Given A Second Chance: Time for Revenge!

Chapter 373: who drank the cocktail

This time, the charity party was very grand. In addition to the ladies and gentlemen of Haicheng, representatives of wealthy families from many nearby cities came. There are about ten living rooms for the party, with three floors up and down. The turmoil that Su Zibao and the others caused was only in a living room on the third floor, and most of the two floors downstairs did not know about it.

At this time, on the open-air balcony of the living room on the second floor, a handsome and ruthless man looked at Lu Yanzhi, who was surrounded by some young daughters on the grass downstairs, with a gloomy light in his eyes.

The pre-marriage affair did not ruin Lu Yanzhi\'s reputation, and the emperor not only solved it perfectly, but also released a new movie incidentally. And he himself has not yet climbed out of the prostitution door, Yun Ting Entertainment has given up on him.

But because of giving up, the news about his prostitution has gradually diminished. But just like this, it shows that his acting career, Chu Feimo, is gradually going downhill. In this fast-changing entertainment industry, there is no exposure, no popularity, he is just an outdated star.

As the popularity of prostitution wanes, he will also be forgotten. He wanted Lu Yanzhi to be ruined and ruined his acting career and marriage, but in the end, he suffered the consequences.

The only thing that is fortunate is that although Yunting Entertainment gave up on him, and the Chi family did not allow Chi Shuixian to communicate with him, Chi Shuixian was still infatuated with him. For an occasion like tonight, if it wasn\'t for Chi Shuixian\'s help, he wouldn\'t be able to get in at all.

As for Lu Yanzhi, the organizer warmly invited him to attend. The two are in stark contrast.

Five years ago, he was a popular actor, and the other party was only a second-rate star, and he could only get the standard second male lead in acting. But now, Lu Yan\'s brilliance is shining, but he has fallen into the dust. In another month, Lu Yanzhi will get married. The bride is Su Jiaxin, the actress in the entertainment industry, and the daughter of the four wealthy families in Haicheng.

Why can he be so happy, yet he has been immersed in the pain of the year, and has not yet come out. This is so unfair.

Lu Yanzhi didn\'t deserve happiness at all.

Chu Feimo\'s eyes were fixed on a waiter who was holding a tray with a cocktail in it. And this glass of wine has already been put in something by him.

As celebrities, with their fame, it is normal for someone to send wine and flowers on such occasions.

Lu Yanzhi won\'t know that there is a problem with this glass of wine, and will only regard it as a fan\'s heart.

"What are you looking at? Feimo, didn\'t you say you want to dance with me later? Let\'s go, the dance starts downstairs." Chi Shuixian in a long white dress walked over with a smile and took Chu Feimo\'s arm , said affectionately.

Although Chi Xihuan asked her to break up with Chu Feimo, girls who are in love are blind. Even if Chu Feimo is not a star now, he is still the man she likes. She, Chi Shuixian\'s man, just needs to be by her side, it\'s better not to be in the entertainment industry, and she can spend more time with her in the future.

"Daffodil, cheers." Chu Feimo handed Chi Shuixian the cocktail on the stand next to him, and raised the red wine in his hand towards her.

It\'s also a spiced cocktail.

In order to completely destroy Lu Yanzhi, Chu Feimo did not hesitate to drug his now nominal girlfriend Chi Shuixian. Of course, he did not regard Chi Shuixian as his girlfriend.

He just wants to complete his revenge, Chi Narcissus is just a tool.

"Huh? Such a gorgeous cocktail, it\'s so beautiful, did you order it for me?" Chi Shuixian didn\'t doubt Lu Yanzhi at all, picked up the cocktail and clinked glasses with him, and drank it with a smile.

Chu Feimo watched her drink it with his own eyes, and a sneer appeared on his lips.


p;Lu Yanzhi, if you did something to Chi Shuixian in public, do you think you can still be your groom smoothly?

The Chi family\'s revenge, just wait.

Su family, can I lose this face again? The wedding also fell through.

Chu Feimo didn\'t want to take such a risk, it would be troublesome if he was found to be related to him. However, now that he has been abandoned by Yun Ting Entertainment, he is no longer on the same level as them. Even if he wanted to meet Lu Yanzhi, he had to rely on Chi Shuixian\'s relationship, so he could only gamble.

If I don\'t take advantage of this opportunity, I really don\'t know when I will have another chance in the future.

Even if it\'s a little risky. After today, he will go abroad immediately. What Chi Narcissus, what Chi family, he will not serve. Anyway, the money he has saved over the years is enough for him to spend abroad.

As long as Lu Yan\'s body can be ruined and his name shattered, he will bet on it.

Chu Feimo was thinking about his own way back, and suddenly saw that there was no one of him where Lu Yanzhi was still just now. The cocktail in the waiter\'s tray has also been taken away, I don\'t know if Lu Yanzhi drank it.

Strange! Has he had a cocktail and gone? What about people?

Chu Feimo had a bad premonition in his heart, then glanced at Chi Shuixian with a blushing face in front of him, and immediately went down to find Lu Yanzhi. Lu Yanzhi must be found, and he must act according to the script he arranged. Chi Shuixian has been recruited, and now only Lu Yanzhi is left to drink cocktails.

"Hey, Feimo, where are you going?" Chi Shuixian shouted, not knowing why.

Chu Feimo didn\'t look back, "Shui Xian, wait here, I\'m in a hurry."

What Chu Feimo didn\'t know was that when he and Chi Shuixian were toasting, Su Jiaxin hurriedly found Lu Yanzhi.

"What\'s wrong? Did something happen?" Lu Yanzhi managed to break free from the siege of a bunch of daughters. This is the helplessness of being a public figure.

Su Jiaxin said anxiously, "I just heard someone say to seek a doctor, it seems that something happened to Aochen, let\'s go and see."

"Aochen?" Lu Yan was stunned. He knew that today Su Zibao brought two small groups and Shen Xi to the charity dinner. He was also in this venue and immediately said, "Okay. Let\'s go over."

The waiter stepped forward and said, "Mr. Lu, this is a cocktail that one of your friends ordered for you. I hope you like it."

But at this time, Lu Yanzhi didn\'t feel in the mood to drink, he smiled and waved his hand to signal no more, took Su Jiaxin\'s hand and left like a gust of wind.

The waiter said helplessly, "running so fast, what should I do now? The gentleman said that it must be given to Mr. Lu to drink. Now shall I go back?"

When he was talking to himself, Bai Yifan, a passing master, happened to see this cocktail. The color is gorgeous, the fragrance is mellow and attractive, and it is a top-quality product in all aspects of color and fragrance. He immediately picked up the cocktail and praised it, "As expected of the charity dinner hosted by Miss Mu Yunlan, even the cocktails at the reception are of such high quality."

The waiter stopped, "Sir, this glass of wine belongs to Mr. Lu. You can\'t drink it."

"Which Mr. Lu?" Bai Yifan frowned. Being prevented from drinking is very shameless in his opinion.

The waiter said, "Mr. Lu Yanzhi."

"Oh, that star, I thought who it was. Isn\'t it just a glass of wine? If he can\'t bear to give him a hundred glasses," Bai Yifan said disdainfully. Holding the remaining half glass of wine, he went up to the second floor on his own.