Given A Second Chance: Time for Revenge!

Chapter 354: Seeing her too impulsive, I couldn't hold back

Su Zibao shoved him casually, raised his chin with a smug smile on his face, "No, it\'s mine."

Pei Yi has never robbed anyone of an apple, this is the first time in his life, but in fact, the purpose is not to rob the apple, but to "protect" the apple and let Su Zibao feed him.

According to Pei Yi\'s estimation, when the apple is finished, Ms. Su Zibao will pat her **** and leave.

So get ahead of it and stop it.

Between the two pushing and shoving, Su Zibao slipped and hit Pei Yi\'s chest directly. Pei Yi hugged her, and the two fell heavily on the bed. The apple that was scrambled just now also fell to the ground because of this accident, and rolled to the side.

Pei Yi fell off the bed on his back. The moment he fell, Su Zibao smelled a pungent **** smell spreading from his back, and his white shirt was instantly dyed red.

"How are you, Pei Yi?" Su Zibao\'s tone unconsciously contained a hint of anxiety.

Pei Yi was lying on the bed, looking at Su Zibao who was on his body, a slight upward arc was raised on his lips, "Very good."

"What\'s very good, it\'s bleeding, I saw it." Su Zibao was about to get up, but he didn\'t expect him to hug her tightly, his arms around her waist, like iron pincers, motionless.

Pei Yi took a deep breath, the taste and breath that belonged to her. It feels so good to hold her like that.

As for the bleeding from the wound, he has long been used to it.

At this moment, Mu Yunlan knocked on the door and pushed it open, saying, "The soup is ready..."

Seeing Pei Yi lying on the bed with Su Zibao in his arms, his expression instantly froze. Why did she only leave for a while, and the two of them developed to this point.

"Miss Mu Yunlan, please bring the medicine box." Su Zibao called to her.

Mu Yunlan regained his senses and hurried to the next door to get the medicine box. Only then did Pei Yi let go of her, and said lazily, "What are you afraid of, it\'s not just bleeding, and you can\'t die."

"Turn over." Su Zibao gritted his teeth. This bastard, why is he still the same as before, he doesn\'t take his injury as an injury at all.

Pei Yi obediently turned over and lay down with his back to her.

The white shirt was soaked with blood, and the sheets and quilt were stained with blood.

"Take it off!" Su Zibao frowned. This **** seems to be seriously injured now, but in front of them during the day he pretended to be nothing.

Pei Yi turned his head slightly and curled his lips, "At night, we are alone in the same room. What do you want me to do to me? Let me tell you, I am a serious person."

Su Zibao\'s forehead burst with blue veins, and he was angry with him.

"Take off!"

Pei Yi was obedient, sat up and unbuttoned his shirt one by one, took off his white shirt, revealing his strong and **** muscles, but his back was full of bandaged wounds. Now those bandages have been soaked with blood, and they look shocking.

Really so serious. No wonder Dr. Errault kept him at home for a week.

"The medicine box is here, what\'s the matter? Why did the well-rounded wound crack, Pei Yi, didn\'t the doctor tell you not to move it?" Mu Yunlan\'s tone contained a trace of complaint, but she was such a delicate beauty, she was just complaining Everyone just makes people feel cute.

Su Zibao was about to say it was his own fault, when Pei Yi smiled, "It\'s alright, seeing that Miss Su couldn\'t hold back, she was too impulsive."

In fact, he saw Su Zibao nibbling on the apple and couldn\'t hold back to grab it, but now that he said it so ambiguous, Mu Yunlan\'s eyes froze. <


"Shut up." Su Zibao glared at him angrily, picked up the medicine in the medicine cabinet, and said, "I\'ll stop the bleeding first."

Twenty minutes later, Pei Yi\'s wound was bandaged again.

He was used to getting hurt frequently during missions, but Su Zibao felt inexplicably uncomfortable when he saw it. If Pei Yi didn\'t save him at that time, he wouldn\'t need to get hurt.

When it was so dangerous, he still came. Pretend it\'s no big deal, but it\'s really not a big deal.

The events of four years ago have passed, and now he is considered a stranger. But the stranger is hurt for you, and it shouldn\'t be like this.

When they got together and scattered, Su Zibao didn\'t think he owed her. I came to him tonight with gratitude. Why did I become so cold and awkward when I saw Pei Yi after seeing Mu Yunlan. Could it be that he was dissatisfied with Mu Yunlan because he cared about his existence, so he had such an attitude towards a person who had just saved him?

That\'s so funny. It\'s over, they ended up four years ago.

Thinking of this, Su Zibao took a deep breath and looked at him and said, "I\'ll go back first and see you tomorrow morning."

"Bring Aochen and Forsythia together." Pei Yi said immediately.

Su Zibao didn\'t answer him and just walked out. Mu Yunlan sent Su Zibao downstairs, and the first time she saw Su Zibao four years later, she gave her a sense of crisis.

Especially when Pei Yi did not sign the divorce agreement. They are nominally married and have two children together.

Four years ago, Su Zibao was finally driven away, but now that Su Zibao is back, he must make Pei Yi hate Su Zibao.

Not enough now.

And before that, stop Su Zibao from telling Pei Yi a fact. Otherwise, Pei Yi would alienate himself instead.

"Four years ago, I knew that woman wasn\'t you." Mu Yunlan looked at Su Zibao and said.

A sneer appeared on Su Zibao\'s lips, "So what?"

"I know who it is. Do you want your own good sister to attempt murder, be brought to court by Mu Zifan, and spend the rest of your life in prison, or do you want you to hit me and miscarry, but I won\'t pursue it, neither do you You don\'t have to take any responsibility." Mu Yunlan looked at Su Zibao and said a single sentence.

Su Zibao\'s eyes narrowed, "What do you mean by that?"

"That incident has been settled, I don\'t want you to bring it up again. If you really want to bring it up again, I don\'t mind making Li Han a fugitive who can only hide abroad forever." Mu Yunlan looked He looked at her with a firm tone.

Su Zibao understood immediately that she was worried that she would tell Pei Yi that she did not bump into Mu Yunlan, and that the person in the car was Li Han.

Mu Yunlan did see the people in the car, but what she saw was not herself, but Li Han.

If she told Pei Yi, she would also know that the person in the car was what Li Han preached, and with Mu Zifan grasping such a good handle, Li Han would never even think about gaining a foothold in the country.

Not to mention, Li Han has to take back the Li family again.

"Don\'t worry, as you said, the person you saw in the car was me." Su Zibao looked at her and smiled.

Mu Yunlan, what are you afraid of? Are you afraid that Pei Yi will see your true colors? There was no need to threaten me at all, because I never thought to bring up the events of four years ago.

It\'s over with him.

But it turned out that Mu Yunlan saw Li Han back then, so he really couldn\'t mention it. Fortunately, she selfishly chose to slander herself at that time, otherwise Li Han\'s situation would be worrying.