Given A Second Chance: Time for Revenge!

Chapter 407: Just for 38 bucks

"I only spend time on people worth spending." Mu Yunlan said lightly. It was obviously like a love story, but Mu Zifan knew that this so-called worth is definitely not sentimental, but only the interests represented by Pei Yi.

Mu Zifan said, "Okay. I\'ll go to Feng Danhui now, don\'t worry, I\'ll calm her down. When did I let you down with the things you explained?"

Mu Yunlan hung up the phone, Mu Zifan looked at the busy street ahead, the traffic lights flashed, and pushed the frame of his gold-rimmed glasses.

Spend time only on people who are worth your time, Mu Yunlan, when you wait, I can also become someone who is worth it in your eyes.

Pei Yi, Ye Chenxuan, those people don\'t understand you without me, all they see is the illusion, only I know what the most real you are, and only I am obsessed with the real you.

Compared to them, I am more qualified to appear in your eyes.

But now, let\'s go to Feng Danhui first to solve this matter. Feng Danhui couldn\'t make Feng Danhui feel that Mu Yunlan was unwilling to help, she had to transfer the other party\'s anger to Su Zibao. Early the next morning, Feng Danhui burst into anger. As for Mu Yunlan, who Su Zibao thought would appear, she didn\'t have a clue at all. She didn\'t call again, just sent a text message to Pei Yi, expressing her respect and support for Pei Yi\'s decision, and she would not interfere.

Just such a text message makes people think that she is really too smart. She won\'t go against Pei Yi, she hasn\'t said a word to Pei Yi, just because Su Zibao answers the phone, she has already judged her attitude towards Pei Yi, and then immediately stood on Pei Yi\'s side, and let the original Feng Danhui, who asked her to help solve the matter, didn\'t have any grudges against her at all.

No wonder she can maintain such a perfect image all the time. How can ordinary people have this kind of scheming and adaptability.

"Su Zibao, if you don\'t let him go, I will sue you for illegal detention!" Feng Danhui said angrily.

Su Zibao\'s face was calm, "You sue. Feng Xueli did damage public property. They didn\'t pay the fine or apologize. I have the right not to let them leave. The Emperor Base is our own territory, and I have recorded all the evidence, so feel free to sue. "

"Su Zibao, I don\'t believe you are lawless. Just wait, I\'ve already found someone from the police station, so wait for you to be arrested!" Feng Danhui put down her harsh words, and when she came, she had already sent someone to the police station to call the police .

But unexpectedly, the Haicheng Police Station not only did not send the police to arrest Su Zibao and the others, but instead sent a civil mediator here, hoping that Feng Xueli would apologize, pay the fine, and then leave naturally. Even the mediators sent by the police station turned towards Su Zibao, almost making Feng Danhui mad.

The power of the Su family is nothing in the whole of South China, but it is only one-third of the land in Haicheng that can play a role. Qianglong still doesn\'t suppress the local snakes, not to mention that the Feng family is not as good as the Su family.

After so many days of tossing, Feng Danhui failed to get Feng Xueli\'s family out, and Mu Yunlan didn\'t help at all in order to maintain a good image in front of Pei Yi.

The Dijue Film and Television Base is the site of Su Zibao and Pei Yi. Chen Tianci has been impatient to stay here. As a last resort, Feng Danhui can only discuss compensation with Su Zibao.

The pieces of that ordinary vase had already been thrown into the trash can for disposal, and only Su Zibao had a backup in the video on his mobile phone. Therefore, the price of the fine is just what Su Zibao can open freely. For the two companies, money is not a problem. For such a giant, it is not such a little fine, but whoever bows his head and who admits defeat.

Face is bigger than heaven.

Su Zibao didn\'t charge them an extra dime, 38 yuan for a vase, which is not as good as what they spend on random shopping on the side of the road. But just for the 38 yuan, the person was deducted for a few days.

In fact, Feng Xueli didn\'t want to admit defeat to Su Zibao at all, but when the news reached the Chen family, the old man Chen lost his temper, so Feng Xueli must hurry up and get her precious grandson back.

And Su Aochen also intends to leave things alone. Because the time is up for a week, regardless of whether Chen Tianci apologizes or not, Aochen and Forsythia have to go to school and have no time to waste here.

In the end, Feng Xueli said "I\'m sorry" very insincerely, but Chen Tianci was still cold and didn\'t see the slightest apology at all.

"Ms. Abao, forget about this matter, adults don\'t remember villains." Su Aochen raised his chin with a cool and aloof expression.

He didn\'t take it to heart at all. If Chen Tianci\'s mother is willing to apologize, that\'s fine. Su Aochen will not care about Chen Tianci\'s stubborn little boy.

Su Lianqiao sighed, "Yeah, it\'s Monday tomorrow, and we\'re going back to class."

Speaking of class, the little girl\'s expression became tangled again.

So after Feng Xueli paid a fine of 38 yuan and apologized, the matter was finally over. Su Zibao took two small groups of people by plane to the imperial capital that day to prepare for the start of school the next day. Although they left, the 38 yuan The whole story of the incident spread to the upper class circle of Haicheng.

"Tsk, just for 38 yuan, what about it?" Yan Xu raised his eyebrows, tsk tsk in amazement.

Xiao Xiaodai lifted a strand of bangs that fell down and said, "As for face, face is more important than money."

"The Chen family has lost face and will definitely not give up." Song Yingjie frowned, "Pei Shao means that the Chen family can\'t help meco, but it may suppress the Su Group. Su Embroidery is a national chain brand store. If the Chen family makes a move , the development of Su embroidery in the entire Cangxi district will be limited.”

Yan Xu nodded and said, "The Chen family has a lot of power in the political and business circles. Any name of fake and shoddy products or tax evasion can make the Su embroidery shop in Cangxi District close for rectification. Everyone has a psychological preparation. Let’s take action, and we have to act.”

"Understood. The boss still maintains Su Zibao as always. When I look back, I will investigate a detailed information about the Chen family in the political and business circles." Song Yingjie touched his nose and said, "There is a Chi family in front of you. Fortunately, the Liang family in the imperial capital last time was fortunate. It’s because we cooperated with our meco and asked for us, so things didn’t become a big problem. Now it’s the Cangxi Chen family again, and it’s really one after another, endless.”

Yan Xu said lightly, "Where there are people, there will be fighting. Where there will be interests, there will be feuds. It\'s normal." After Su Zibao went to the imperial capital, he first sent the two little guys to the Kindergarten of Chenxi Academy, where there is a dormitory system. But they were all private villas, plus Su Zibao brought the housekeeper, chef and maid from the Su family, and the environment of Chenxi Academy was better than those scenic spots.

After settling down the two little guys, Ye Hanjun, who had long been moved by the wind, blocked the door of Chenxi Academy.

"You\'ve been so busy since you returned to China that you haven\'t seen people. It\'s rare that we have a chance to meet and have a drink today?" The suave Ye Er Shao was leaning in front of the sports car, looking at Su Zibao with a handsome smile.

I thought that Su Zibao would refuse, and then he stalked him again and prepared a lot of rhetoric, but he didn\'t expect that the other party just raised his eyebrows slightly, and the clear voice was sweet, "Okay, you treat me."