Given A Second Chance: Time for Revenge!

Chapter 405: Can't get out of this door

"Heh, it seems that Mu Yunlan is your little lover. The real wife wouldn\'t dare to admit it in front of her, right?" Feng Xueli sneered, obviously not believing what Pei Yi said.

Su Zibao looked at Pei Yi coldly, that cold eye knife was very lethal. Obviously, if it wasn\'t because of Aochen\'s affairs, Miss Su would have left.

"It\'s useless for you to have friendship with Pei Yipan! Apologize." Su Zibao said coldly.

Feng Xueli put her hands on her hips and said arrogantly, "Whoever has a relationship with him, we Chen family still need to have a relationship with someone? Don\'t look at how much you have. I tell you, no apology. I didn\'t do anything to you, even if I flushed you all down the pool, I won\'t apologize. What can you do to me! Could it be that you dare to offend our Chen family?"

"Hmph." Chen Tianci snorted coldly, his expression exactly the same as his mother.

Su Zibao frowned. Some people don\'t have a good sense of superiority. The Chen family is very powerful. Compared with others, the Su family\'s background is too shallow and their strength is too low. However, she Su Zibao has no one who dares to offend.

"Okay, you don\'t apologize. I don\'t see if you can get out of the film and television base." Su Zibao sneered and folded his arms. Now she threatened them.

Feng Xueli\'s eyes widened, and she said in disbelief, "What are you going to do? Could it be that you are still detaining us illegally? How dare you, I will sue you in court!"

"Who told you that it was illegal detention? Destroying the public goods of the film and television base, not paying the fine, and not letting you leave, isn\'t this a normal thing?" Su Zibao directly began to arrange charges on them.

Feng Xueli said angrily, "Who destroyed the public property?"

"Not now. But if you don\'t apologize, then there will be." Su Zibao raised his lips. This is the film and television base of Emperor Jue. The Chen family is amazing, but in this place, she still has the final say.

Feng Xueli and the others have always threatened others and used the Chen family to bully others, but today, for the first time, there are still people bullying them.

"I don\'t believe you dare to force us to stay!" Feng Xueli\'s face was ashen.

Su Zibao sneered, "Then you can stay here, let\'s go."

"Don\'t go!" As soon as he saw Su Zibao and the others leaving, Chen Tianci rushed up to hit Aochen, Aochen took a step back decisively to dodge, then Chen Tianci fell directly to the ground, his chin slammed on the ground, and immediately Wuwu cried in pain, "Mom and dad, what are you still doing, seeing me being bullied and not helping me, I\'m going to tell grandpa to go!"

As soon as Chen Tianci mentioned grandfather, Feng Xueli and Chen Yibo became anxious, and the two rushed up to hold Pei Yi and Su Zibao in a fight.

Pei Yi stood in front of their family alone, as strong as a shield. Standing behind him, Su Zibao\'s mother and son were very safe.

Just as he was pushing and shoving, Su Zibao looked around, and there was a vase on the table next to it, with a bunch of freshly blooming carnations in it. Apart from this vase, there is nothing fragile or breakable in the room.

"Pei Yi, the vase." Su Zibao whispered.

The word vase was not understood by others, but Pei Yi immediately understood it, and directly led the Chen family to the direction of the table. After a few shoves, Feng Xueli hit the table, and the vase on the table fell with a bang. On the ground, Su Zibao calmly recorded the scene with his mobile phone.

Now vandalism is confirmed.

Chen family

He was not Pei Yi\'s opponent at all, and was quickly pulled away by the staff. The outside show had been recorded, and Su Zibao and his group won the first place without any accident, and the bonus became the small treasury of Aochen and Forsythia.

"Pei Yi, Su Zibao, I remember you, you wait, we won\'t give up!" Feng Xueli had no choice but to plan to go back and deal with it later.

But when their family of three planned to go out, the security guard at the door said responsibly that they could not leave now and had to pay a fine.

The reason for paying the fine is for destroying the public property of the base.

Feng Xueli naturally refused, making a lot of noise at the door, but still couldn\'t go out.

And the security also told them to pay the fine, please go to Su Zibao, they can\'t collect it.

But how could Feng Xueli bow her head and go back to find Su Zibao. It wasn\'t until it was dark and the onlookers went back, that they couldn\'t get out, that Feng Xueli\'s family realized that the other party was really here.

They had cash on hand and their bank cards were not short of money. They found a hotel in the base to stay, but they didn\'t plan to find Su Zibao, nor did they plan to lose money.

"Lili, or we\'ll give Su Zibao some money and leave this ghost place first. This is the emperor\'s territory, and we can only suffer by staying here." Chen Yibo advised.

Feng Xueli said angrily, "No, how can I bow to them."

"Mom is right." Chen Tianci said unhappily, "Hurry up and call Grandpa, wait for Grandpa to come, and see how Grandpa handles them."

"No, don\'t look for the old man first." Feng Xueli hurriedly stopped. If you let the old man know what happened here, the first one will teach them a lesson and let Tianci suffer.

The second is to teach them a lesson, so stupid to deal with the master on other people\'s territory. If I can\'t get out now, I have to ask the old man for emergency help.

Chen Yibo quickly agreed, "Yes, yes, the old man is so far away from Yuncheng, he can\'t rush here for such a small matter."

"I don\'t want to stay here, I want to go out, I want to go home. People here bully me, I want to tell grandpa and let grandpa clean up them." Chen Tianci said. What he is best at is complaining, even his parents are afraid of this trick.

No matter who bullies him, Mr. Chen will vent his anger for him.

Feng Xueli was really afraid of the old man of the Chen family, and immediately said, "I called my cousin. She is now the spokesperson of the Feng family and has a high status in southern China. Pei Yi will definitely give her a face. Hurry up!" Su Zibao and his party also returned to the inn where they lived. Today, the two little guys were tired, they took a bath and went to bed.

On the tatami in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows on the second floor, Su Zibao and Pei Yi sat opposite each other. Although it is a small matter, the Chen family is implicated behind it, and it cannot be taken lightly.

"Given the relationship between Feng Xueli and Feng Danhui, it\'s definitely not the Chen family who appeared first, but the Feng family. Maybe in a few minutes, your Alan girlfriend should call." Su Zibao said slowly.

Pei Yi smiled bitterly, "It\'s really not my girlfriend. I\'m a married man, how can I find another girlfriend."

"Who cares if you have a girlfriend or a little lover, I just want to tell you one thing, Mu Yunlan wants to solve this matter in one sentence, there\'s no way. If Chen Tianci doesn\'t apologize to Aochen, I won\'t let them leave the Emperor Jue. Base. No matter how powerful the Chen family is, in Haicheng, my words can still play a role. As for whether the Chen family will not have a sensible person who will attack us regardless of their status, I am not afraid of them. "Su Zibao said coldly.