Given A Second Chance: Time for Revenge!

Chapter 1203: Forsythia overturned, little crying bag Lele

Just two days ago, Pei Aochen received news from the imperial capital that Xiang Qiang\'s death finally made new progress. Although there is no substantive evidence, it is certain that Xiang Jia himself was involved in this incident.

Xiang Renxuan is a cannon fodder and has already been excluded. Pei Aochen has been investigating the possible traitors of Xiang\'s family one by one in the imperial capital. After a month of investigation, no target was found, so he called Pei Lianqiao and asked her to investigate. Probe to the Yuanjie brothers and sisters.

The Xiang family in the imperial capital was handed over to Pei Aochen to investigate, while those in Chubei could only be handed over to Pei Lianqiao.

Pei Aochen felt that it was very unlikely that it was the Xiang Yuanjie brothers and sisters, because they were too active like Xiang Renxuan. When Xiang Qiang died, they eventually became the gainers. Isn\'t this clearly motivated? However, the slightest possibility could not be let go, so I told Pei Lianqiao to keep an eye on it.

So Pei Lianqiao and Lu Qingge have been paying attention to Xiang Yuanxiang\'s situation for the past two days. Tonight Xiang Yuanxiang suddenly ran to the bar, and they followed him all the way.

They were investigating Xiang Yuanxiang, and Chu Liufeng also knew. The only one who couldn\'t understand the situation was Lin Lele. She didn\'t understand anything, and Pei Lianqiao didn\'t want her to worry.

After Pei Lianqiao finished explaining everything, Lin Lele realized what was going on, and suddenly realized:

"It turns out that Forsythia, you guys have been following Xiang Yuanxiang recently? Does she have anything to do with Xiang Qiang? Did you find out what she was doing? Can you clear the suspicion from you?"

Pei Lianqiao rubbed her brows and slapped her on the shoulder angrily, "Idiot! Is this the time to ask this? Did you get the point wrong?"

"I... got the point wrong?... Is Xiang Yuanxiang a traitor? Isn\'t that the point?" Lin Lele blinked.

Lu Qingge didn\'t know whether to laugh or cry, "Lele, the focus now is that Xiang Yuanxiang put drugs in your drink. You almost drank this drink and almost got addicted to drugs."

"Oh, yes, I almost... I almost drank..." Lin Lele reacted with hindsight, and looked at the drink in Lu Qing\'s singer with a look of fear.

Pei Forsythia hates that iron is not steel, "Yes, it\'s just a little bit, you, you, you, it really makes me so angry that I don\'t know what to say about you."

"Tanglizi, don\'t blame Lele, I didn\'t take good care of her," Chu Liufeng said.

Pei Lianqiao glared at him, "How dare you say that I haven\'t settled the bill with you yet. It\'s fine to bring Lele to a place like this, and don\'t take a good look at it. It gives the enemy a chance to take advantage."

"Have you called the police? Do you have any definite evidence to pinpoint Yuanxiang\'s crime?" Chu Liufeng directly asked the most crucial question.

Pei Lianqiao said, "Don\'t worry, we have been monitoring her. When she handed the white powder to the waiter, we took a picture. Qingge called the police just now, and the police will come to arrest her soon."

"Photos? That\'s fine." Chu Liufeng decided not to mention more, and asked, "Just now you said that you and Qingge were inquiring about the situation, how is it, is Xiang Yuanxiang a traitor?"

Pei Lianqiao shook his head, "I can\'t find it out. But this time I can find out Xiang Yuanxiang\'s conspiracy against Lele, and I\'m already satisfied. It\'s not that simple about the traitor in the Xiang family, let\'s talk about it."

"Well, consider the long term. There are no eternal secrets in the world. As long as no one dies, there will be a day when they will be revealed," Chu Liufeng said.

