Given A Second Chance: Time for Revenge!

Chapter 352: let her beat, kill me

"Su Zhenzhe, it\'s fine if you have a grudge against Xinxin and me. Aochen and Forsythia are just two children. They haven\'t offended you. You actually want to blow up two innocent children!" Su Zibao saw Su Zhenzhe and was furious.

Pei Yi looked at Su Zhenzhe and sneered, "It\'s because the news that Uncle Su is about to wake up makes you very uneasy, so you decided to take the risk, right? As long as they all die, you are the only remaining member of the Su family, no matter what you did to Uncle Su in the first place. , For the sake of the Su family\'s no descendants, and you are still his only son, the old man may be able to tolerate it, right?"

"So Dad became a vegetable back then, does it really have a direct relationship with you?" Su Zibao\'s eyes froze. She just suspected and had no evidence, but now it seems that it really has something to do with him.

How can this wolf-hearted thing do it! He and Xinxin had not dealt with him since they were young. Su Zibao felt normal when he targeted their sisters.

But start with Dad? If it weren\'t for his father, where would there be the current Su Zhenzhe, who could be so vicious.

Now that the time for Su Guoqiang to wake up is getting closer and closer, everything will soon be revealed.

Su Zhenzhe tried his best to keep his expression calm, "I don\'t know what you are talking about."

"I don\'t know, you will know when you go to the bureau." Pei Yi smiled coldly, "Take it away!"

Su Zhenzhe still insisted and said, "Why did you arrest me, I didn\'t do anything."

"Su Zhenzhe, the time bomb you bought has been taken down by us now, do you think you can get away with it?" Pei Yi glanced at him with a disdainful tone.

Only then did the messy lines in Su Zhenzhe\'s mind clear, it turned out that the bomb seller had betrayed him. However, black market transactions are so safe, how can they still be caught? Isn\'t Lei Lie not in Haicheng recently?

It feels safe to do this kind of transaction under the eyes of Pei Yi and the others, and Su Zhenzhe is really too naive.

"In order to dominate the Su family\'s property, you have to blow up two innocent children, and you can take action against your biological father, Su Zhenzhe, you are simply not human." Su Zibao\'s face was ashen.

Su Zhenzhe knew that the bomb thing would definitely involve him, so he broke the jar and said, "If the old man really treats me as his own son, why is the Su family\'s property only distributed to your sisters. The last remaining shares, He actually planned to give it all to Su Jiaxin. Su Jiaxin, a brainless person, is not suitable for managing the Su family group at all. What has she done for the Su family? Why should she give the shares of the Su family to the two of you and my sisters. As for me, I have worked hard for the Su Group for so many years, and he does not give me any shares."

"This was originally the rules of our Su family and grandfather\'s will. It is impossible for the shares of the Su Group to be distributed to illegitimate children. Although my father did not give you the Su Group, he will give you real estate and deposits, no less than ours, and treat them equally. Is it not enough to even open a company for you?" Su Zibao clenched his fists and asked.

Su Zhenzhe laughed and stared viciously at Su Zibao, "Not enough, of course not enough. I\'m just a broken company, so I don\'t care about depositing real estate, is it comparable to the Su Group, a group of more than 10 billion US dollars? Sooner or later you two women. If you have to marry off, it is too stupid to give your family property to immortality. Even if you are giving a dowry to someone with a foreign surname, you might as well give it to me. Anyway, my surname is Su. What qualifications do your sisters have to get the family property? The shares of the Su Group should be given to me. I, the Su family\'s property should be given to me!"

"Su Zhenzhe, let me tell you, the Su family\'s property has been saved from generation to generation. How much your grandfather and father are willing to give is their will. Don\'t think that your surname is Su, the Su family\'s property should be given to you. You can even give the Su family tree. You can\'t even enter, what\'s there to be proud of. Which illegitimate child of a big family is not a lowly status, your father has done his best to you, you yourself

Coveted the property of the Su family, let alone all the money from our Su family should be given to you. "Su Zibao is so angry at his righteousness, how can we say that we should give you the property of the Su family, if you don\'t give it to you, you will kill your father, if you don\'t give it to you, you will blow up my whole family?

"I just hate your arrogant appearance, Miss Su, who thinks you\'re superior to me. It\'s a pity that you didn\'t blow up all of you. I\'m at most an attempted murder now, so what can you do to me? An attempted murder Do you want to be sentenced to death, Miss Su?" Su Zhenzhe looked at Su Zibao with gloomy eyes, full of jealousy and malice.

Hearing this, Su Zibao couldn\'t bear it any longer, and he swung his fist and rushed towards Su Zhenzhe, kicking and punching. This **** is so nasty.

"Miss, you can\'t beat the suspect." The armed police who escorted Su Zhenzhe quickly stopped him.

Pei Yi said, "Let her beat her. If she kills me, I will be responsible."

So, the two armed police put Su Zhenzhe on the ground and pressed him to stop him from moving. Su Zibao beat him violently and knocked the frames of Su Zhenzhe\'s glasses off. His face was full of bruises. Su Zhenzhe was still very tough just now, but he was so madly beaten by Su Zibao that he cried and cried in pain.

"What are you doing, she beats people, stop her. I am a criminal, and I have human rights." Su Zhenzhe cried miserably.

Su Zibao kicked his belly fiercely and sneered, "Human rights, you uncle, Su Zhenzhe, just wait for you to go to the underworld to ask the Lord of Hell to ask for ghost power! You harmed my family and attempted murder is also a murderer, I will not let you out of the cell. chance. You just wait to be shot, bastard!"

Until Su Zibao\'s hands were sore and his feet were numb, Su Zhenzhe was taken away. He was involved in the crime of black market arms trade, obstructing public security, and premeditated murder, and the sentence was severe.

However, the specific results have not yet come out. After Su Guoqiang wakes up, the other crimes will be tried together.

After Su Zhenzhe was taken away, Su Zibao returned to Su\'s house and called Gu Yian, "Yian, find me the best lawyer, I must sentence Su Zhenzhe to death!"

"Don\'t worry, miss, attempted murder alone is not enough to kill him, but unfortunately he chose a playground, a public place, and he bought arms illegally. In addition, when Uncle Su woke up, he was charged with murdering his father. The plot is very bad." Gu Yian\'s voice came from the phone, "He must be sentenced to death."

After Su Zibao hung up the phone, he clenched his fists and his face was cold. Su Jiaxin walked over and said, "Sister, Aochen and Forsythia woke up, they were clamoring to see you, and they cried when they couldn\'t see you."

"Okay. Thank you for your hard work." Only then did Su Zibao put down his anger, put on a smile, and walked towards the two little babies.

Su Zibao stayed with the children all day, and at night, they finally fell asleep in peace.

Lu Yanzhi rushed to Su\'s house immediately after the incident and accompanied Su Jiaxin. After Su Zibao coaxed the two little guys, he didn\'t have to worry about seeing his sister and Yanzhi together. He was about to rest early when he suddenly thought of Pei Yi.

At that time, the box was blown up, and a lot of debris fell. He was injured, but he didn\'t rush to bandage. Instead, he sent the child back first, and then went to catch Su Zhenzhe. How is it now? Should the injury be dealt with?

He saved himself, the child, and his sister, and she should have a look at him.

"Do you know where Pei Yi lives?" Su Zibao said, looking at Su Jiaxin and Lu Yanzhi in the living room.

Lu Yanzhi said, "He didn\'t change places before. But he often went to Century Building, but he must be recuperating at home if he was injured today."