Given A Second Chance: Time for Revenge!

Chapter 374: Scandal, Balcony Field

If it was a member of a big family, Bai Yifan would not dare to be so domineering. But Lu Yanzhi, what if he is a big star. In Bai Yifan\'s eyes, as long as there is no family behind him, it is nothing.

If he stole his wine, he stole his wine, and it was not the first time that Bai Yifan and Bai Da Shao had robbed him by force. What kind of Lu Yanzhi entangled with him for a glass of wine? That\'s a real joke. At that time, he will kill him with a hundred glasses of wine.

Bai Yifan grabbed the wine and left so leisurely, the waiter was holding an empty plate and didn\'t know what to do. Thinking that Mr. Lu doesn\'t drink, and this glass of wine has been drunk by others, as for the gentleman who delivered the wine, he doesn\'t know who it is.

Dry stood for a while, had to leave.

Lu Yanzhi and Su Jiaxin went to the living room on the third floor to see Aochen, Chu Feimo went downstairs to find Lu Yanzhi\'s whereabouts, and Bai Yifan staggered up to the second floor after drinking, suddenly feeling hot and dry dry.

After drinking the remaining half of the cocktail in one gulp, Bai Yifan said to himself, "The more you drink, the more thirsty you get. This cocktail doesn\'t quench your thirst at all. Shouldn\'t there be air conditioners installed in the venue, why is it still so hot? Forget it, go to the balcony to get some air."

Bai Yifan looked around. There were people on the balconies on the second floor in twos and threes. Only the balcony on the edge had a pretty figure in a long white dress with his back to him.

Yo, it\'s not bad, let\'s see which chick it is, and we can hook up.

Bai Yifan boasted that he was very likable with a little white face, and immediately walked to the balcony. Now that the Bai family has become the head of Bai Fangfei, a woman who has been married before has overwhelmed him, and Bai Yifan is very upset. But their team is now losing ground, and he can\'t help it.

Therefore, Bai Yifan now, apart from causing chaos for Bai Fangfei, only has the majesty of the young master. He likes this kind of dinner the most, because maybe he can hook up with a beautiful woman and go back.

So, these two people who were both caught in the potent aphrodisiac finally met by accident.

Ten minutes later, the two men and women who were both dazzled by the drug had already started an affair on the balcony.

And because this place is relatively secret, it is just blocked by potted plants, and no one will find it for a while.

Until the guests downstairs looked up inadvertently and found the living **** palace on the balcony. A pair of men and women, naked and **, just ** on the balcony, fighting fiercely.

And in Haicheng, most people know Bai Yifan of the Bai family, one of the four giants.

Bai Yifan actually brought a woman to fight in the field on the balcony, which is really daring. The potted plants are very secretive. Although the woman is screaming loudly, the music and speech at the banquet are very noisy. If you are careful, it is really hard to find.

After a while, more and more people gradually discovered that this woman turned out to be... Chi Shuixian!

There are already some wretched people who have picked up the video and secretly filmed it, and some others are watching from the balcony below the balcony. It wasn\'t until about ten minutes after the two people\'s field battle was discovered that the people who were close to the Chi family and the Bai family found out, and hurried to find people from both families.

As for Chu Feimo, just when he was looking for Lu Yanzhi, he met a rich middle-aged woman by accident. It was an old woman who had dealt with him and wanted to take care of him. In the past, Chu Feimo could not dump her, but now that he has lost his power, dealing with this old woman has been delayed.

In the lounge on the third floor, Pei Yi had already blocked all the doctors that Mu Yunlan had brought to him. Su Aochen also "woke up" just right, and Su Jiaxin and Lu Yanzhi also came.

They really thought that something had happened to Aochen, and they were quite frightened. Seeing that Su Aochen was fine, he was relieved.

Several people were sitting in the lounge talking, Mu Yunlan had already left, Pei Yi was still here, Su Zibao rushed over

He, he didn\'t leave, he just let him.

"Young Master Pei, something has happened!" A waiter came over and said, "That...that..."

Tonight\'s charity dinner was hosted by Mu Yunlan, but only in name. If it wasn\'t for Pei Yi\'s help, Mu Yunlan would not have a firm foothold in South China. So now that something happened, the people at the venue came to look for Pei Yi in addition to reporting to Mu Yunlan.

Pei Yi\'s face remained unchanged, and he asked calmly, "What\'s the matter? Don\'t worry, speak slowly."

For someone like him who has experienced strong winds and waves, what can happen to a mere charity dinner is just a small matter of breaking a few antiques, or which two young masters fight.

"This..." The waiter got stuck and tried his best to say, "Ms. Chi\'s Chi Shuixian and Mr. Bai\'s Bai Yifan were caught out fighting on the balcony on the second floor."

Chi Shuixian and Bai Yifan?

Su Zibao wondered, "Are you sure you read it right, it\'s Bai Yifan, not Chu Feimo?"

The waiter nodded quickly, "It\'s Bai Yifan. And they should have taken medicine, otherwise they should have noticed so many people on the first floor watching them."

"Someone to stop, remind?" Rao Shi Pei Yi couldn\'t help but twitched the corners of his mouth. Bai Yifan and Chi Shuixian couldn\'t fight. Judging from the current situation, the two were fighting shirtless on the balcony, and there were audiences underneath, so they must have been tricked.

But this picture is really hot enough.

The waiter said with a bitter face, "This is the most troublesome place. There is a glass door on the balcony on the second floor, and they locked it outside the balcony. If they don\'t open the door, we can\'t get in."

"Don\'t you have a spare key? Find someone to unlock it immediately!" Pei Yi said.

The waiter said, "This is a rented venue. I didn\'t expect such a thing to happen. I\'m looking for the key."

Things have gotten worse.

As one of the organizers, Pei Yi had to come forward, looked at Su Zibao and said, "I\'ll go out and take a look first, you can rest here for a while."

"Wait, I\'ll go with you. Ian, you stay and take care of them." Su Zibao also realized that something was wrong, and the Chi family and the Bai family had something to do with her.

Su Lianqiao immediately said, "Mom, people are going too!"

"Not suitable for children." Su Zibao refused without hesitation.

Lu Yanzhi felt strange, looked at Su Jiaxin and walked out.

When Su Zibao and the others arrived on the second floor, a lot of people had gathered on the balcony on the second floor. Chi Xihuan\'s face was ashen, and Bai Fangfei\'s face was pale, but there was a good gloating in his eyes.

Mu Yunlan was supported by Mu Zifan, and said with relief, "I have already looked for the key, Mr. Chi will wait a little longer and the key will be here."

"Can\'t you smash the door?" Chi Xihuan was very dissatisfied. He didn\'t care what happened to Chi Yaoyi, it was their Chi family\'s face that was lost.

What a huge scandal.

Xiao Xiaodai, who walked over from the crowd, said dissatisfiedly, "This is a bulletproof tempered glass door. You can try to smash it. You can smash it open, you can smash it as much as you want, Mr. Chi."

This place is the industry under their Xiao Family Century Consortium.

"Have you found the key? Xiaodai." Pei Yi asked.

Xiao Xiaodai smiled sweetly when she saw Pei Yi, "I didn\'t find it. It would take about ten minutes. After all, although the balcony can be locked from the outside, no one has ever really locked himself out. So there are no spare keys. They have already Go to the warehouse."