Pei Lianqiao didn\'t care about the grievances between himself and Xiangjia, and said, "Qing Ge and I are also witnesses. Later, we will take the photo and this drink to the police station. Big Zongzi, Lele will ask you to send it back. Home. I warn you, if you let Lele do anything wrong, I\'ll fight! "

The last sentence is another threat

It\'s complaining again, but it\'s only for oneself who can say such things, so they don\'t distinguish each other.

"Mm. Don\'t worry, I\'ll take her back. You guys go to the police station, okay?" Chu Liufeng\'s eyes became a little worried, "The police station is the Liu family\'s territory."

Pei Lianqiao said, "Don\'t worry, I just sent a text message to the second master. The Qing Gang wanted to seek revenge from the Liu family, and kept staring at them. If the police station was covering up for personal gain this time, it would just give them an excuse to pull the Liu family into the water."

"En." Chu Liufeng was relieved after that.

It snowed on the way back, Chu Liufeng drove very slowly, Lin Lele was shocked by this, and the whole person was very depressed, sitting in the seat silently, not saying a word.

"What\'s wrong? Frightened?" Chu Liufeng glanced at her and said.

Lin Lele sighed heavily, "I almost got into trouble for Forsythia again, I almost got into trouble for my parents. Am I so useless, what would happen if I just drank that drink? I Will I be sent to a drug rehab center? My parents will be sad, and the forsythia will be very sad. She will be very self-blame, since childhood, the forsythia has protected me, why am I so stupid, how can I not I know there\'s something wrong with that glass of wine..."

Lin Lele\'s tears fell suddenly. She covered her face with her hands. She was embarrassed to cry in front of Chu Liufeng, but all the tears leaked out of her fingers and fell on her clothes.

Chu Liufeng\'s car was parked on the side of the road, looking at the little girl who was covering her face and couldn\'t help sobbing, her eyes were complicated.

If Pei Forsythia encounters such a thing, she will never cry, but will fight back hundreds of times, she never let herself be so weak. Chu Liufeng also didn\'t like crying girls, but how could this little crying bag make people feel soft-hearted.

Anyone who sees such a cute girl crying like this will soften their hearts.

"Don\'t cry. I don\'t blame you for what happened today, I blame the person who set up a situation to frame you." Chu Liufeng casually scolded himself.

Lin Lele looked at him tearfully, "If that drink is forsythia, I won\'t be deceived, it\'s my problem..."

"Forsythia is Forsythia, you are you, it is precisely because Forsythia won\'t be deceived, so no one deceives her like this, because you can be fooled, so bad people want to deceive you like this. Others deliberately deal with you, no matter how smart people are There are times when mistakes are made. It\'s not your own IQ that should be blamed, but the hateful nature of the enemy." Chu Liufeng picked up the paper from the car and handed it to Lin Lele.

Lin Lele was stunned by what he said, "What you said makes sense."

"Of course. The enemy, hateful." Chu Liufeng curved his lips, he was indeed hateful. If things go wrong today, Lin Lele will be finished. That\'s why he set up Lin Lele instead of Pei Forsythia.

Pei Forsythia must not be in trouble, but taking a little risk with Lin Lele can solve one Xiang Yuanxiang, which is very cost-effective in Chu Liufeng\'s opinion.

"But, I still feel so sad." Lin Lele sniffed, and the pitiful tears couldn\'t stop falling.

Seeing her like this, Chu Liufeng was really helpless, no wonder it was called a little crying bag. Glancing at Lin Lele, he stepped on the accelerator to the bottom in an instant, and the speed of the car picked up.

"Ah!" Lin Lele was taken aback and was taken aback, and his face turned pale, clutching the seat tightly.

Seeing her appearance, Chu Liufeng curled the corners of his lips, "If you cry again, I will use the sports car as an airplane!"

"Don\'t dare, stop crying, slow down, it\'s so scary!" Lin Lele was so frightened that he forgot to cry, his face was snow-white.

Only then did Chu Liufeng slow down contentedly, and the poor little crying bag even forgot his sadness after this thrilling interruption.