Given A Second Chance: Time for Revenge!

Chapter 371: Who hurt Aochen, stand up

"Wow, you bad woman, you hurt my brother, brother, wake up." Su Lianqiao pushed Su Aochen, who was lying on the ground, crying.

Su Zibao was also in a hurry. He quickly hugged Su Aochen in his arms and shouted, "Aochen, how are you? Wake up, how are you? Don\'t scare mother, don\'t scare me..."

It was Chi Yaoyi who pushed Su Aochen just now. Seeing this scene, his face turned pale, and he quickly waved his hand and said, "I just pushed him lightly. At most, he fainted, so he must be fine."

"Where is it lightly, you clearly pushed hard, my brother\'s head hit the ground, it\'s over, brother, don\'t become a vegetative person like your grandfather, wake up!" Su Lianqiao cried with tears on her face, tender The sound was particularly prominent at the party.

At this moment, everyone\'s eyes are focused on here.

"Chi Yaoyi, what\'s the matter with you coming at me, and you actually hit a child ruthlessly. I tell you, Aochen has three strengths and two weaknesses, I swear I will make you die!" Su Zibao\'s tone was cold, those beautiful His eyes were full of anger and anger.

No one would doubt that if something really happened to Su Aochen, Su Zibao and Chi Yaoyi would fight to the end.

"It\'s none of my business, he wants to run up himself!" Chi Yaoyi was also frightened by Su Zibao\'s eyes, she saw murderous intent in such a pair of beautiful and stunning eyes.

At this moment, Su Zibao felt that Su Aochen\'s small hand that he was holding quietly scratched in her palm, and was instantly stunned.

Wait... this little guy isn\'t in a coma.

Then why did he deliberately lie on the ground motionless? Su Zibao was stunned for a second, then reacted instantly.

Chi Yaoyi touched the porcelain, and Aochen treated him with his own way. You framed my mother for smashing your china, then I framed you for pushing me.

Thinking of the reason why Xiao Tuanzi pretended to be in a coma, and then look at Su Lianqiao crying so loudly next to her, she has never cried so "tragically" before. It seems that when the two of them rushed up, they had already... colluded? It was deliberately bumped, and it was deliberately pushed by Chi Yaoyi.

Then Aochen pretended to be dizzy, and Forsythia was responsible for crying.

These two little devils. Su Zibao was moved for a while, but also a little angry. They knew how to protect her from a young age, but when Aochen fell just now, his head really hit the ground... oh no, on the carpet. Su Zibao felt distressed. Although the carpet looked soft, as long as he touched a little injury, it was enough to make her angry.

You can help her, but you can\'t hurt yourself. For a time, Su Zibao was stunned in such a complicated mood.

And Shen Xi next to him didn\'t know the truth. He thought that Su Zibao had lost his mind because of Aochen\'s sudden fainting. He saw her sitting on the ground, two little dumplings lying unconscious in her arms, and the other was beside her. Shen Xi, who had never lost his temper with anyone, burst into tears in an instant.

"Doctor? Where is the doctor?" Shen Xi shouted angrily, the waiter who was still beside him immediately ran out to find the doctor, but he turned to look at Chi Yaoyi, there was no longer any tenderness in his eyes, there was no trace of warmth in the cold, "Chi Yaoyi, you\'d better pray that Aochen is fine. If he has anything to do, the Chi family is over. If he is fine, don\'t appear in front of Abao\'s mother and son again. As long as you appear once, I will expel him once."

For the first time, that gentle-looking man was as cold as the edge of a sharp sword for a woman and two children.

"Shen Xi!" Su Zibao came back to his senses, and already understood that Aochen was pretending to be dizzy, so he was no longer worried. He stretched out his hand to tug at the corner of his clothes, shook his head at him, and winked.

But obviously, Shen Xi, who usually has a tacit understanding with Su Zibao, really didn\'t understand the meaning of this look this time.


