Given A Second Chance: Time for Revenge!

Chapter 375: Dead begging for nothing

The door couldn\'t be opened, and the key was still looking for it. Even if he was angry, he couldn\'t help it. For a time, the atmosphere became strangely quiet.

Separated by a glass door, all the people inside stood silently. Chi Xihuan was suppressing his anger, and this time the Chi family\'s face was completely lost, and they were also thrown from the imperial capital to South China. Bai Fangfei was worried with a hint of joy. Originally, Bai Yifan had always been against him, but now, it doesn\'t matter if he was cheated or not. The family would definitely not care about his life or death in order to apologize to the Chi family. After this incident, he could no longer be a threat to himself.

Su Zibao calmly watched the lively, Chi Shuixian, tsk tsk, she can really kill.

Lu Yanzhi couldn\'t help but think about why he always felt that something was wrong.

Pei Yi was expressionless and calm. Mu Yunlan also had nothing to do with these two families, just watching Su Zibao and Pei Yi appear together, and the two stood together again, feeling very upset.

As for the others, they didn\'t want to touch the bad head of the Chi family and pretended that nothing had happened, but in fact they couldn\'t help but glance at the balcony behind the glass door.

The two people on the balcony were still fighting fiercely.

The people on the first floor feasted their eyes and watched a live-action movie. While watching, I didn\'t forget to comment. At first, everyone thought that the biggest news of this charity dinner was that Chi Yaoyi and Su Zibao almost got into a fight, but they didn\'t expect the main event to be here.

Compared to this, the previous thing is nothing.

As time passed, everyone at the dinner party had to enjoy this visual feast. Finally, the people from the Century Consortium found the key and opened the glass door.

The two were still inseparable, and in the end, the two families dragged them down, and the scene was more than a little ugly.

The doctor who had been brought in because of Aochen\'s injury now played a role in detoxifying the two of them and giving them tranquilizers, and finally they calmed down.

Half an hour later, the banquet resumed as normal, Mu Yunlan hosted outside, while Pei Yi stayed to solve the accident.

"Lu Yanzhi! Blame Lu Yanzhi! I only did this after drinking his wine!" Bai Yifan shouted immediately after sobering up.

I shudder to think of what happened.

He and Chi Shuixian actually staged a live **** palace in front of so many people. The Chi family can\'t afford to lose face, what will they do with him?

The real culprit must be found, otherwise he will be abandoned by the family and given to the Chi family to make amends.

As soon as these words came out, everyone\'s eyes fell on Lu Yanzhi.

Chi Shuixian was so embarrassed that she glared at Lu Yanzhi, "Lu Yanzhi, because I framed you, so I deliberately took revenge on me, right? You are so vicious."

"My wine? Bai Yifan, you\'ve been framed, don\'t frame me." Lu Yanzhi was not afraid, glanced at the two of them indifferently, and said lightly, "Since I entered this door, there have always been people around me. Everyone I contact can testify for me, I have no chance or time to frame you."

As soon as these words came out, several ladies around nodded their heads. As Lu Yanzhi, he was so popular with the young ladies of the small family that he was surrounded by water as soon as he came in.

"I can prove this. Lu Yanzhi is like a piece of meat, stared at by a bunch of wolves, how can there be that time." Xiao Xiaodai teased with a smile. She clearly saw Lu Yanzhi\'s previous embarrassment.

Bai Yifan refers to Lu Yan\'s grievance and shouts

Said, "It\'s him! I just drank a cocktail. The waiter said it was Lu Yanzhi\'s wine. If you don\'t believe me, call the waiter to confront him."

"Okay, don\'t go down and ask, who took Mr. Lu\'s wine and asked him to come over immediately." Xiao Xiaodai looked at the manager next to her and said, "Go quickly."

This place is the property of the Century Consortium, and the waiters in it are all employees of the Xiao family, and the waiter was brought over in a short while.

"That\'s not Mr. Lu\'s wine, but the wine someone gave to Mr. Lu," the waiter said.

The wine given to Lu Yanzhi, if Lu Yanzhi drinks it, then the person who is with Chi Shuixian is... him!

Su Zibao\'s brows sank, it was obvious that this was someone\'s plan against Lu Yanzhi.

"Who asked you to bring the wine, he brought the wine?" Su Zibao asked.

The waiter said, "It\'s a gentleman who asked me to send a cocktail on the table to Mr. Lu through the communication phone. I don\'t know who he is. He said that he was a friend of Mr. Lu and brought the wine to Mr. Lu. I understand. I thought it was a game between Mr. Lu and that gentleman."

As a high-level club, the entire venue is equipped with communication phones in many places, which are directly connected to the communication equipment worn by the waiters.

For example, in the lounge where Aochen and the others are now, there is one, and dialing the number allows the waiter to deliver what they need. This was originally for convenience, but now it has become a good shield for the opponent to cover.

"Check which communication phone it is immediately, and then check the monitoring records." Pei Yi said.

After a while, the news came back. It was a communication phone in the bathroom, and the bathroom was a dead spot for monitoring. Throughout the night, countless people went in and out of the bathroom.

"Xiao Dai, you guys are too caring here, and there is a paired communication phone in the bathroom." Yan Xiu, who had been watching the play beside him, laughed strangely.

Xiao Xiaodai raised her chin, glared at him and said, "Just when you need some auxiliary tools to go to the toilet, a phone call will be sent to you, isn\'t it very considerate?"

"What tools are needed?" Bernard looked at Yan Xu blankly.

Yan Xu\'s smile froze, and he quickly waved his hand, "No, I don\'t need it."

The clue is here, and it breaks at once.

"There\'s one more thing I\'m curious about. If this is a wine for Lu Yanzhi, why would it be drunk by Bai Yifan? Is there someone designing it?" Chi Xihuan stared at Lu Yanzhi coldly, with a hint of suspicion in his eyes. .

He still felt that Lu Yanzhi deliberately framed Bai Yifan, in order to retaliate against Chi Shuixian for framing him for cheating.

The waiter had to bite the bullet and said, "I didn\'t know there was a problem with the wine, so I gave it to Mr. Lu, just as Miss Su Jiaxin came to find Mr. Lu, and Mr. Lu left without taking the wine. Then Mr. Bai Yifan passed by and insisted on drinking this glass. Wine, as I reminded, this is Mr. Lu\'s wine, not the public property of the reception. But Mr. Bai said that if Mr. Lu has any objection, he can pay for a hundred glasses of wine. Then he grabbed the wine and left. "

"I really reminded him not to drink indiscriminately. But Mr. Bai was drinking too fast, I couldn\'t stop it..."

Everyone looked at Bai Yifan with contempt, and even Chi Shuixian looked at him with contempt.

Bai Yifan is really stupid. Others framed Lu Yanzhi very well, but Lu Yanzhi missed the trick. As a result, he was passing by and begging the bailai to take away their wine. Okay, here\'s a shot, right? Deserved! Just as it should be!