Given A Second Chance: Time for Revenge!

Chapter 324: There's a guest at home

The town of Goas, the old castle.

On the long dining table, an old lady with silver-white hair was serving food to the two little guys, and the three grandparents and grandchildren were enjoying themselves happily.

The conversation between the three was pure European English, mixed with local slang from the small town of Goas.

Su Zibao and Gu Yian came out of the study one after another.

"Su, I heard that there was an accident in the church this morning, are you okay?" Countess Miffy looked at Su Zibao and asked with concern.

Su Zibao was just a false alarm. In order not to worry his family, he asked the driver not to talk nonsense.

"Grandma, don\'t worry, it\'s fine." Su Zibao smiled at her, walked to the dining table, Gu Yian opened the chair for her, and Su Zibao sat down.

Countess Miffy nodded, "That\'s good. Recently, some people who don\'t look like tourists have come to Geas, and it may be unsafe here."

"Grandma, I was just about to tell you that I plan to bring Aochen and Forsythia back to Country Z tomorrow." Su Zibao looked at her and said.

Miffy was stunned for a moment, and there was a trace of disappointment on the old face, "When you came here on the first day, I knew you would definitely leave. It has been four years since I was with this lonely old man. I looked at Ao Chen and Forsythia was born, watching them grow... You are just like my own granddaughters and great-grandchildren. Su, don\'t forget to come back, Geas will always be your home."

The two little guys were very happy to go to the hometown they had never seen before, but when they saw their grandmother so sad, there was no happy expression on their faces.

A wave of parting melancholy arises spontaneously.

"Su, you must bring Aochen and Forsythia back to see me again." Miffy repeated again, her eyes full of reluctance for these three juniors.

Su Zibao nodded seriously, "We will definitely come back. We will bring them back every year to spend Christmas with grandma."

Christmas is equivalent to the New Year\'s Eve in country Z. It is too lonely for the elderly to celebrate such a festival alone.

"Okay, then I\'ll wait for you to come back for Christmas." Miffy finally showed a relieved smile.

Forsythia smiled sweetly, and her pink hand drew a big circle in the air, "Grandma, I\'ll bring you a lot of delicious food back then. Lots and lots!"

"Okay, okay..." Miffy looked at the two little guys with a smile.

In the afternoon tea time after the meal, when the two little guys were practicing the piano, Su Zibao personally instructed them, the mother and son were in the piano room, and there was a frolic from time to time along with the sound of the piano.

Gu Yian came over, approached Su Zibao\'s ear, and whispered, "Miss, the results from the church have come out. No one was injured in the chaos in the morning, only three or four people were slightly injured when they escaped. The priest said A group of unidentified suspicious people and another person fought in the backyard of the church. Some furnishings were damaged. Now these people have disappeared without a trace and their whereabouts are unknown. The police station has arranged for people to patrol around the church , Don\'t worry about the current security of the church. As for their purpose, it seems to be stealing things, but there is no valuable thing lost in the church."

"The police responded quickly and sent them some thank you money in the name of the earl." Su Zibao said, "For the damage to the church, transfer a sum from the account to repair it."

Gu Yian bowed, "Yes."

Su Zibao cleared the thoughts in his mind, as long as it was delayed for another day, he could leave tomorrow.

Looking at the pair of sons and daughters sitting in front of the piano practicing together, Su Zibao bent the corners of his lips.

She will definitely protect them.

"Miss Su, there is a guest at home. The Countess invites you out to meet the guest." The maid knocked on the door and said.

Because Miffy is old, and Geas\' affairs have been handled by Su Zibao for the past few years, Su Zibao usually has guests at home, especially when it comes to business cooperation.


"What kind of guests?" Gu Yian asked.

The maid replied, "I don\'t know. It seems to be a nobleman from a neighboring country."

"I\'an, you take care of them here, I\'ll go out and see." Su Zibao said.

Gu Yian reminded in a low voice, "If you are a stranger of unknown origin, you must be careful."

Su Zibao nodded at him, but he had already thought in his heart that he might be the one behind the mercenaries. Now that the church is surrounded by police, it is impossible for them to break in.

If it is, it is the enemy. Caution must be exercised.

The piano room was on the second floor. When Su Zibao walked down the spiral staircase, he heard a burst of laughter from Earl Miffy in the lobby. The person speaking with another European accent seemed to be an acquaintance.

Su Zibao breathed a sigh of relief.

It is impossible for Earl Miffy to know those who have bad intentions. Her friends are basically nobles from small countries in Western Europe.

"Bernard, this is my granddaughter, Su." Miffy saw Su Zibao and introduced her to a blond foreigner with a smile.

Su Zibao was startled when he saw him. This man was very handsome, with a high nose bridge, rough eyebrows, and blue eyes as beautiful as the sky. He was a very typical European handsome guy. Well built, with a wild and robust handsomeness.

The most important thing is that this person, she looks familiar.

The pictures in Su Zibao\'s mind turned scene by scene, she must have seen this man somewhere.

Jiangnan people!

Four years ago, from the Jiangnan family in Haicheng, he and another man talked to Liu Yan about cooperation. At that time, Su Zibao was also worried that if Liu Yan received a large amount of overseas investment, it would be difficult for Xia\'s Pharmaceuticals, which was supported by Sister Xia\'s family, to compete with Liu\'s Pharmaceuticals.

But I didn\'t expect that Liu\'s Pharmaceutical would change hands within a month.

Now the boss of Liu\'s Pharmaceutical is a young man named Yanxu. He has already obtained 20% of the shares of Liu\'s Pharmaceutical in Pei Qisheng\'s hands. This share was at the time when Su Zibao had pitted Pei Qisheng once. It is said that he pitted Pei Qisheng once by Yanshu .

For one share, Pei Qisheng had two somersaults.

This 20% stake was taken in Bernard\'s name. Yanshu acquired 31% of Liu\'s pharmaceutical shares. Bernard then used the financial account books given by the Liu family when they invested as evidence, and then asked the embassy to come forward. Forced to take over the 20% stake.

In the end, Bernard transferred 20% of the shares to Yanshu\'s name.

Since then, the Liu family in Haicheng has completely fallen out of the range of wealthy families. Since then, Xiu\'s worth has doubled, and he has become the hot fifth diamond king at that time.

This is what happened before Su Zibao left Haicheng.

Four years later, Su Zibao didn\'t expect to see the person he met in Haicheng, and it was still in this way.

"Hello, Miss Su." Bernard stretched out a hand towards Su Zibao, smiling brightly.

Su Zibao retracted his thoughts, smiled politely at him, and shook hands with him.

"Su, Bernard is the grandson of Marquis Yuri. He has a wide range of contacts, and he is also very successful in business. You are both young people, and you will definitely be able to meet." Miffy said with a smile.

There are countless aristocrats of all sizes in Western Europe. In today\'s era, the title of title has basically become a symbol of the nobles of the upper class.

I had never heard my grandmother mention Marquis Yuri before, so it must have been a casual acquaintance he met at a dance.

But the aristocratic atmosphere left over here in Western Europe is very heavy. Nobles like to deal with nobles, even nobles who are not familiar with them, especially nobles with relatively high family background. Whenever they come to their home as guests, the local host will warmly stay with them for accommodation, meals, and personally accompany them to play.