Given A Second Chance: Time for Revenge!

Chapter 390: Grandpa helps match

After the wedding ceremony, before throwing the hydrangea, there is a game session. There is no normal wedding procedure, but our grandfather is very knowledgeable and has prepared a game of concentric knots to make it fun.

"Now is our most anticipated part of the game. The so-called heart has thousands of knots, and this game is called the concentric knot. In some ancient tribes in our country, there used to be stories of concentric knots. According to ancient books, every spring, Married men and women in the tribe will play the game of concentric knots together. Those who can succeed prove that they have a good heart and become husband and wife according to the customs of the tribe. If they cannot succeed, it means that there is no such fate. Marriage traditions..." Gu Yian is now the emcee, talking eloquently about the origin of the game.

Su Zibao couldn\'t help laughing when he heard this, thinking that his grandfather was also quite playful, and now Xinxin and Yan are miserable.

I have never heard of this concentric knot game at all, and there is no way to cheat.

"Let\'s not talk about the gossip, now I have two flower girls to bring the red thread. Look at the red thread in my hand, it will tie the hands of the bride and groom, and then our old man Lin will tie a concentric knot. The difficulty of this concentric knot is It only takes two people\'s tacit cooperation to untie it. If the tacit understanding is not enough, then I\'m sorry, and the more we can untie the more tightly." Gu Yian smiled and looked at Su Jiaxin and Lu Yanzhi, "The two newcomers, get ready. Yet?"

Lu Yanzhi and Su Jiaxin looked at each other. In fact, they both knew that it wasn\'t them that was playing the game, but in order to cooperate with the old man, they had to sacrifice their lives to accompany the gentleman.

"Ready." The two said in unison.

At this moment, Lin Xuejiao said, "It\'s boring to play with only one pair. Let\'s make a few more pairs, Dad, don\'t you think?"

"Well, let\'s have a few more pairs. Some people can untie it, and some people can\'t untie it, so that the magic of the concentric knot can be seen." Lin Shiqing nodded and said.

Lin Donghua immediately raised his hand and said, "Come, come, Yi Yun and I will participate in one."

Seeing this scene, Su Zibao raised her long dark-blue eyebrows lightly, feeling strange. Grandpa proposed this game that seems to be pitting Xinxin and Yanzhi, and then my mother suggested that more groups of people play together, and then my uncle happily cooperated.

"It\'s really only a tacit understanding that people can solve it, so miraculous?" Pei Yi looked curious as a baby, but Su Zibao thought, this is... pretending.

Lin Shiqing smiled meaningfully at Pei Yi, "There are only two pairs now, Pei Yi, come and make up the number."

"Okay. Then, as the best man, I naturally want to be with the bridesmaids!" Pei Yi immediately grabbed Su Zibao\'s hand next to him, smiling innocently.

Su Zibao was silent. Dare to love this is the main event, right? I swept in my sister and Yanzhi, my uncle and Xia sister, just for this.

Grandpa, you are really well-intentioned.

Su Zibao refused without any face, "I refuse."

"Yeah, how could A Bao be in a group with him, A Bao, with me! Let\'s also participate!" Ye Hanjun was eager to try. This is the first time I have heard of this concentric knot game, and it seems to be very interesting.

Of course the most important thing is to untie the rope with Po, think it\'s awesome.

Shen Xi smiled, "If Po wants to participate, I am willing to be a partner."

Compared with Ye Hanjun\'s directness, Shen Xi is more gentle and elegant, but he bears the name of Su Zibao\'s fiancee. Lei Lie, who was next to him, wanted to make a rescue for Su Zibao, but seeing these two people appearing, he didn\'t do anything, but whispered a word to Bo Yina next to him.


This time I came back to cooperate with Bo Yina to pit Shen Huan. Bai Yina is indeed on Li Han\'s side, but a female SWAT with a strong sense of justice, she is really not good at making her trick people. Moreover, there is Shen Fangbin behind Shen Huan, and what is needed is Shen Fangbin\'s signature, which is somewhat difficult.

But our intelligence chiefs are good at these tricks and abductions, which are the tricks that the police officers do not like the most.

Lei Lie planned to bet against Shen Huan and let Shen Huan lose to him. But in order for Shen Huan to agree to bet, he must first make Lei Lie his competitor and pursue Bai Yina\'s competitor.

It\'s too shameful for a man to dare not even gamble for a woman.

Lei Lie planned to ask Shen Huan to go to the woods after the wedding, and then hehe... Then in the name of gambling, the loser must pay one thing, and at the same time he can\'t pursue Bo Yina. And the winner can go on a separate seven-day vacation with Bo Yina.

Shen Huan had no choice but to gamble.

But now, he had to brush the threat value of his rival in front of Shen Huan. So when the two of them summed up, before Su Zibao could get the results first, Lei Lie and Bai Yina came over and laughed, "Add us."

Su Zibao was stunned for a moment, but immediately realized that it must be related to pit Chen Huan.

Shen Huan\'s face turned red when he saw that Bai Yina and Lei Lie were really participating in this so-called concentric knot game, which was a test of tacit understanding.

"Miss Yina, why did you promise to be with him?" Shen Huan said dissatisfiedly, the implication was that he should only be with him.

Lei Lie raised his eyebrows proudly, "Yina is not yours, why can\'t it work?"

Hearing this unfamiliar name, Bai Yina was stunned for a moment before she could react. Lei Lie called her by her name every time, or the nickname that was infinitely shameful. He had never called her by her nickname so seriously.

"Lei Lie, do you dare to be right with me?" Shen Huan couldn\'t believe it, he was the young master of Lei\'s family in Haicheng, why would he dare to argue with him.

Lei Lie shrugged, showing his white teeth with a smile, "My lady, a gentleman. The choice is Yina. If Mr. Shen Huan thinks this is the right thing to do, then it\'s the right thing to do."

Shen Huan immediately remembered Lei Lie in his heart, Lei Lie was a rival in love and he had to be dealt with. And he seems to be old acquaintances with Bo Yina, so he has to hurry up.

But in fact, although they were old acquaintances, if it wasn\'t for the same goal, or if they weren\'t at the wedding scene of the Su family now, the two of them might have fought long ago.

Not as harmonious as Shen Huan imagined.

In addition to Lei Lie and Bai Yina, there were also several pairs of young people participating one after another. The game proposed by Mr. Lin, with the prestige of the Su family\'s Lin family, naturally attracted many people.

Without waiting for Su Zibao\'s refusal, Mr. Lin Shiqing tied Pei Yi and her together first, and then went to tie Xinxin and Yanzhi, which immediately exposed the fact that the game was originally here to trap her.

I knew it.

Looking at the red rope wrapped around his wrists with Pei Yi, Su Zibao couldn\'t help laughing and crying. Grandpa, do you sell your granddaughter like this? Pei Yi must have poured ** soup for you.

Although he didn\'t want to see Pei Yi, Su Zibao would not directly disobey the old man\'s intentions, so he didn\'t say anything, but said to Pei Yi with a stern face, "Quickly untie it!"

Fifteen minutes later, two or three pairs were released one after another. Yanzhi and Xinxin were among them, while Lei Lie and Bai Yina, who had no tacit understanding, did not. As for Pei Yi and Su Zibao...

The old man Lin, who tied the concentric knot, had already hidden his merits and fame, and quietly left the stage unknowingly, and went down to rest on the grounds that he was tired.