that the person closed his eyes and fell into a deep sleep. He fell asleep very peacefully and peacefully.

He wasn\'t awake, he did see Su Zibao, but he just thought it was a dream.

Only the baby in the dream will appear beside his bed, only the baby in the dream will look at him with such worried and distressed eyes, only the baby in the dream will like him.

I saw his baby in my dream, so I could fall asleep and dream with peace of mind.

Su Zibao opened his mouth, and before he had time to prepare the words, he saw that he had already fallen asleep.

Su Zibao tucked his exposed arm back into the blanket and tucked the quilt.

Su Zibao went back before dawn. When Pei Yi woke up, he only felt a splitting headache. There was a cup of lemon tea by the bed that no one knew who had prepared it. Pei Yi took a sip and woke up a bit.

I drank too much last night. He was so good at self-control, how could he be so sad because of Su Zibao, and he was so drunk that he dragged Yansu Bernard to drink together and drank both of them. Moreover, he made so many phone calls to Su Zibao nervously, and what was even more tragic was that so many phone calls did not make his hard-hearted little wife soft-hearted.

Who says that men are unfeeling and women are cruel, that\'s really ruthless.

Pei Yi put the lemon tea aside, rubbed his temples, yawned lazily, and lifted the thin blanket.

The smell of breakfast came from the living room, Xiao Xiaodai was putting milk and slices of bread on the long table, and looked at Pei Yi who came out of the room with a teasing smile, "Are you satisfied with last night? Pei Shao. How can you have such a beautiful life? One night, you must thank me. Reward me, please reward me!"