Give Me the Name of God

Chapter 901

Manda wanted to cut off the mark, but the golden finger was on the real body.

When the soul returned to the real body, Manda realized that such an idea was too absurd.

He didn\'t know what the mark looked like or where it was. Could he cut his back open and look for it?

Not to mention how difficult it is to open the back, what if you find it wrong? What if you hurt a key part? What if you hurt your soul?

You can\'t do it yourself. You have to ask for help.

But who can help themselves?

Mark on the body

It sounds familiar to me.

I think I\'ve seen this sign somewhere.

Cronus seems to have used something similar. According to pan, he hid a false separation in Hermes\'s body. There was a sign that could detonate automatically in the false separation, and there was a sign that could automatically remove memory in Julian\'s body.

Will Cronus help himself?

Imagine the real-time scene. Manda goes to ask Cronus. Cronus warmly provides help. First let Manda sleep, and then take away the sickle

Cronus, No.

Where\'s Hermes?

Is he capable of helping himself?

Even if he did, he went to Olympia and had the cheek to ask Hermes for help?

Manda\'s skin is thick enough, but if a betrayer dares to make such a request, he is forcing Hermes to kill himself.

Who else?


Manda suddenly thought of a man. She packed her bags and went back to the manor in Tieshan town with all pervasive skills.

Through the witch painting of the manor, she went to the king\'s capital. Manda entered Gaia\'s temple. There were many people in the temple during the day. In the harvest season, people mainly offered sacrifices to Demeter, but also offered prayers to the goddess of the earth.

Demeter doesn\'t care about Gaia. Instead, he is happy to see Gaia harvest more sacrifices. In the harvest season, he often walks on earth. It is absolutely wise to have a good relationship with Gaia.

But Manda was so worried that he didn\'t dare to appear in front of the crowd. He had to hide in the corner with a mobile barrier and wait for the crowd to disperse.

At night, the sacrifice was over, the door was closed, and the priests began to clean the temple.

They cleaned well. Unexpectedly, these women were very restless. A priest took out a can of wine and shared it with several priests. They laughed and danced in the temple, but they were crazy.

Do they drink so badly? Is the wine so bad?

Manda can\'t wait any longer. The mobile barrier needs a lot of power to maintain. Manda\'s power is running out.

He coughed and walked out of the corner. The king was a regular guest of Gaia temple. When the priests saw Manda, they panicked. An elderly priest was knowledgeable and led the people to salute Manda.

Manda raised her sword eyebrows and angrily denounced the people: "as priests, what do you look like in the temple?"

A priest wanted to explain, but was stopped by an older priest. The older priest was very sensible and kept making amends to Manda. Manda reprimanded a few words and eased her voice: "I want to pray to the Earth Goddess tonight. I don\'t want to be disturbed. You stay outside the temple and don\'t allow anyone to enter."

The priests left the temple, and Manda stood in front of the statue and prayed until late into the night.

He knew that the two thin lines behind him would attract the Lord of God\'s punishment at any time, but he also knew that the Lord of God\'s punishment would not act wildly in the temple of Gaia.

Yarrant finally appeared under the statue. Manda wanted to get closer. A powerful divine force made him dare not move.

"I want my priests to dance for me. Why did you drive them away?"

"It\'s your order," Manda explained quickly. "I misunderstood and thought they violated your dignity. I\'ll ask them to come back and continue dancing. I can dance with them."

Arante sneered: "how dare I bother you, Claude Sai, God of error. You are so powerful and poisonous. My son asked you to be a barrier. You bought the fuzzy power from taltaltalos, but you almost killed my son."

"How could this happen?"

"Who brought the Lord of God\'s punishment?"

"The Lord of divine punishment? This has something to do with the Lord of divine punishment?" Manda pretended to be confused. "Which son did you just say? Is it our son? Is he okay?"

"Shut up!" yarrant said angrily. "Don\'t think I\'m not willing to kill you! I\'m not as soft hearted as Hermes! What are you looking for me for?"

"I need your help." while talking, Manda began to undress.

Alan clenched his fist and said, "if you dare to commit any more blasphemy, I\'ll turn you into dust on the spot."

"Don\'t get me wrong, I don\'t mean any blasphemy," Manda turned her back to alant. "I have a mark of the Lord of punishment on my body. You have used a similar mark on the blazing Angel Martha. You should know the way to remove the mark."

Manda found the right person, and Gaia recognized the source of the mark at a glance: "the seal of loyalty, which is different from my mark. This is the original means of Uranus, and Cronus has also learned some essence. This mark is used to control his subordinates. If his subordinates are unfaithful, the mark will send a signal to the master."

