Given A Second Chance: Time for Revenge!

Chapter 326: The first meeting of Xiao Tuanzi and Pei Yi

In the bedroom on the second floor, the two little guys knew that there was a guest at the house, and the maid said they were two handsome guys. One of the men was very, very good-looking, had the same black hair and dark skin as them, and spoke their native dialect.

The two little guys have been in Geas for so long. Except for Gu Yian, they have never seen other people from country Z.

When I was planning to have dinner, I had to take a good look at the table to see what it looked like. As a result, Uncle Gu Yian heard from his mother that they were not allowed to go out for dinner today.

Eat in your own room and the maid will bring it.

"Brother, why didn\'t your mother let us go down to eat? It\'s not like this before? It\'s strange." Su Lianqiao hugged the little prince\'s pillow, and her watery eyes rolled round.

Su Aochen was building a toy model. Compared with the simple model that ordinary children play, this airplane model was so complicated that an adult would have a headache when he saw it.

There are hundreds of large and small parts, and there are more than a dozen complicated drawings, which cannot be summarized by one drawing.

Not to mention children, even if Su Zibao saw this thing, it would be troublesome.

It is simply a high-precision instrument, not like playing with children at all. It\'s not really for kids.

But it was the only toy that Su Aochen liked. Those other things were too mentally retarded for him to challenge him.

Hearing this, Su Aochen picked up a part scattered on the ground and put it on, and said, "There are only two kinds of people who are not allowed to see. The first type is the bad guy."

"Bad people? But the maid said they look good." The little dumpling instinctively liked good-looking things, and said eagerly, "It would be a pity if they were bad people. Brother, what about the second kind?"

Su Aochen put down the toy in his hand and touched his chin like a serious little adult with a deep expression, "Secondly, he is still a bad person. But he is not an ordinary bad person, he is the one who deceived Ms. Abao. The heart finally abandoned her irresponsible bad guy!"

"Oh, brother, you said it was that bastard!" Su Lianqiao was furious.

When they were young, the two siblings discovered that everyone else had a father, but they were the only ones who didn\'t. Su Lianqiao clamored for their father, but Su Zibao said their father was dead.

But after Su Aochen, a precocious gifted child, jumped up and down, stalked, followed, and investigated, it was found that Ms. A Bao was lying.

The cheap old man who had never met must not be dead, or else a kind person like Ms. Bao would definitely burn paper for him on Qingming Festival.

In addition, when Su Zibao brought the housekeeper Gu Yian to this place alone, the two little guys reached a consensus behind the scenes.

Their mother was deceived by a bastard, and that\'s what made them. And also abandoned, alone in this foreign land.

That cheap dad is irresponsible! Always give up! With a new love, abandon the old love! Scumbag!

Mom must be very aggrieved.

And for the two of them, being so "widowed" at such a young age, the two guys actually hoped that someone would take care of her.

I don\'t know if it\'s genetic inheritance, but the IQs of the two dolls are amazingly high.

Because he has secretly regarded that cheap old man as an irresponsible and emotional scumbag, and never thought of looking for him.

But now, it seems that this person has delivered it to the door by himself?

"Brother, why don\'t we secretly take a look, he is tall

What is it like? "Su Lianqiao asked in a low voice. A pair of black and white eyes rolled round.

The maid said he was a very good looking man. Although I don\'t like this man who abandoned my mother, I still have curiosity.

"Hmph." Su Aochen snorted coldly, just when Su Lianqiao thought he would reject this proposal, he didn\'t expect the little guy to open his large box of toy cabinets, pick them out for a long time, and take out two water guns from it.

"Sister, let\'s take a look first. If it\'s not him, let\'s deal with him severely!" Su Aochen handed one of the water guns to Su Lianqiao.

Su Lian raised her eyebrows and immediately understood what her brother meant.

Avenge Mom!

Nice job!

"But brother, if my mother finds out, I will be angry, right?" Su Lianqiao recalled that Uncle Gu Yian had repeatedly told them that their mother would not allow them to go out.

Now take the initiative to run over, this...

Su Aochen patted her shoulder, "What are you afraid of, my brother is standing in front."

"Yeah! Let\'s go!" Su Lianqiao giggled.

Su Zibao always felt that the little forsythia loved to make troubles, but in fact, the little dumplings only dared to make small troubles, and she did not have the courage to make big troubles.

The real troublemaker of the Su family is worthy of being the bear boy Su Aochen.

Anyway, the world of Forsythia is very simple. The person who bullies the mother should be beaten. What my brother said is right.

So the little girl took the water gun and followed the little adult Su Aochen. The two little dumplings sneaked out of the bedroom and went to the guest room.

The guest room in the ancient castle was at the end of another corridor, quite far from where they lived, and it took more than ten minutes to walk there.

The door of the guest room was left open. The maid invited the two guests to go down for dinner. Pei Yi and Bernard had ended their private conversation and were about to go down to eat.

Two small dumplings were lying on both sides of the gate, one on the left and one on the right, looking at the people inside.

That foreigner was directly ignored by the two little guys, definitely not.

For the remaining man, Su Lianqiao was worried that he would not recognize him as his father, but when he saw Pei Yi\'s first glance, and then looked at his brother next to him, he was full of shock.

Little Forsythia resembles Su Zibao, but Su Aochen\'s eyebrows...are similar to that man.

Especially those eyebrows, those long and narrow eyes, and even the aura of high coldness when the face is expressionless, are exactly the same.

Su Aochen also stared at Pei Yi, no wonder his mother didn\'t let them go down, and he would recognize them as soon as they met.

Su Lianqiao looked at her little brother, and gestured, hit him?

Su Aochen shook his head calmly and took out two masks from his pocket. This is the same mask worn by the male protagonist in the very popular anime "Tokyo Foodie" some time ago. Su Lianqiao likes the handsome male protagonist. Su Aochen dislikes his sister\'s aesthetics, but he is arrogant and spoiled. The Su Aochen still specially asked Gu Yian to order two masks of the same style with a high degree of restoration at a high price.

It just comes in handy now.

Su Lianqiao saw that the mask was put on while holding back a smile. The two brothers and sisters looked at each other and felt that the image of the other was very good.

There is a sense of sight of a masked black man.

Su Aochen nodded at Su Lianqiao, the brothers and sisters had tacit understanding, raised their water guns at the same time, and two water jets shot towards Pei Yi.