Given A Second Chance: Time for Revenge!

Chapter 1204: Mu Xiaoyu was tricked and went to the door to settle accounts

There is another big incident in Chu City!

Xiang Yuanxiang intended to make Lin Lele addicted to drugs, but was smashed by Pei Lianqiao and Lu Qingge with their own eyes, and even took pictures of her and the waiter, as well as the cup of drink with drugs, which is ironclad.

The police took Xiang Yuanxiang away. Actually, Liu Ming didn\'t want to do it, but he blatantly covered up, so he didn\'t need to sit in this position.

The special commissioner from the imperial capital has not left yet. And this matter involved Baifen, the commissioner sent a notice, asking Liu Ming to make a copy of all the dossier information and send it to them.

He could only arrest Xiang Yuanxiang first and wait for Xiang Yuanjie to find a way to clean up his sister.

After the news came out, the wealthy families in Chucheng were all boiling, and they had to sigh that Xiang Jia and Pei Lianqiao were really ruthless. They had just lost a Zheng family, and now even their own sister was lost, but they still failed to get Pei. Forsythia how they are.

At this time, in a secret private box, Chu Liufeng and a middle-aged man were deadlocked.

"Chu Liufeng, don\'t think that Peng Ye can do whatever you want. Why do you do this? Why do you want to harm Xiang Yuanxiang? Don\'t tell me you don\'t know that Pei Lianqiao is staring at Xiang Yuanxiang, don\'t think we are all You\'re a fool, I can\'t see that you just want Pei Lianqiao to capture someone\'s stolen goods and get them." He Wei stared at Chu Liufeng coldly. He is also a member of the Han family. When He Xinpeng joined the He family, he went with him. Later, he changed his surname to He Xinpeng\'s confidant.

Chu Liufeng sat on the sofa casually, and said lazily, "I don\'t know what you\'re talking about. I created the opportunity, Xiang Yuanxiang didn\'t succeed, blame me? No matter what you do, there are risks. Since you plan to poison, then Just be aware of being discovered, there is never a foolproof action in this world."

"You are sophistry. I have already reported this to Lord Peng, just wait!" He Wei\'s face was ashen.

Mu Xiaoyu pushed open the door and walked in, with an equally ugly expression, "Chu Liufeng, the current result is your intention, right?"

"Why are you here?" Chu Liufeng frowned.

He Wei said, "I invited Miss Mu to come here. This is your cooperation, but if an accident occurs, you must give Miss Mu an explanation, and our He family must explain to the Mu family. Young Master Chu, don\'t blame me for not reminding you. , Those who betray Lord Peng will definitely not end well."

There was a sneer on Chu Liufeng\'s lips, not only did it not end well, Grandpa He would not let his efforts go to waste, even if it was a corpse, he would have to squeeze the remaining value.

"Uncle Wei, you misunderstood. I never thought of betraying my grandfather. Without my grandfather, I wouldn\'t be where I am today. How could I avenge my revenge?" Chu Liufeng said lightly.

Mu Xiaoyu snorted coldly, "That\'s not certain. Some people are fascinated by Pei Forsythia. If it wasn\'t against the water, how could they harm Xiang Yuanxiang."

"I want to correct one point. I didn\'t intend to harm Xiang Yuanxiang, but just concealed the fact that Xiang Yuanxiang might be discovered by Pei Forsythia. If she succeeds, then everything is going according to our plan. She failed, and I am also very happy." Chu Liufeng said lazily.

Mu Xiaoyu frowned, "What do you mean?"

"During the autumn tour, Xiang Yuanxiang once poisoned. Don\'t Miss Mu know? That pot of poisonous mushrooms almost drank not only Pei Lianqiao, but also me. I was almost poisoned by Xiang Yuanxiang." Chu Liufeng His face was getting colder and his voice was cold, "Since then, Xiang Yuanxiang has no need to continue to exist."

Mu Xiaoyu\'s face changed and changed, "You\'re just for this?"

"Could it be that Miss Mu will not make the same decision as me?" Chu Liufeng sneered.

Mu Xiaoyu had nothing to say, she was such a selfish and vicious person, if it was her, she would definitely want to overrun Xiang Yuanxiang.

On the other hand, He Wei said angrily, "You are too ignorant of the overall situation. Just because of personal grievances hurt Xiang Yuanxiang, weakened the power of the Xiang family, and helped Pei Forsythia a big favor."

"Could it be that Uncle Wei thinks I\'m a selfless person? I\'m sorry, whoever offends me, I don\'t care if he is from the Xiangjia Mu family or meco, I won\'t let him go." Chu Liufeng said indifferently.

He concluded that this reason was tenable, and He Xinpeng would never blame him, but would appreciate him.

Who told He Xinpeng to deal with meco now is for personal grievances, they are a kind of person.

At this moment, He Xinpeng\'s phone call came. He Wei repeated Chu Liufeng\'s words. He Xinpeng was not angry. He just said something meaningful and hung up the phone.

He Wei said angrily, "Master Peng said, everything on Chu Bei\'s side is based on the decision of the young master of Chu. This time, it is not a bad thing."

"Good thing?" Mu Xiaoyu raised her eyebrows.

He Wei said, "Yes. Lord Peng said that the conflict between the Xiang family and Pei Lianqiao is getting deeper and deeper, so no matter what happened to Xiang Qiang at the beginning, the deadly feud between the two families cannot be resolved."

"Mr. He is right. From this point of view, it is not a bad thing. When Xiang Jia reconciles with meco, there will be no drama. Last time Xiang Renxuan lost face, this time Xiang Yuanxiang directly entered the game. , the grievance is getting deeper and deeper, and it can\'t be solved." Mu Xiaoyu\'s face also eased.

Chu Liufeng twitched the corners of his mouth and did not speak. He had known for a long time that He Xinpeng would think so, so he dared to do so. As long as the general direction was the same as his, He Xinpeng did not pay attention to some small things, and did not care about the gains and losses of one city and one pool.

Xiang Yuanxiang dared to poison Forsythia, and he avenged it. It\'s not easy, trying to do something for her, every step is so difficult.

"Since Mr. He said so, I have no objection. I happen to have a plan to deal with Pei Lianqiao. With Chu Liufeng\'s loyalty to Mr. He, I think that Master Chu will definitely go all out and complete it resolutely. Mission, right?" Mu Xiaoyu looked at Chu Liufeng with an unusually cold expression.

Even though He Xinpeng said this and didn\'t intend to blame Chu Liufeng, Mu Xiaoyu couldn\'t swallow it. She was completely played by Chu Liufeng once, and it was not until Xiang Yuanxiang was arrested that Mu Xiaoyu knew that she had been used by Chu Liufeng. She prided herself on being smart, how could she accept others playing her as a fool.

"What proposal?" He Wei asked.

Chu Liufeng suddenly had a bad feeling in his heart.

Mu Xiaoyu took a step forward and stood in front of Chu Liufeng with a burning gaze, "I found that Lin Lele seems to trust you very much, and even I was a little shocked that you invited such a good girl to a bar so easily. Having known them for so long, I have never seen Lin Lele go to a bar with the second person other than Pei Forsythia. Young Master Chu is worthy of being the best undercover agent. It\'s not easy for your sister to have a relationship with you."

Chu Liufeng frowned slightly, "What exactly are you trying to say?"