Thanks to the loyalty seal of God\'s punishment Lord, not Cronus\'s, Hermes\'s false separation appeared and the infidelity directly exploded. The loyalty seal of God\'s punishment Lord only sent a signal, which was obviously much milder.

But Manda thought, why didn\'t Cronus apply the seal of loyalty to me?

After the scythe is completely repaired, if I refuse to hand over the scythe, he can force me to submit with the seal of loyalty.

Manda was thinking. Arante asked, "why does the seal of loyalty appear on you? Have you taken refuge in the Lord of punishment?"

"Of course I can\'t take refuge in him. It\'s a long story. Can I explain it to you later?"

"No! If you want me to save you, you must tell the truth!"

Manda can only tell the truth. Hearing that Manda has cut off part of Lucen\'s soul, alant looks at Manda\'s fingers.

"You have destroyed the seal of loyalty, so you have been eroded by the seal," Gaia blinked. He paid more attention to another thing. "You can claw and cut the soul. Is it..."

It seemed that the matter could not be concealed. Manda stretched out her hands and said, "don\'t you think my fingers look familiar?"

"At first, I don\'t think it\'s really a little now. Maybe it wasn\'t complete before," yarrant looked at Manda\'s fingers carefully. "The sickle I gave Cronus fell into your hand. No wonder Cronus has been afraid to fight with the Lord of divine punishment."

"Will you help me?"

Arante looked at Manda\'s finger. "It depends on what you offer."

"Do you want a sickle?"

Alan nodded.

Manda was silent for a moment and said with a smile, "excuse me, goddess."

With a deep salute, Manda turned and left. Yarrant shouted, "wait a minute, you are a smart man. You should know the situation at present. If you have been under the gaze of the Lord of punishment, you will not live for a few days."

"If I give you the sickle, I\'m afraid I won\'t live long."

"I will protect you. I will never break my promise."

Manda nodded: "I believe you, but there are many people who need my protection."

"Isn\'t it the seven star mountain? I can protect them, too."

"But why was the Seven Star Mountain destroyed twice?"

"That\'s because I haven\'t got enough strength to fight him as a last resort."

"No matter whether I have strength or not, I will fight with him, just like Hermes desperately guarding Olympia and Cronus desperately guarding chingus. The gods must protect their most precious things, otherwise why enjoy faith and glory?"

Arante sighed, "my situation is different. The earth is too vast."

"I have never questioned you, let alone complained. Without your resistance, it is impossible to survive today, but I have my mission, I have something I want to protect. If I choose to fight, how can I give up my weapons?"

Alan sank his face and said, "you are so stubborn that I can\'t help you."

"Late at night, apologize again." Manda saluted deeply and left Gaia\'s temple.

"Silly boy, if you walk out of this door, you will die!" looking at Manda\'s back, yalant couldn\'t bear it.

But he didn\'t keep Manda after all.

The sickle recognizes the Lord and cannot rob by force.

He wanted a sickle, but he knew Manda wouldn\'t give it.

"When you feel the fear of death, you will be willing to hand over the sickle. I\'ll save you then."

After leaving Gaia\'s temple, Manda didn\'t know where to go.

Go back to the seven star mountain first and continue to deal with the Lord of divine punishment against the barrier?

You can\'t hurry back. There must be an ambush of the Lord of divine punishment around the seven star mountain.

First protect yourself with a barrier. Don\'t let the Lord of punishment find yourself so quickly and give yourself some time to think.

He was about to start the barrier when he heard an old man shouting at the roadside: "young man, you are about to face bad luck. I have a way to help you resolve it. Do you have the patience to listen to me."

Manda turned her face and saw that she was a fortune teller. In this era, fortune tellers are a common business, not much different from fortune tellers in previous lives.

There are many swindlers among them, but some are believers of the goddess of destiny, some are believers of the goddess of luck, some are believers of Prometheus, and some are believers of Apollo. These people all have a certain ability to predict.

Like the old man, he could see that Manda was about to suffer bad luck and prove that he had some real skills.

But after all, he\'s just a mortal. What can he do for Manda?

Manda smiled, ignored it, and heard the old man shout, "young man, believe me, I can help you and won\'t let you suffer. Can I have a hundred gold coins?"

A hundred gold coins? Why don\'t you grab it?

Manda was about to ridicule the old man, when she suddenly felt a sharp pain behind her, as if her skin and bones had been stripped off.

Manda trembled and a strange thing seemed to be pulled out.

He wanted to look back at the old man, but he heard the old man say, "don\'t look back, I don\'t want to see you!"

The old man threw Manda a hundred gold coins.