Given A Second Chance: Time for Revenge!

Chapter 372: I will never get tired of watching

"Yeah, I really didn\'t mean it. And it was Su Zibao who knocked me down and smashed my blue-and-white porcelain first, and then her children rushed up by themselves!" Chi Yaoyi grabbed the words in Mu Yunlan\'s words. The point, he said quickly.

A sneer appeared in Pei Yi\'s long and narrow eyes, "Why didn\'t you say that you deliberately bumped into the blue-and-white porcelain by yourself? Did the blue-and-white porcelain fall from your hand? Slippery, it\'s all possible. There is no witness, don\'t frame our baby. Mr. Shen and Miss Su were together just now, did Mr. Shen see Miss Su deliberately bumping into her blue and white porcelain? "

"We didn\'t pay attention to her appearance at all, how could we hit her on purpose." Shen Xi said coldly.

Chi Xihuan confronted each other, "Mr. Shen is Su Zibao\'s fiancee, and his words are not testimony."

"Whoever makes a false accusation, whoever gives evidence, doesn\'t understand the truth? If Chi Yaoyi insists on saying that I bumped into you, bring out the evidence that I bumped into you." Su Zibao sneered, looking at Aochen in his arms, his lips hooked With a slight upward arc, "Chi Yaoyi, do you want to deliberately divert the topic and ignore the things that hurt our family\'s Aochen?"

Ao Chen had already set up the stage, and Su Zibao naturally had to finish the trick.

Fraudulent, right? Framed, right? Come on, who is afraid of who.

Things got loud again. Mu Yunlan looked at Pei Yi, and then looked at Su Zibao next to him. The feeling of the two of them joining forces to vent their anger together was really unpleasant.

It was as if everything went back to before. She fell on purpose, in fact, she wanted Pei Yi to support her, so that the two of them could appear in front of Su Zibao so intimately.

This is her show, her victory.

But unfortunately, Aochen\'s accident disrupted the deployment. Now Pei Yi and Su Zibao are targeting others together, and she has become the outsider with the mud.

Although she knew that Su Zibao didn\'t intend to give her such a slap in the face, it still hurt like being slapped in the face.

"How about the blue-and-white porcelain thing, you can check it slowly, but it hurts Aochen, Chi Yaoyi, Chi Xihuan, you Chi family, you must come up with an explanation." Pei Yi directly ignored the blue-and-white porcelain thing, and his tone was aggressive.

How did Chi Yaoyi bully others just now, now it\'s them.

Chi Xihuan had a good temper and said with a smile, "Mr. Pei, don\'t rush to get angry. If Aochen\'s child is injured, we will pay for the medical expenses and condolences. We will talk about Yaoyi and blue and white porcelain later, and don\'t give it to Miss Su. Apologize."

Although he said this with a smile, Chi Yaoyi didn\'t dare to refute it at all, and reluctantly said, "I\'m sorry."

"This is a little thought of mine, I hope Miss Su will accept it." Seeing Chi Yaoyi\'s obedient apology, Chi Xihuan took out a gold card and handed it to Su Zibao, which was obviously "medical expenses".

Su Zibao raised his eyebrows lightly, Chi Xihuan was really a character, and he was the only one in the Chi family that made people feel very difficult to deal with.

"No need, as long as Chi Yaoyi doesn\'t appear in front of us again, I\'ll be thankful." Su Zibao said lightly, without accepting his gold card.

A storm has subsided.

Pei Yi held Aochen, Su Zibao held Forsythia, and Shen Xi and his party entered the lounge. When only a few of them were left, Su Lianqiao shouted, "Brother can wake up now, the bad guys are gone."

Only then did Su Aochen open his eyes, his pitch-black eyes circled round and round, and he returned to his previous calm and paralyzed face.

Shen Xi was stunned, "Abao, is Aochen okay?"


"Yeah, he pretended. I gave you a wink, but I didn\'t expect you to understand." Su Zibao smiled helplessly. Now she really understood that Forsythia was a little mischievous, but Aochen was the real troublemaker.

Shen Xi didn\'t know whether to laugh or cry, "Aochen, aren\'t you afraid of the doctor\'s examination?"

"Ms. Bao will naturally block it." Su Aochen, who had made such a big noise just now, looked calm and didn\'t lift his eyelids. "And brother Pei Yi will definitely help."

Pei Yi tutted, "Yes, well done!"

He had long understood that Su Aochen was angry when he saw Chi Yaoyi bullying his mother by touching porcelain, so he used this method to vent his anger on his mother.

A little man, he has learned to protect his mother, doing a good job.

Su Lianqiao immediately raised her hand and asked for credit, "And me! I\'m acting like it, and Uncle Shen didn\'t doubt me!"

Shen Xi, who was lying on the gun, touched his nose and said helplessly, "Yeah, you scared me by crying."

"Forsythia is also powerful, just like Aochen, it\'s great." Pei Yi gave her a thumbs up and praised.

Su Lianqiao smiled smugly, "Hey, that\'s my brother\'s way. My brother is a genius in strategy, and I\'m an acting genius!"

"What\'s beautiful, what\'s great? Pei Yi, why are you praising people? Aochen, did you hurt your head just now? Let me see, oh no, you must check it carefully when you go back, there should be no sequelae, That would be troublesome." Su Zibao glared at Pei Yi, and rubbed his palms on Su Aochen\'s little head, rubbing his short hair into a chicken coop.

Su Aochen twitched the corners of his mouth, "Ms. Abao, I didn\'t hurt. I threw it on purpose to show them. The carpet is thick. If you rub it any more, my hair will protest."

"Little Guitou, who made you mess up? You scared me to death just now. I\'m going to rub it, I\'m going to rub it." Su Zibao intensified and continued to rub his hair, said angrily.

There is a precocious and sensible son who is too talented. Her only trick to deal with him is to rub her hair.

Su Aochen sighed with bitterness and hatred, and reluctantly accepted his mother\'s "torture".

Looking at Su Zibao, who was Ao Jiao like a child, and the precocious and sensible son who looked like an adult, and Su Lianqiao, who was proud of him, Pei Yi unconsciously curved the corners of his lips. Any Chi Yaoyi charity party is standing aside. Now the sky is blue, the wind is light, the air is gentle, and the sun is warm. He just needs to stand here and look at the three of them and do nothing, just look at them like this. All right.

He can look at it like this for a lifetime, and he won\'t get tired of it.

His eyes are full of these two big and two small, full of them, and can\'t hold anything else.

At this moment, Mu Yunlan knocked on the door, "Miss Su, the doctor is here, let the doctor show Aochen kid."

Su Aochen immediately closed his eyes and pretended to be dizzy. Su Zibao and Pei Yi looked at each other and said, "I\'ll leave it to you, let\'s block it."

"Why me?" Pei Yi raised his eyebrows.

Su Zibao had a natural expression on his face, "Didn\'t you just praise him for doing a good job? Then you can round it up beautifully now. Go!"

She commanded him to get up, not unfamiliar at all, naturally. And being dispatched by her like this, Pei Yi felt happy and could do something. Big things, little things, anything about them, that\'s fine.

"Okay." Pei Yi smiled and got up to go out.

Su Zibao blinked, not understanding why Pei Yi suddenly laughed so happily.