Given A Second Chance: Time for Revenge!

Chapter 351: In the last thirty seconds, he came

"Pei Yi, please, take the child and sister away." Su Zibao clenched his fists, his watery eyes staring at him, his eyes firm and irresistible.

"Mom!" Su Lianqiao cried out loudly, her little face was full of tears, "Don\'t be separated from Mom, don\'t."

Su Aochen, who has always been strong, couldn\'t help but his eyes were full of tears, "Mom, don\'t leave me and my sister, don\'t leave us."

Su Zibao\'s tears fell in a flash.

"Sister, you can\'t let Aochen and Forsythia have no mother at such a young age. Let\'s go first." Su Jiaxin couldn\'t hold back her tears.

"Xinxin, take good care of your parents and grandfather in the future, marry Lu Yanzhi beautifully, and live a good life." After Su Zibao explained this, he looked at Pei Yi, "I leave the children to you. If you dare to find them a vicious one Stepmother, I will ask my sister to **** the child back and not raise it for you."

At the last moment, this sentence is not as strong as she has always been, with a hint of childishness, but it can\'t help but make the eyes sore.

The blood wolf looked at Pei Yi and waited for his instructions.

Pei Yi took a deep look at Su Zibao, picked up the rope and tied Su Aochen to himself, holding Su Forsythia in one hand, and said to the blood wolf, "You take Su Jiaxin with you."

"No, Mom!" "Mom, don\'t leave Mom!" "Sister!"

The three of them were crying heartbreakingly, but Su Zibao calmed down at this time. Taking a deep breath, Su Zibao breathed a sigh of relief as he watched Pei Yi and Xuelang lead them down until they completely landed.

When I was in the air, I was always worried that there would be an accident, but fortunately it was all right.

Su Zibao retracted his gaze and looked at the beating time, which was becoming less and less. He should have thought of many things before he died, but at this moment, Su Zibao\'s mind went blank.

59, 58…31, 30…

The last 30 seconds.


The box door was suddenly knocked open, and Su Zibao was caught off guard when he saw Pei Yi, who was sweating and panting, appeared again, hugged her waist, and quickly climbed down from the compartment without even having time to tie the safety rope.

"Pei Yi, why are you here? There are only twenty seconds left. The place is going to explode. What are you doing here!" Su Zibao shouted eagerly.

If he was half a minute later, he would be blown to pieces with her.

Pei Yi quickly climbed to the side with both hands, and it was too late to climb down. Now he can only try to climb to the side to reduce the impact. There was no time to answer Su Zibao\'s words, just when Pei Yi quickly crawled to the side, Box 1 banged and blew up completely.

Pei Yi hugged Su Zibao in his arms, and above his head were all the fragments of the carriage that fell down. Fortunately, he was wearing a hard hat, but despite this, countless fragments fell on him.

"Puff puff!"

A deafening voice sounded above his head, and countless fragments fell like knives rustling from the sky. Su Zibao hugged Pei Yi\'s waist and buried himself in his arms.

At this moment, everyone is watching.

At this moment, life and death are together.

"Pei Yi." Su Zibao raised his head and looked at him, his back could be touched with both hands, all debris and blood.

Pei Yi breathed a sigh of relief, looked down at Su Zibao and smiled, "Fortunately, I caught up."

In a word, Su Zibao\'s eyes suddenly filled with tears. At that time, she was very grateful that he could leave with the child and his sister.

And now...

only half a minute

what concept. If he was any slower, he would be bombed with Su Zibao. If he was still a little slower, the box would blow up over his head, and he would not be spared either.

"It\'s only 30 seconds away, what should I do if I can\'t catch up, what are you doing here!" Su Zibao bit his lip.

Pei Yi curved the corners of his lips and did not speak. Can\'t catch up, of course both of them died.

These two back and forth have spent most of Pei Yi\'s strength, plus the injury from the explosion just now, this time it was very slow to climb down.

When they finally came down, the two little guys and Su Jiaxin rushed up and hugged Su Zibao and cried.

Just now, they almost encountered a life-and-death separation.

Although it was very scary, it was okay, it was just a little bit worse.

"Pei Yi, is that Su Zhenzhe?" Su Zibao asked angrily.

She didn\'t understand it just now, but now it\'s enough to figure it out. Time bomb, Su Zhenzhe, he sat in this box right in front of them.

"Yes. Su Zhenzhe thought it was very secretive to buy time bombs in the black market, but..." Pei Yi\'s eyes flashed with ruthlessness, "Leave the rest to me, and I will definitely give him a heavy sentence!"

If Su Zhenzhe really murdered Su Zibao and the others in other ways, it would not be so easy to have all the evidence and evidence.

But he chose to go to the black market to buy time bombs, which are under the jurisdiction of arms.

Other places are fine. There are people like Pei Yi and others in Haicheng. Black market transactions are almost crimes in front of their eyes. Can you be clear?

But even Lei Lie didn\'t know that there were a group of eyes staring under the underground forces of Haicheng, let alone these ordinary people.

"That **** Su Zhenzhe, sister, it won\'t be enough to relieve your hatred unless you cut him with a thousand cuts!" Su Jiaxin cried like a tearful man, angrily.

Su Lianqiao hugged Su Zibao\'s neck tightly, for fear of being separated from her. Su Aochen hugged her arm tightly, the two little guys were really frightened this time.

Su Zibao had never seen Aochen cry. He had never cried since he was so grown up. This was the first time. Even Aochen was frightened, let alone Su Lianqiao.

Su Zibao looked at the two little guys and his younger sister, his eyes were full of hatred for Su Zhenzhe.

"Your injury... you better bandage it first." Su Zibao reacted to the pungent **** smell, and Pei Yi was still bleeding so calmly talking to them.

Pei Yi waved his hand, "It doesn\'t matter, I\'ll take you back first."

The group returned to Su\'s house. Su Aochen and Su Lianqiao were both too frightened and refused to separate from Su Zibao. Finally, Su Zibao coaxed them to sleep, and even held her hand tightly and refused to let go.

Su Zibao accompanies the two of them on the bed.

Although Pei Yi followed them, the people below had already stared at Su Zhenzhe and surrounded him.

"I\'m going to catch him now, you guys have a good rest first." Pei Yi said.

Su Zibao said angrily, "I\'ll go with you. Su Zhenzhe is too mad, so it\'s fine to have a grudge against Xinxin and me. What does it have to do with the child? Aochen and Forsythia didn\'t offend him. I\'m going to see it with my own eyes. This **** goes to jail and watch him die!"

"Xinxin, you help me take care of Aochen and Forsythia."

Seeing this, Pei Yi said, "Okay."

When he came to Su Zhenzhe\'s villa, it was surrounded by armed police. He was escorted out by two armed policemen and shouted, "I\'m not guilty, why arrest me!"

He didn\'t shut up until he saw Su Zibao and Pei Yi appear. He knew that in the hands of Su Zibao, there was no luck at all.