Given A Second Chance: Time for Revenge!

Chapter 417: Pei Yi's missed call

Yan Xu knew that Pei Yi was already drunk, so he just told him this sentence, without expecting him to answer, he said to Bernard, "Give the boss a cup of sour plum soup first, then you drive, we will deliver Boss go back."

"Okay." Bernard nodded.

Unexpectedly, Pei Yi, who was half asleep and half awake, understood this sentence, and clenched his hand and said, "If you don\'t go back, I want the baby..."

"Boss, I\'m not Miss Su, don\'t hold my hand." Yan Xu was dumbfounded, pondered for a while, and said to Bernard, "You go and call Miss Su to see if she will come, but I guess not, she should be dating at this point."

Bernard picked up the phone and called, but just like Pei Yi, no one answered.

"Yanxu, Miss Su didn\'t answer."

Yan Xu had no choice but to say to Pei Yi, "Boss, you see it, they won\'t pick it up."

But Pei Yi just took Yan Xu\'s hand and repeated a sentence, "I want a baby..."

You want a baby, but I\'m not a baby? Comrade Yanshu is helpless. After a while, the sour plum soup prepared by Xiao Xiaodai came. Yan Xu and Bernard took great pains to get Pei Yi to drink it. After drinking, Pei Yi finally woke up a bit.

Just now, he drank the alcohol violently, and then he slowly saw a few people in the room, frowned and said, "Why are you here?"

"My things fell here. I came up to get them. Fortunately, we are here. Otherwise, boss, you will be drunk and dead on the sofa. The whole house smells of alcohol and tobacco, so you are not afraid of poisoning." Yan Xu does not love himself so much for Pei Yi body, quite a bit complaining.

Pei Yi picked up the mobile phone next to him, and even he was stunned for a moment. He actually made so many calls to Su Zibao. If it wasn\'t for the drunkenness just now, when he was sober, he called Su Zibao with his pride, and if the other party didn\'t answer, he would not call again.

But after getting drunk, she just followed her desire to see her, and made 59 calls one by one.

It\'s crazy.

He must be crazy.

The fact that Su Zibao didn\'t respond to his 59 calls was like a heavy blow to Pei Yi\'s heart. Su Zibao knew that he was not someone who would bombard him with phone calls. This was the first time that she had made so many phone calls. If she really had the slightest affection for him, she would also be worried about so many phone calls. Did something happen? thing.

But the other party didn\'t respond, which means that he didn\'t care what happened to him at all. No matter what he had to say, she didn\'t want him to influence her for the festival.

Such a fact is cold and ruthless, and it hurts like a heart being torn apart by something. Heartbreaking, the Chinese idiom is really broad and profound, this description is too vivid, it is his mood at this moment.

"Boss, it\'s already eleven o\'clock, it\'s getting late, I\'ll take you back." Yan Xu said.

However, Pei Yi picked up a beer bottle and handed it to him, his angular chin slightly raised, "Hey."

An action has already made it clear that he doesn\'t want to go back, he just wants someone to drink with him. Pei Yi lit a cigarette, took a deep breath, looked at them and said, "Drink, or you, go back."

"Drink!" Yan Xu took Pei Yi\'s wine and opened the lid, "Must drink it! If you don\'t drink on the Qixi Festival, there is no festival atmosphere."

Bernard, who didn\'t know the reason, said in confusion, "Speaking of words, is there still a custom of drinking on Qixi Festival?"

"Yeah, come on, let\'s have a drink today

Drunk. Anyway, the boss has a lot of rooms here, so after drinking, everyone finds a room to lie down. With that said, he opened a bottle of beer and handed it to Bernard, then turned to look at Xiao Xiaodai next to him, "Xiaodai, are you coming?" "

Xiao Xiaodai looked at the half-drunk man who was already drunk and the two men who were about to get himself drunk, and said angrily, "No. Three uncles, drink slowly, I\'ll go downstairs to buy you some snacks and snacks. Fruit, I just checked the refrigerator, and there is nothing left."

"It\'s still Xiaodai being considerate. Bernard, you drink with the boss first. Xiaodai and I will go down to buy it. Otherwise, I won\'t worry about you being a girl at night." Yan Xu stood up and smiled.

This sentence made Xiao Xiaodai\'s face cloudy and clear, and said, "Well, let\'s go down."

Yanshu is such a character, Xiao Xiaodai knows him well for so many years. He admires and worships Pei Yi very much, and regards being able to do something with him as the most fulfilling thing in the world. He turned upside down in the shopping mall, but what he was most proud of was not to change the situation by himself, but to accomplish something with Pei Yi for a final goal.

Just like what they did abroad. Pei Yi has a very high status in his heart.

So Pei Yi said that if he wanted to drink, he would drink. If he wants to take down which family, he will be tricked into taking down that family. One day Pei Yi went to kill someone, and he must have set fire next to him. As for Bernard, he should be able to control the wind at the door.

Said is also a very gentleman and a caring person. Just like he planned to drink with Pei Yi just now, but seeing Xiao Xiaodai going down alone to buy food and drinks, he immediately decided to go down with her, worried about the safety of the girl traveling alone at night.

Xiao Xiaodai knew very well that Yan Xu would choose to do this not because he was courting or showing it in front of her. If it was someone else, he would do the same.

Gentle and gentlemanly treatment of girls is indeed a fascinating good quality.

When Yan Xu and Xiao Xiaodai came back, Bernard had already drank, and he was not drinking well, and then Yan Xu and Pei Yi crossed their shoulders, and both of them were drinking.

It was already one o\'clock in the morning.

Xiao Xiaodai felt a headache when she looked at the messy table, and then three men who had drank.

"Ding ding ding..." Pei Yi\'s phone rang.

Xiao Xiaodai glanced at the caller, two words, baby. That should be Su Zibao.

She was embarrassed to answer Pei Yi\'s call, but when the other party found out that Pei Yi didn\'t answer, she dialed another one.

After Su Zibao and Gu Yian went home, they stashed their heads in the documents. They didn\'t go back to the bedroom until one o\'clock in the morning, and just picked up the phone and saw the 59 missed calls above.

All of them were played by Pei Yi.

Su Zibao was shocked. If there is nothing wrong, Pei Yi will give her a call and she won\'t call, just like the previous call.

But there are 59 in this meeting, something will happen to him, right? Su Zibao never thought of any other possibility. With Pei Yi\'s character, he could make so many phone calls with him, something must have happened.

So Su Zibao called back immediately. The other party didn\'t answer, it was already one o\'clock in the morning, and he might have fallen asleep. But Su Zibao was even more worried that something would happen to Pei Yi. Thinking of this, Su Zibao\'s heart twitched. Waiting for the other party to answer the phone also became extraordinarily long.


This time, the other party picked it up quickly, but the voice was that of a woman.