Given A Second Chance: Time for Revenge!

Chapter 325: Stay safe, Miss Su

"The lady has won the prize. My grandfather said, I\'m a waste of money. It can\'t compare to the small town of Goas, where so many changes have taken place in just four years. The countess really has a good granddaughter." Nader looked at Su Zibao with a smile, "I also have a friend who is an expert in this field. He will be here soon. He has always wanted to meet Miss Su."

At this moment, a man in a black trench coat walked in. He was wearing a well-trimmed, handsome and concise black trench coat, loose trousers wrapped around two long legs, and high-top boots. As he walked in, the hem of the trench coat swayed with the wind, bringing a gust of wind.

He is slender and thin in his clothes, but he can faintly see the explosive power hidden inside. The figure is almost the perfect golden ratio.

His hands were in the pockets of his trench coat, looking casual and leisurely.

The most eye-catching thing is his face. The angular outline is perfect like the master craftsmanship of the creator, the nose is high, the lips are thin, the eyebrows and eyes are very deep, the long and thick eyelashes are like feathers, the long and narrow eyes are deep and revealing a deep light, and the facial features are exquisite. A blemish.

The years seem to have left no traces on him, and he is still as handsome and charming as he was in the past, only his eyes that are as dark as ink and can\'t see the bottom, make people think that he must be a man with a story.

Like a thunderbolt from the blue, Su Zibao was completely stunned.

Unexpectedly, just before she was about to evacuate the town of Goas, he appeared.

The man\'s thin lips were slightly raised, and a lazy and slightly playful smile evoked, "Don\'t come here, Miss Su."

His slender and fair hands stretched out in front of her, and at that moment, the world seemed to stand still.

Su Zibao took a deep breath and suppressed the instantly boiling emotions in his mind. I haven\'t seen each other for four years, thinking that this man has nothing to do with me. But at the first sight of him, Su Zibao knew that it was still related.

A glass of wine to the past, no matter how much you love, you will never look back.

But he beckons, you still go with him. Su Zibao would never do such a thing.

Don\'t look back, never look back.

Su Zibao stretched out his hand and gently shook him gracefully and politely, "Hello sir, it\'s the first time we meet, please give me more advice."

He said stay safe, this is a reunion after a long absence.

She smiled at the first meeting, only when he was a stranger.

"My surname is Pei, and it\'s a pleasure to meet Miss Su." Pei Yi held her hand and scratched it in her palm before letting go, but his face naturally showed no difference, matching her strangeness.

Su Zibaodai\'s blue brows furrowed, outsiders could not see his small movements. But she knew it.

But this guy can shamelessly pretend that he didn\'t do anything.

Such a shameless style, it is really him.

Pei Yi looked at Su Zibao. He hadn\'t seen each other for four years. The woman in front of him was still the same as when he left. She was stunning and beautiful.

Just more calm and restrained.

If it was the former Su Zibao, it would have been fried by now. But now she just took a slow look at him, walked past him, and sat on the other side of Bernard.

At the moment when he passed by him, the cover of the long skirt blocked the sight of Earl Miffy, and at the same time, the pointed high-heeled soles stepped on his feet mercilessly.

Bernard, who was standing next to him, felt a chill on the back of his feet.

Pei Yi twitched the corners of his mouth, this is Su Zibao. It is said that she will avenge her revenge, and she will never pretend that it did not happen.

"Su, Mr. Bernard and his friends came to Geas on purpose. Do you have time to guide them?" Miffy didn\'t know that they had been tit-for-tat in just a split second, looking at Su Zibao and said.

Bernard is the young master of Marquis Yuri\'s family, with a distinguished status. She is too old to travel around, so the matter of accompanying the guests falls on Su Zibao\'s head. <


It is very rude to have a servant as a guide. Of course, if there is something wrong with the owner, it will be another matter.

"Within today, I will be happy to serve Mr. Bernard and his friends." Su Zibao\'s mind flashed smoothly, and he finally decided to follow them.

She didn\'t know why Pei Yi came here, nor was she interested in knowing. They were leaving tomorrow, and before that, she didn\'t want anything to happen.

Before leaving Geas, he didn\'t want Pei Yi to see Aochen and Forsythia.

Avoid accidents.

Miffy laughed, "Okay. Sue, Mr. Bernard just told me he wanted to go to church to pray. You take them there."


Su Zibao\'s face remained calm, but a string in his heart had already fluctuated. Why is it still a church.

"I am a devout Christian. I pray to Heavenly Father every Sunday. This is my daily homework. I\'ll trouble Miss Su." Bernard looked at Su Zibao and said with a smile.

Su Zibao nodded, "Mr. Bernard is polite. Uncle Yale, prepare the car and go to church."

"I heard that Miss Su has a pair of smart and cute twins." Pei Yi suddenly looked at Su Zibao with sharp eyes, "Why didn\'t you see them?"

She dared to have children. The time was in a hurry and the arrangement was in a hurry, and Pei Yi didn\'t have time to see the photo of the pair of little guys.

Su Zibao raised his eyebrows and refused, "The little guy is doing his homework, so there is no need to see guests. Aren\'t the two gentlemen going to church? Please."

Bernard made a look at Pei Yi, indicating that the important thing was the most important thing.

The group got into the sedan of the Earl\'s Mansion. The road was jammed and the car drove very slowly.

"Is the road always so blocked?" Bernard asked, looking at the scenery on both sides.

Su Zibao sighed and said, "Tourism has only started in the small town of Geas in recent years, and some infrastructures are not perfect, and they have been continuously expanded over the years. If Mr. Bernard is interested, he can make an investment. We can cooperate. "

"Ms. Su really lives up to her reputation. You can also talk about investment if you ask any question. I\'m optimistic about this place. Investment matters can be considered." Bernard smiled.

All the way to the church, Su Zibao thought that Pei Yi was going to make trouble, but he was surprisingly silent.

Bernard prayed, Su Zibao asked the priest about the specific circumstances of the gunfire attack this morning, and Pei Yi did not know what to do.

After coming out of the church, Su Zibao took them around again. When it was almost dinner time, the group returned to the Earl\'s Castle.

In the guest room, only Bernard and Pei Yi were left.

"Boss, have you got it?" Bernard asked. He knew that their boss was here to carry out a secret mission, and he didn\'t know what the mission was, he only knew that he needed to take one thing.

He came to this scene a few days in advance, just to cover Pei Yi\'s identity.

And this morning, Pei Yi informed him to show up immediately, so the two went to the House of Earl Goas.

"It was taken away." Pei Yi\'s eyes were sharp.

Bernard said, "Is it the mercenaries who showed up at the church this morning."

"No. Judging from the traces on the scene, it\'s been a while since it was taken away, and the mercenaries didn\'t know about the basement this morning." Pei Yi directly denied it, frowning, "I asked the priest just now, the church two It was renovated once a month ago, but he obviously did not know the existence of the basement. The person who arranged the renovation, please check it for me. "

Bernard smiled and said, "Does this still need to be investigated? The only one who has the financial strength and courage and is willing to spend money to repair the church is Miss Su."


Pei Yi\'s eyes narrowed, how could Su Zibao get involved in such a thing.