Given A Second Chance: Time for Revenge!

Chapter 389: Miss Mu's acting is superb

The son is returning?

Su Zibao thought it was related to the car accident just now, but unexpectedly, she was talking about the bracelet.

Just a few days ago at the Chi family\'s costume show banquet, Su Zibao also wore that bracelet, and his son Yugui.

"Don\'t sell it." It\'s one thing for Su Zibao to want to give it back to Pei Yi, but it\'s one thing to not want it, but it\'s another thing to give it to others, especially to Mu Yunlan.

Who knew that this thing fell into her hands, what kind of moth she would make.

Even if Su Zibao lost it, he wouldn\'t give it to her.

"I know my request is abrupt, but I have a reason to do it. Miss Su knows that her son Yugui is Minai\'s treasure, but she still doesn\'t know its origin and the story behind it, right?" Mu Yun Lan looked at Su Zibao, and continued without waiting for her to speak, "Pei Yi and Minai have a close relationship, Miss Su should have felt it, in fact, he is Minai\'s boss, and he designed this bracelet himself. The seven precious gems that have not yet appeared in the world, Pei Yi designed my son Yugui for me. At that time, it was seven years ago, and we were both in Paris. But then I returned to China to get married, and this bracelet stayed. Mina."

"The return of my son is the most important gift I missed. I\'m sorry, but no matter how much money Miss Su wants, or what treasures she wants, I\'m willing to exchange it with her."

The first time he saw his son Yu Gui in Minai\'s studio five years ago, Su Zibao felt that this was a bracelet that carried a story and affection.

The person who designed this bracelet must have given it such an ancient traditional cultural name for the woman he loves.

The son is at home, and it is suitable for IKEA.

This bracelet is the most beautiful confession and the most poetic marriage proposal.

When she heard the name for the first time, she had already determined that it was a bracelet with a story. But I never thought that the protagonists of this bracelet story would be Pei Yi and Mu Yunlan.

Looking back now, Pei Yi\'s expression when he saw the bracelet was very complicated, like a kind of nostalgia, and it seemed like there was an inexplicable emotion hidden in it.

She was so excited when she got the bracelet, but now she is tearing open the romantic skin, which is the most cruel and fierce truth.

My son Yugui, I want to marry you, are you willing to marry me?

This sentence was never said to her Su Zibao. Those self-righteous soulful and romantic, fragile vulnerable.

"If this bracelet is really designed for you by Pei Yi, there is no need for Miss Mu to pay in exchange. I will give it to you with both hands." Su Zibao raised his wrist, his son Yu Gui was shining brightly on his wrist, and the smile on his face was flawless. "However, I have to ask Pei Yi first."

She just made it clear she didn\'t believe her. It was the same four years ago, and it is the same four years later.

I thought that in the past four years, Su Zibao had completely given up on Pei Yi, but this sentence made Mu Yunlan realize so clearly that in the past four years, he was still the same Pei Yi, and she was still the same Su Zibao.

has never changed.

In fact, Su Zibao\'s own idea is very simple. From the fake pregnancy test report, she no longer believed anything the woman in front of her said.

The son is returning? If Pei Yi really did it for her, so what if it was given to her. If not, now

Give it to her, who knows what will happen.

However, although he didn\'t say anything in front of Mu Yunlan, his mood that was fluctuating just now because of Pei Yi\'s remarks in the car completely calmed down.

Whenever she thought she could get a little closer, the cold facts would come out, and she would slap her naked in the face.

All of this reminds Su Zibao that some things that he thought were in the past may actually never be in the past. For example, the ten-year old love between Pei Yi and Mu Yunlan.

The two of them are a match made in heaven, so I\'ll stay away and not get involved, okay?

"Okay, although Miss Su can confirm with Pei Yi." Mu Yunlan smiled and said generously.

Su Zibao raised her lips slightly, "Four years ago, Miss Mu was so open and upright, but she set a trap. She\'s not Pei Yi\'s child at all, but she wants to tell me to quit and fulfill you."

"I don\'t understand what Miss Su is talking about. You are talking about what happened that day. It was all lies that Pei Yi deliberately told in front of Ye Chenxuan in order to help me. When did I say that Miss Su should quit?" Mu Yunlan innocent face.

Su Zibao was startled, "You came to me, just before Ye Chenxuan appeared in the Century Building."

"Yeah, I went to Miss Su, but I just told Miss Su that if you hear any unexpected news in the future, don\'t be impulsive, give Pei Yi some time, and you can talk slowly. In fact, I should tell Miss Su at that time. The child belongs to Ye Chenxuan, but Miss Su and Ye Hanyun have such a good relationship, I can\'t believe Miss Su completely, so I only said half of what I said. Pei Yi is very clear about this, he knew about it four years ago. "Mu Yunlan looked at Su Zibao, her gentle smile seemed pure and innocent.

If Su Zibao wasn\'t the party involved, she really had to believe that this was what happened that day.

What could be more disgusting than now, the other party has already tampered with the content of the conversation and told Pei Yi one step ahead, Su Zibao mentions it again, the lack of balance is really understood by people as alienating the feelings of Pei Yi and Mu Yunlan, deliberately throwing dirty water.

At that time, there were only the two of them in the study room, and there was no recorder. Except for the two of them, no third person knew the content of the conversation.

As long as he still believes in Mu Yunlan\'s day, it\'s just a repeat of the same mistakes. At this moment, Su Zibao confirmed again.

"Miss Mu\'s acting is superb, I admire it." Su Zibao sneered, "You don\'t reveal a single flaw, you are worried that I will carry a recorder with me. But don\'t worry now, there will be no recorder. I hope you can act for a lifetime, Never be found flawed, and never be caught by me."

Su Zibao turned around and left, Mu Yunlan looked at her back, and could not see the slightest bit of malice or resentment, as always gentle and kind.

No one could see what kind of calculation was hidden under such a gentle face.

It\'s not the point to get the bracelet back, it\'s the most important thing to let Su Zibao know the story about this bracelet.

Even if you have a little idea of ​​reconciling with Pei Yi, you probably won\'t have it now. Pei Yi, it can only be mine.

Before Su Zibao and Pei Yi had a showdown to ask about the bracelet, the wedding ceremony began.

Su Zibao would not be absent or spoil his sister\'s wedding, so he planned to ask him after the wedding was over.

With the bell tolling in the auditorium, the newlyweds walked on the red carpet with the blessing of relatives and friends, and became husband and wife under the oath of the priest.