Given A Second Chance: Time for Revenge!

Chapter 353: you feed me

The most high-end villa area in Haicheng is called Ziyuan. Su Zibao and Pei Yi lived here after they got married. She is very familiar with the way to Ziyuan.

The car stopped at the door of the villa, Su Zibao hesitated for a while, thinking that he wanted to thank him, and rang the doorbell in an upright manner.

The security door opened, and the figure of a woman appeared in front of Su Zibao. She was wearing white pajamas, fluffy slippers, a gentle smile on her fair and beautiful face, and she had a noble and dignified temperament.

Mu Yunlan.

Su Zibao didn\'t expect to see Mu Yunlan at Pei Yi\'s house, and Mu Yunlan was still wearing pajamas.

Obviously, they live together.

Although he knew that Pei Yi liked Mu Yunlan, and that it was normal for them to live together, when he saw Mu Yunlan with his own eyes, his chest was inexplicably dull.

"I heard that you are back, I didn\'t expect you to come here, oh right, you came to see Pei Yi, right? Please come in." Mu Yunlan looked at Su Zibao, politely and politely, with the attitude of a hostess.

Su Zibao took a deep breath, sorted out his emotions, followed her in, and went to the bedroom on the second floor.

"Pei Yi, Miss Su is here to see you." Mu Yunlan naturally opened Pei Yi\'s bedroom and said to the man on the bed, "Don\'t sleep, get up, there are guests coming."

Su Zibao stood at the door and saw Pei Yi lying on the bed. His back was injured, and lying down would crush the wound, so he could only lie on the bed.

He hasn\'t slept or even played the shooter he\'s always loved, but was tinkering with a complex-looking model of a battleship.

Hearing the voices of the two of them coming in, did he get up from the quilt. With that handsome and evil face as always, a lazy smile evoked, and he looked at Su Zibao and tilted his head slightly, "Yo, Miss Su is here."

"You were injured because of me. That\'s why I came to see you." Su Zibao said calmly, handing a bag of apples to Mu Yunlan next to him, "But you should be fine now, eat more of these apples. , it\'s good for your body. I\'ll go first."

Pei Yi was injured and bleeding. According to Su Zibao\'s usual practice, in order to bleed for himself, he must cook a large pot of red jujube and white fungus soup to replenish his blood. According to the difference of closeness, they are also divided into those cooked by oneself and those cooked by chefs. But because the other party was Pei Yi, she even felt that it was too intimate to send soup, and she was embarrassed to come empty-handed when she saw the injured. When the car passed the fruit stand, she bought a few fresh apples by the way.

It\'s like a very ordinary, very polite, very polite visit.

"Wait, don\'t go now, come to see that I didn\'t give me soup, just picked up a few tattered apples to fool me, I have no sincerity at all. Su Zibao, you have been abroad for a few years, how can you even have such a thoughtful little habit It\'s changed. I was injured for you anyway, so you just stood at the door and looked at me like this, to your own savior?" Pei Yi looked at Su Zibao\'s sharp eyebrows lightly, and complained about the apple she gave, with a look of disgust in his eyes. , and then pointed at the apple bag with that slender finger, "Peel an apple, I want to eat it."

Su Zibao was stunned, "Didn\'t you just say that this is a rotten apple, you want to eat it?"

"Pei Yi, you also told me to cut it. Miss Su, just sit and talk with Pei Yi for a while. Dr. Aero said that his wound was deep and he couldn\'t exercise vigorously, otherwise he would crack and bleed. Stay at home and don\'t go anywhere. Pei Yi is feeling bored, and there is no one else at home to accompany him except me." Mu Yunlan smiled softly, but told Su Zibao outside of words that she lived here, She is the hostess here. Su Zibao is an outsider.

Pei Yi looked at Su Zibao and raised his lips slightly, "Alan, you go out to rest first, then let Su Zibao peel the apple. Anyway, it\'s a life-saving grace,

In ancient times, you should have promised each other, right? Let\'s Miss Su peel an apple, right? "

"I\'ll cut it!" Su Zibao glared at Pei Yi, took out an apple from the bag, and sat on the stool beside Pei Yi\'s bed.

Seeing this, Mu Yunlan\'s eyes flashed. Just now Su Zibao wanted to leave, but Pei Yi used this method to keep her. Although he didn\'t say it directly, Mu Yunlan understood that he wanted Su Zibao to accompany him.

Mu Yunlan picked up a fruit knife and handed it to Su Zibao, then left the bedroom. After a while, he brought up a cup of hot water and handed it to Su Zibao.

"It\'s true that Pei Yi, Miss Su came to visit, and asked someone to peel the apple for you, without even pouring a glass of water. I\'m going down first while making the soup, so you can talk slowly." Mu Yunlan looked at Su Zibao with a kind smile, "Thank you Miss Su for coming to accompany Pei Yi."

After Mu Yunlan left, the bedroom was completely quiet.

Pei Yi was sitting on the bed, assembling the battleship model against a blueprint, while Su Zibao was sitting opposite him peeling apples.

"Are you still coming to see me tomorrow?" Pei Yi said while fiddling with the parts.

Su Zibao didn\'t lift his eyelids, stared at the apple in his hand, "Don\'t come."

"Ero asked me to stay at home for at least a week before going out." Pei Yi\'s narrow eyes stared at Su Zibao, with a hint of grievance in his tone, "Hey, do you treat your savior like this?"

Su Zibao sat opposite him and could smell the strong smell of disinfectant and medicine on his body. It seems that the injury is really serious, thinking about the blood that I touched at that time, and the debris that rustled when the box was blown up.

But at that time, this guy insisted on getting everything done before dressing up.

"Hmph, you deserve it. You have been asked to deal with the injury first." Su Zibao was rude.

Pei Yi sighed, "Hey, good intentions are not rewarded, ungrateful and ungrateful, repaying kindness and hatred, count my life hard."

Then he stopped talking, and focused on manipulating the battleship in his hand.

Su Zibao completely ignored his pretence of being pitiful. He had already cut an apple and handed it to Pei Yi, "Hey!"

"You feed me." Pei Yi blinked, taking an inch, and no matter how his handsome face looked now, he felt a sense of innocence.

Su Zibao\'s mouth twitched, "Are you going to eat?"

"Eat if you feed me." Pei Yi used his rogue tactics again.

But Su Zibao didn\'t care about him now, looked at Pei Yi, and at the apple he had just cut in his hand, he simply took a bite, and it was crisp and sweet.

Pei Yi, who was waiting for someone to feed, was stunned when he saw this scene. He pointed to the apple and said, "That\'s mine."

Su Zibao raised a smug smile at him, and then just kept nibbling at the apples one after another, not forgetting to praise him, "Yes, I\'m too discerning, any apples I buy are so sweet."

Half of the apple that had just been peeled disappeared in one fell swoop.

"Pei Yi, you don\'t like to eat it, so I\'ll show it to you." Su Zibao added another sarcastic remark.

She bullied a wounded person so triumphantly in front of him.

Seeing that if Pei Yi didn\'t stop him, Comrade Su Zibao was about to finish eating all the apples. He got up from the bed, grabbed Su Zibao\'s hand and said, "This is mine."

This woman hadn\'t seen him for four years, how could she become so "shameless" that she even robbed him of the apple she cut for him.