Given A Second Chance: Time for Revenge!

Chapter 1202: who is the prey

Chu Liufeng and Lin Lele sat for a while, and one of the women who had come to chat with them came over and asked Chu Liufeng to come over and have a drink with them.

"Handsome guy, if you don\'t make an appointment with us tonight, you can\'t lose face for having a drink, right?" The woman obviously had a crush on Chu Liufeng, so she directly took his arm and pulled him away.

Chu Liufeng said to Lin Lele, "You sit here, I\'ll be back later."

"...Okay." Lin Lele silently watched him being pulled away by other women, but couldn\'t find a reason to stop him.

Chu Liufeng gave her a consoling smile, "Just a moment, wait for me."

"Yeah." Lin Lele tried to squeeze out a smile, indicating that he was fine.

The woman successfully pulled Chu Liufeng, gave Lin Lele a provocative look, and pulled Chu Liufeng away with satisfaction. As soon as Chu Liufeng went to their table, those women were all around him, and the atmosphere was lively.

Lin Lele silently watched him play so happily and looked away.

"Handsome guy, what\'s your name?" The woman who succeeded in pulling Chu Liufeng, thought that Chu Liufeng was also interested in her, and immediately launched an offensive.

Chu Liufeng poured himself a glass, raised the glass, "Drink."

"Okay, if you drink too much later, we will drag you away and take you home." The woman squeezed into Chu Liufeng\'s arms and said with a tender smile.

Chu Liufeng raised his head and drank, hugging from side to side, but the corner of his eyes fell on Lin Lele on the bar in the distance.

After he was gone, she looked awkward all by herself. The environment here was originally incompatible with this pure little white rabbit. But because he brought her here, she listened to his arrangement honestly and had no objection.

Just like when he was clearly afraid of dying in the car before, he was too embarrassed to ask him to slow down.

He was right. It was really simple to want to deceive Lin Lele and set up a situation to frame Lin Lele.

He has already created the opportunity, and the rest is left to Yuan Xiang.

At this time, in a secluded corner of the bar, Xiang Yuanxiang looked at Lin Lele, who was sitting alone in front of the bar, with a cold smile, and handed a package of things wrapped in tinfoil to a bar waiter. The waiter nodded immediately, and after a while, walked over with a glass of prepared juice.

"Hello, is that Miss Lin Lele?" the waiter said politely.

Lin Lele was taken aback, "Well, I am, what\'s the matter?"

"This is the frozen lemon juice that Young Master Chu ordered for you." The waiter smiled and handed the goblet on the tray to Lin Lele, "The drinking temperature is just right now, and the freezing effect will disappear after a while. Miss Lin, please taste it as soon as possible."

Lin Lele took the freezing lemon and looked at Chu Liufeng among the women. He was laughing with others, but he didn\'t notice this side.

"Thank you." Lin Lele retracted his gaze and bit his lip.

The waiter smiled and said, "If you need anything, just ask. I wish you a good time."

After saying that, he walked away politely. Lin Lele didn\'t notice that the waiter kept staring at her and the glass of frozen lemon.

"Having so much fun, remember to order a drink with me?" Lin Lele looked at the goblet in his hand, without thinking much, he picked up the glass and planned to drink it.

Seeing this scene in the distance, Chu Liufeng clenched his fists instantly, but he did not rush over. Because it can\'t.

"Don\'t drink!"

Just when Lin Lele was about to drink the glass of frozen lemon, a hand suddenly stretched out and grabbed the drink.

Lin Lele looked back and said in surprise, "Forsythia? Classmate Qingge? Why are you here?"

"Let\'s do business." Pei Lianqiao replied casually, stared at the drink for a while, then handed it to Lu Qingge next to him and said, "Qingge, can you see what\'s added?"

Lu Qingge smelled it, licked it again, and his face changed instantly, "White powder."

"Bastard, Xiang Yuanxiang has something to do with me, but he actually attacked Lele, which is despicable and shameless." Pei Lianqiao\'s face turned gloomy instantly.

Lu Qingge couldn\'t help but be angry, "Forsythia, I\'ll call the police now. Even if the Liu family and the Xiang family are in trouble, but the evidence is overwhelming, the Liu family can only arrest Yuanxiang."

"Forsythia, what are you talking about? Xiang Yuanxiang and white powder. Is there anything wrong with this drink? The waiter said that classmate Liu Feng ordered it for me. Did it get it wrong?" Lin Lele still didn\'t understand the situation. Bewildered.

Pei Lianqiao said angrily, "It wasn\'t Chu Liufeng who ordered it for you. I saw with my own eyes that Xiang Yuanxiang instructed a waiter to add white powder to the drink. I also wondered who she wanted to kill. So you came to the bar tonight. She\'s going to attack you."

They weren\'t sure what the white powder was just now, but now it\'s been determined that it is drugs. If you get caught with drugs, it will be destroyed. It is very difficult to get rid of drugs. Xiang Yuanxiang wants to destroy Lin Lele.

"Xiang Yuanxiang is also in the bar now?" Lin Lele was completely stunned.

Pei Lianqiao snorted, "Lele, don\'t be so stupid next time, believe what others say. Fortunately, we have been staring at Xiang Yuanxiang for a while, otherwise we wouldn\'t have found out that she had murdered you, then It\'s over..."

"It turns out... this drink was sent to Yuanxiang, so dangerous. I didn\'t expect it at all..." Lin Lele\'s face turned pale, and he was afraid after a while.

On the other side, the woman in Chu Liufeng\'s arms frowned and said, "Handsome guy, your hand is so tight, it hurts me."

Chu Liufeng breathed a sigh of relief when he saw Pei Lianqiao appear in his heart, but his face did not change. He got up and said, "My friend is here, I\'ll go take a look first."

"Hey, handsome guy, don\'t go, handsome guy..."

Chu Liufeng turned a deaf ear, and strode forward to Pei Lianqiao and the others.

"Da Zongzi, what\'s the matter with you? You brought Lele out to play, but you came to a place like a bar. Well, even if you came to a bar, how could you leave her alone? What if something happened to her. What if it wasn\'t for today? We happened to be in a bar, and when Qing Ge and I saw it, Lele was killed by Xiang Yuanxiang." Pei Lianqiao said angrily when he saw Chu Liufeng.

Chu Liufeng raised his eyebrows, "What\'s wrong? What happened?"

"Xiang Yuanxiang gave Forsythia a drink in your name. There are very high-purity drugs in it, and if you touch it once, you will become addicted." Pei Forsythia\'s face was solemn.

Chu Liufeng looked at Lin Lele, Lin Lele quickly waved his hand and said, "It\'s alright, didn\'t I drink it? It\'s okay if I\'m safe."

"If I hadn\'t just robbed you of your cup, you\'d already drank it. What do you two want me to say? It\'s not like there are so many enemies out there who are staring at you. Lele has always been confused, big zongzi, don\'t you know? They are despicable and shameless, how dangerous it is to throw Lele into the bar alone." Pei Forsythia was almost mad at the safety consciousness of the two of them.

Chu Liufeng followed Pei Lianqiao\'s words and said, "My pot, my fault, I must pay attention next time."

But if it wasn\'t for sure that Pei Forsythia would come here, he wouldn\'t have chosen the opportunity here.