Because no one could have imagined that this little dumpling would actually be able to pretend to be dizzy! He\'s only four years old, so young, who would have thought that this little guy would deliberately pit Chi Yaoyi, even Su Zibao never thought of it.

Chi Yaoyi bit her lip. This is not the Shen Xi she knew. She felt a little scared when he looked cold now.

Before the doctor came, a man with a cold aura appeared. Usually he is dressed in a playboy\'s dress, looking handsome and evil, romantic and uninhibited. It is still the same clothes now, but the whole person exudes an aura of indifference and cruelty.

Mu Yunlan was sprained just now, and Feng Danhui called Pei Yi. Pei Yi had just passed by when he heard that his son was pushed to the ground by Chi Yaoyi and was unconscious. Pei Yi turned around and rushed over without saying a word, his eyes were no less murderous than Su Zibao\'s anger.

Ignoring the crowd watching the excitement, Pei Yi walked directly in front of Ao Chen, reached out and pressed a few important acupoints on his body.

It is common for Pei Yi to be injured himself, so he has his own first aid measures for fainting and has a general understanding of the condition.

But... no, is this kid all right? Just this breathing, this pulse beating, the reaction of these acupuncture points, obviously there is no coma.

Seeing Aochen lying on the ground, he thought he had hurt his head, but now, he found out magically when he checked it out, as if... nothing serious?

Pei Yi looked at Su Zibao, his eyes met.

There was obvious doubt in his long and narrow eyes, and there was a trace of doubt. Su Zibao knew at a glance that although Pei Yi was not a doctor, he had already seen the clue.

So Su Zibao\'s expression changed slightly, and Pei Yi understood.

The eye contact was only for a moment.

When everyone saw Pei Yi rushing up, they checked the unconscious Aochen, then exchanged glances with Su Zibao, and shouted angrily, "Who hurts Aochen, stand up!"

"I... I didn\'t do it on purpose, I said it all, he rushed up on his own, I really didn\'t do it on purpose!" Chi Yaoyi was at a loss, frightened by the terrifying behavior of this group.

Others are afraid of her Chi family, but Su Zibao is not afraid, Shen Xi is not afraid, and neither is Pei Yi. Now these three people have the attitude of hanging and beating her, can she not be afraid?

"Miss Su, Mr. Pei, Mr. Shen, Yaoyi also made an unintentional loss." Chi Xihuan came over and said, "This is Yaoyi\'s impulsiveness. Yaoyi, please apologize to Miss Su soon. Find a doctor and let this child get the best treatment."

He was personable, and before things got too big, he suppressed it first. Those good-looking eyes glanced at Chi Yaoyi coldly, and she didn\'t dare to say more.

The most terrifying thing in the Chi family is not the father Chi Yifeng, but this big brother. Even if she is his younger sister, if he upsets him, he will not take into account the brother-sister relationship. Just like now, he doesn\'t care whether Chi Yaoyi is right or wrong, but he wants to maintain the face of the Chi family and can\'t make a big deal.

At this moment, Mu Yunlan limped over with the help of Mu Zifan, looked at this scene, and said apologetically, "I didn\'t expect such an accident, I didn\'t find out in time to stop it, it was me. If I could have come here when the blue and white porcelain was broken, things would not have gotten to this point. Miss Su, how is Aochen? Is it serious? I have already sent someone to ask for a doctor, please wait a moment. Wait. Don\'t be too angry with Mr. Chi Xihuan, presumably Miss Chi Yaoyi didn\'t do it on purpose."

As soon as she appeared on the stage, she first singled out the blue-and-white porcelain crashing incident to remind people that it was Su Zibao who "knocked down" Chi Yaoyi wrong first, and then "cared for" Ao Chen\'s injury while calming the Chi family\'s emotions . It can be said that she is exquisite in all aspects, long-sleeved and good at dancing, with a needle hidden in the cotton.