Given A Second Chance: Time for Revenge!

Chapter 388: The misunderstanding between me and Pei Yi is not important

"You came back this time, didn\'t you explain to Pei Yi?" Lei Lie lowered his voice, lowered his head slightly, and said to Su Zibao, "I wanted to explain to you for a long time, but before you left, let me not Don\'t worry about it. Li Han also said that he wanted to tell Pei Yi the truth, but he was also blocked by you. Do you plan to keep misunderstanding you? Just tell Pei Yi alone, it shouldn\'t matter. Are you worried that he will tell Mu Yun? Lan?"

Su Zibao said calmly, "You don\'t need him to tell, Mu Yunlan already knew that the person in the car was Li Han. If we tell Pei Yi now, then she will tell Mu Zifan too. Once Mu Zifan finds out, he will become him. Li Han will never come back. The things we have been preparing for so long have gone to waste."

It is an understatement, but it carries a heavy feeling of girlfriends and sisters.

In this world, apart from relatives, there are only three people who can truly make Su Zibao maintain and help him at all costs. Lei Lie in front of him, Shen Xi in the past and present, and Li Han.

"Li Han would rather never come back than she would like you to be misunderstood." Lei Lie looked at Su Zibao and said seriously.

Su Zibao curled his lips and smiled, her beauty is beyond measure, "I know. That\'s why I asked her boss not to give her a chance to return to China. Now everything is almost ready, Li Han is not for the Li family. It will ruin the chess we arranged. She is the one who really can\'t be willful, she is not for herself, only she can avenge the revenge of the Li family, and only she can expose Mu Zifan\'s crimes."

Doesn\'t Li Han want to tell Pei Yi the truth? She just didn\'t have the chance to come back.

And Lei Lie promised Su Zibao so he wouldn\'t act rashly. Except for the three of them, no one here knows the truth.

Su Zibao was willing to commit the crime for Li Han, and Li Han was willing to become a fugitive for her.

"It doesn\'t matter. As long as we defeat Mu Zifan, we won\'t be afraid even if the events of that year are exposed." Lei Lie\'s tone contained a murderous murderous intent, "If we kill that bastard, then we will clear up this misunderstanding openly. "

Su Zibao smiled, "Well, Mu Zifan really needs to clean up, but the misunderstanding between me and Pei Yi is not important."

"Why doesn\'t it matter? That\'s Pei Yi\'s child. He has always regarded you as the murderer of his child, so there is no way you can reconcile." Lei Lie said immediately.

Su Zibao knew that he was defending her inside and out. Just like four years ago, he had to carry everything. Four years later, he also wanted to clarify everything for her.

From beginning to end, I just want to protect her, just want to be nice to her.

"That\'s not Pei Yi\'s child, Ye Chenxuan\'s." Su Zibao took a deep breath and clenched his fists unconsciously, "I didn\'t plan to make peace with him when I came back this time. The misunderstanding between us is not only about whether Deliberately bumping into Mu Yunlan to have a miscarriage is as simple as that, but as long as Mu Yunlan is still someone he trusts and maintains, he will never reconcile."

Lei Lie looked into Su Zibao\'s eyes, those beautiful and dazzling eyes seemed to be hiding the most beautiful treasures in the world.

But he could read her eyes, not as heartless as what she said. The truth is, you clearly know that the woman is the biggest threat, but you still haven\'t made up your mind to cut off the relationship with him completely.

"I believe you have your own opinion, so I won\'t say more. It\'s still the same sentence, what\'s the use of me, one sentence, the wind will come and the fire will go." Lei Lie looked at Su Zibao with a bright smile.

Su Zibao smiled softly, "Yeah. Oh yes, Bo Yina is here too, I think she came over knowing that you were going to show up, otherwise she has nothing to do with me.

The imperial capital is here to find you, right? "

"Well. Don\'t you want to get Shen Fangbin\'s signature? I heard that Bai Yina has taken Shen Huan into the ditch a lot recently, but he just doesn\'t fit. So when I came back, I happened to put him on!" Lei Lie said confidently.

Su Zibao said in surprise, "Do you have a solution?"

Although she has no contact with Bai Yina, she has been paying attention to the progress there. Although Shen Huan was stupid, he wasn\'t particularly stupid, and he wasn\'t easy to deceive.

What\'s more, there is Shen Fangbin behind him, and it is not easy to get the signature.

"It\'s almost, Shen Huan is so good at it, don\'t worry, I\'ll discuss with Bo Yina later, how to do it, A Bao can rest assured, the signature will be received." Lei Lie smiled.

As soon as he appeared, he began to solve problems for Su Zibao.

"Miss, the investigation is over. The driver was drunk and drove the wrong way. The others couldn\'t be found." Gu Yian hurried over and said.

He had been staying at the scene to deal with the traffic accident on the bridge just now, and he came over just now, his face was cold, obviously he himself was not satisfied with such investigation results.

Su Zibao raised his brows. He had just gotten rid of a drunk driver, but he almost killed himself and the two little guys just now.

But since the other party dared to do it, it must not be so simple to leave a handle, and it is also expected that it cannot be found out.

"Well, I know. From now on, Ian, strengthen the protection of Aochen and Forsythia."

Gu Yian nodded cautiously, "Yes."

Lei Lie frowned, "What\'s the matter? There are still people in Haicheng who dare to do something to you. I\'ll ask the people from the Fire Gang to check to see if other forces have intervened in Haicheng recently."

"Okay, then please." Su Zibao smiled and said, "It\'s okay, it\'s okay, let\'s go, let\'s go first."

A figure in a long white dress came over, looked at Su Zibao and smiled apologetically, "Is it convenient to disturb Miss Su for a few minutes?"

Mu Yunlan? What is she doing to herself? Su Zibao also suspected that she was the one who arranged for the truck to hit him, but she came first?

"I\'an, you bring Lei Lie in first, and I\'ll talk to Miss Mu Yunlan." Su Zibao said without any change in his face.

The two most dazzling women in the audience collided.

The first lady in South China, the eldest lady of the Mu family in the imperial capital, the ex-wife of Young Master Ye, the close relative of Mu Zifan, and a friend of Pei Yi, although it seems that she has no control over the government affairs of the consortium, she can change the situation with a single sentence.

As soon as Su Zibao returned to China, he showed a strong iron fist and a fierce and powerful style, in stark contrast to Mu Yunlan.

"Is there anything wrong with Miss Mu?" Su Zibao looked at her, suspicious of her in his heart, plus he learned from Pei Yi that Mu Yunlan was actually pregnant with Ye Chenxuan\'s child, and the woman in front of her was in front of her. Dangerous on several levels.

Mu Yunlan took a deep breath, her big eyes filled with mist, making Su Zibao feel tired and crooked.

I haven\'t said anything yet, you look aggrieved like I bullied you.

"Miss Su, I know that my request is very abrupt, but I still ask Miss Su to sell me the bracelet of her son Yugui. I am willing to spend a lot of money, or for any rare treasures that Miss Su wants, I can exchange it. "Mu Yunlan said sincerely.