Given A Second Chance: Time for Revenge!

Chapter 408: I just want to be your man

Ye Hanjun was stunned, something was wrong, so wrong, it was amazing that Su Zibao agreed to meet him so neatly.

When Su Zibao opened the car door and sat in the passenger seat, Ye Hanjun regained his senses, turned to look at Su Zibao, and said incredulously, "A Bao, did I take the wrong medicine today, or did you not take it?"

Comrade Ye Hanjun, who was used to being rejected by Su Zibao, suddenly heard Su Zibao agree to date him, with a subtle sense of... dreaming.

"Why, I promise you are still not used to it?" Su Zibao tilted his head to look at him, his upward smile bright and moving.

Ye Hanjun nodded solemnly, "Yes, I think I was abused and abused by you. You are a little better, why do I feel that you are either a traitor or a thief?"

Facts have proved that Ye Hanyun\'s intuition is very accurate.

When the two arrived at a high-end coffee shop in the imperial capital, Ye Hanjun gradually noticed a tinge of taste. Su Zibao drank coffee with him, not for him, but for the mine in Yaobei District.

A few months ago, road repairs exploded a rare mine that had not been detected by instruments. The magnet under the mine has its own interference magnetic field, and the general detection equipment is useless.

And unknown rare ores like this are hundreds of times more precious than the common ones that have been detected. Every time a rare mine appears, it is a **** storm in the mining industry.

It\'s just that the Su family\'s business doesn\'t involve mining at all, Ye Hanjun really couldn\'t imagine how Su Zibao would suddenly be interested in this thing.

"I found out now, people are not as good as mines! In your eyes, I, Ye Er Shao, are not as interesting as those broken stones." Ye Hanjun looked at Su Zibao angrily, but the evil peach blossom eyes were wronged at this time. Like a little daughter-in-law who was bullied.

This guy always has a special ability to be jealous of anything anytime, anywhere, and now he is even more competitive with mines.

Su Zibao pursed his lips and smiled, "Er Shao Ye is naturally more noble than the ore. I have no interest in those broken stones, and the Su family does not intend to intervene in the mining industry. I just want to recommend one to Mr. Ye Chenxuan as to who should mine such a rare mine. People, please pass on it to Er Shao."

The Yaobei District was originally the territory of the Ye family, and after Ye Chenxuan divorced Mu Yunlan two years ago, he voluntarily left the imperial capital and went to the Yaobei District for training. Now the location of this rare mine is his jurisdiction. In other words, it\'s a matter of Ye Chenxuan\'s words to whom this mine is to be mined now.

"Li Han?" Ye Hanjun raised his eyebrows slightly. The Li family\'s Galaxy Mining is one of the best.

Su Zibao affirmed, "Well. It\'s Li Han, not Mu Zifan. I think Mr. Ye Chenxuan can understand the meaning of this sentence."

"Okay, I\'ll pass it on for you, but I have to explain first. I\'ve never intervened in my eldest brother\'s political affairs, so whether he is willing to give the rare mine to Li Han, I said it won\'t work. If he doesn\'t agree, it\'s normal. , if he really agrees, it\'s not necessarily a good thing. You have to be mentally prepared, he is a character who can\'t afford to be too early. If he really chooses Li Han, he still doesn\'t know what kind of madness he will offer in exchange." Ye Hanjun Without hesitation, he sold his eldest brother. And the scolding behind it is justifiable.

After speaking, Ye Hanjun stood up and said, "Wait for me for a minute, and I\'ll give him a call. Usually, my elder brother is in Cangxi District. It happened that I just came to the imperial capital two days ago, so I just told him now."

Ye Hanjun was very positive about what Su Zibao explained. In less than a minute, Ye Hanjun came back after finishing the call, looked at Su Zibao and said incredulously, "It\'s weird, did you not take any medicine today, I told my eldest brother that you recommended Li Han, what do you think of his reaction? I tell you you can\'t guess."


bsp; "Isn\'t he going to come over and talk to me about some crazy conditions right now?" Su Zibao teased and used the adjective Ye Hanjun had just said.

Ye Hanyun on the opposite side was stunned.

Su Zibao was stunned for a moment, and there was a hint of surprise in his eyes, "Is it right?"

"Yes. My eldest brother just asked where we were and said he would be here in twenty minutes." Ye Hanjun said, frowning unhappily, "He ruined a good date."

Su Zibao pursed his lips and smiled, but he felt a little more alert in his heart.

Taking the rare mines in the Far North District is the second step. Li Han\'s internal affairs can only be handled by Li Han himself. Su Zibao can\'t get involved. The first thing she can do for Li Han is to send Li Han to the Li\'s group on the condition of K-type spray. And the second is to win the mine for her and increase her status in the Li family.

Besides, Su Zibao couldn\'t help with other things. As for whether he can take the second step, Su Zibao is not sure.

Because the one who made the final decision was Ye Chenxuan. Although Ye Chenxuan and Mu Yunlan have already divorced, but Su Zibao learned from it four years ago, this man actually cares about Mu Yunlan very much, and to some extent Su Zibao is an enemy rather than a friend.

However, if the other party is not resentful of Mu Yunlan\'s original divorce and wants to do something against her, there is a possibility of cooperation. The change between friend and foe is just a thought.

Now it seems that this step, guess right.

"A Bao, you and Li Han are not related, so you do your best for her. Because she is your friend?" Ye Hanjun asked.

Su Zibao was still thinking about what conditions Ye Chenxuan would propose, and he replied without hesitation, "Yeah."

"People who can be regarded as friends by A Bao are really lucky. However, A Bao, I am no worse to you than Li Han and Leilie. In your eyes, am I considered a friend?" Ye Hanjun asked earnestly.

Su Zibao looked up at him, of course not.

Friends are built on the basis of each other\'s same camp, and she can\'t be friends with people from the opposite camp. It\'s not a TV series, the enemy is the enemy, no matter how much you appreciate the enemy, it is also the enemy, and will never be regarded as a friend.

The Ye family has stood on the opposite side of Pei Yi from the very beginning. At that time, Su Zibao was still Pei Yi\'s wife, and the Ye family was the enemy.

Because they are Pei Yi\'s enemies.

And now, even if he does reach a cooperation with Ye Chenxuan, it is only a partnership relationship, a relationship of cooperative friends, it is absolutely impossible to become a friend like Li Han, Lei Lie, and Shen Xi who can go to each other\'s hearts.

If necessary, she won\'t be soft even if she cuts Ye Hanyun twice. Does she have such a friend?

"Forget it, don\'t answer, I don\'t want to be your friend." Ye Hanjun could already see the meaning in Su Zibao\'s eyes, but he smiled, his eyebrows curved, "Who wants to be your friend, I just want to be your man."

Su Zibao glanced at him in disgust, "I refuse."

"I invited you for coffee four years ago, but you wouldn\'t take a look. You can sit across from me in four years, Bao, don\'t you think this is a big improvement?" Ye Hanyun said optimistically, "I It won\'t be long before we can be together."

Not to mention that it is obvious that Su Zibao came here only to ask him to tell Ye Chenxuan a sentence. He said that in the past four years, he has only developed from refusing to drink coffee to drinking coffee together. What kind of great progress is this? Where did this guy get the confidence that they could be together in the future.
