Given A Second Chance: Time for Revenge!

Chapter 406: Pei Yi fell asleep beside me

There is still room for manoeuvre to offend Su Zibao, but to offend Aochen, I\'m sorry, Su Zibao won\'t back down even if his teeth are broken.

Just then, the phone rang.

The caller displayed on Pei Yi\'s phone screen was Mu Yunlan.

Said Cao Cao, Cao Cao arrived.

Pei Yi picked up the phone and was about to swipe the screen to answer the call. Seeing the frosty Su Zibao opposite, thinking that the other party had just chastised him with his girlfriend, he pursed his lips slightly and handed the phone directly to her.

He didn\'t say anything, but just one action made it clear that no matter what Mu Yunlan had to say, Su Zibao would handle it.

Su Zibao\'s decision is his attitude.

Pei Yi also knows that Mu Yunlan has a good relationship with the Feng family in South China, and Feng Danhui is her supporter. If I make this call at this moment, there is a chance that it has something to do with the Feng family.

The phone was placed in front of Su Zibao, without any words, Su Zibao could understand the meaning of this action.

Phone ringing continues.

"Hey, in case she\'s not doing it for the Feng family, but just calling to greet you." Su Zibaodai raised her blue eyebrows slightly. In fact, in my heart, my satisfaction with Pei Yi\'s initiative to call her rose, but she was stubborn.

Pei Yi\'s tone was calm, "Then you should pick it up and see if Alan will say anything to me that is beyond the scope of friends."

"Then she asked where you were, how should I answer?" Su Zibao said.

There was a smile on Pei Yi\'s lips, "You can say that I slept in your bed and fell asleep. Miss Su, why don\'t you dare to pick it up?"

"Who dares not." Su Zibao pressed his finger on the screen, swiped gently, and the phone was connected.

Mu Yunlan\'s voice came from the phone line, softly, "Pei Yi, are you asleep?"

Su Zibao looked at Pei Yi who was sitting across from her with a "good baby" face, and raised his lips slightly, "Miss Mu, I\'m sorry, Pei Yi is asleep. I\'m Su Zibao, if you have anything, I can help you. Tell him."

It was just such a light-hearted sentence that didn\'t carry any sentimentality, but the other end of the phone was instantly muted, as quiet as if the phone was hung up.

After half a minute, Mu Yunlan\'s voice came again, "Why is Pei Yi\'s cell phone here with you?"

"He\'s not only with my phone, but also with me." Su Zibao felt a burst of joy in his heart.

Mu Yunlan was exhausted, didn\'t he just want to be with Pei Yi? Su Zibao\'s words now actually hit Mu Yunlan more than a meal.

To counter a person, sometimes you don\'t need to do it, just one sentence is enough.

"Miss Su, it\'s very rude to answer Pei Yi\'s phone while he\'s asleep, don\'t you know?" Mu Yunlan adjusted her emotions and asked back. In fact, she has already started to think wildly in her heart, why is Pei Yi\'s mobile phone at Su Zibao\'s place at night, and the two of them have already slept in the same bed?

Didn\'t Su Zibao reject Pei Yi\'s confession at the wedding? Why does it seem to be reconciled now?

Su Zibao said slowly, "Pei Yi gave me his cell phone before he went to bed, and said that if there is a call, let me answer it for him. I won\'t use some conspiracy and tricks like some people, if you don\'t believe it, wait until tomorrow. When Pei Yi woke up in the morning, you can call him to confirm whether I received his consent or not."

Even saying this sentence means that Pei Yi has indeed given Su Zibao such rights.

Otherwise, as long as Mu Yunlan makes a phone call tomorrow, it can be dismantled.

And this fact made Mu Yunlan\'s heart sink to the bottom.

"Miss Mu should not only want to say hello, but for the Feng family\'s business? If it is for the Feng family\'s business, you can tell me directly that my attitude is Pei Yi\'s." Su Zibao said.

Mu Yunlan said politely, "Since Pei Yi is already asleep, I\'ll ask him again tomorrow. I\'m sorry to disturb Miss Su, goodbye."

After speaking, the other party hung up the phone. Even being attacked by Su Zibao\'s words did not reveal the slightest flaw, and she was able to maintain the demeanor of a lady with such a graceful and polite manner, no wonder she was able to become the number one lady in South China.

She is the most difficult woman to deal with among all the women Su Zibao has ever met.

In fact, Mu Yunlan just hung up the phone, and his face darkened completely. It was originally just because Feng Danhui told Pei Yi, but now Mu Yunlan already has a clear intuition. This time, Pei Yi stood firmly on Su Zibao\'s side.

If she wants to let Pei Yi rest in peace, she is against Pei Yi.

Smart women know how to behave so that they can continue to gain points in Pei Yi\'s eyes. She originally didn\'t mind selling Feng Danhui a face, but standing on the opposite side of Pei Yi for a mere Feng family outweighed the gain.

So although she just promised Feng Danhui that she would go to Pei Yi to make peace, but now she is just having a simple conversation with Su Zibao, and she has made a decision not only not to help Feng Danhui, but also to stand on Pei Yi\'s side and talk to Feng Danhui.

As for the fact that Su Zibao and Pei Yi slept together, it remains to be investigated. Even if they do roll on the same bed, it\'s no big deal, they were husband and wife four years ago. Even if it was really reconciled, Mu Yunlan didn\'t lose. The most important thing now was how to add points.

After adjusting her emotions, Mu Yunlan called Mu Zifan and said, "Zifan, you go and tell Feng Danhui that the incident of the Feng family bullied Pei Yi\'s son. With Pei Yi\'s character, he would never I will let it go lightly. If you really want this matter to be resolved, then let that cousin of her family apologize, and compensate for the compensation. "

"Yo, Yun Lan, when Feng Danhui asked you for help just now, you didn\'t say that. How come your attitude has changed completely in less than an hour." Mu Zifan was driving at the moment, looking at the crossroad in front of him. The mouth hit the opposite direction. Originally, he wanted to go back to his villa now, but because of Mu Yunlan\'s call, he transferred back to the hotel where Feng Danhui stayed in Haicheng.

Mu Yunlan said coldly, "Although I want to form a friendship with the Chen family, if it is at the cost of offending Pei Yi, the gain will outweigh the loss."

"I thought that Miss Yun Lan\'s action could change Pei Yi\'s decision, it seems... well, I understand what you mean, I\'ll go to Feng Danhui now, let her understand that you can\'t help her make peace, let her know that you stand On Pei Yi\'s side, let everyone know that because of our relationship with Pei Yi, we, Miss Mu Yunlan, can generously disregard previous suspicions and share the enemy with Miss Su, right?" Mu Zifan sneered and paused for a while. Mu Yunlan, who was beside him, lost his temper and said, "But why do I like you so much now. Mu Yunlan, every time you trick people, you are charming and intoxicating."

Mu Yunlan sneered, "Do you think that you can ignore me now that you have settled down as the head of the Li family?"

"Of course not, you are my queen." Mu Zifan smiled, his eyes flashing coldly behind the lens, "It\'s just that every time you have to disguise a shiny skin in front of Pei Yi, it makes you feel uncomfortable. People can\'t be happy. You\'ve spent enough time with him."