Give Me the Name of God

Chapter 902

Hermes stood behind Manda with a disc-shaped luminous body in his hand.

This luminous body is the seal of loyalty of the Lord of God\'s punishment.

When Manda was desperate, even Gaia was unwilling to help him.

But Hermes came and used his skills of forced trading to help Manda take out the seal of loyalty.

Hermes is right behind him.

Whenever Manda was in a desperate situation, Hermes always stood behind him.

Some feelings are different after all

Hermes could see through Manda\'s mind. He looked at the seal of loyalty and said, "I once suffered a loss on this thing. Cronus used it to blow up my false separation. Before that, I had a chance to remove the seal of loyalty, but pan fool calculated me with Hephaestus,

You don\'t have to thank me. I just want to do an experiment. Is it really so easy to take it out? Go, I still don\'t want to see you! "

Manda understood why Cronus didn\'t use the seal of loyalty on himself.

In exchange for the protection of Hermes, Cronus made Manda a believer of Hermes, but Hermes had a way to get rid of the seal of loyalty and had strong perception. If he found the seal of loyalty, it was easy to connect Manda with Cronus and even doubt Cronus\'s sickle.

Manda wanted to say a few more words to Hermes, but found that he had left, and his voice echoed in her ears: "don\'t hurry back to the seven star mountain. The Lord of God\'s punishment is waiting for you there. Stay in the king\'s capital for a while, and I\'ll tell you when I can go back."


Hermes came to the drawing city with the seal of loyalty, summoned a separate body and changed into Manda.

He gave the seal of loyalty to Fenshen and told him, "keep running north and never stop without receiving my order."

Fenshen and Hermes confirmed each other\'s eyes, held their heads high and set off with vigorous steps.

The Lord of divine punishment was walking near the seven star mountain. A wisp of thoughts crossed his mind. He felt that Manda with the seal of loyalty was flying to the drawing city.

What is he avoiding? An angel is chasing him in drawnwork? Wasn\'t he in Wangdu before?

The king is the safest place. Hermes is always watching there. Why did he go to the drawing city? Are you looking for Cronus?

The Lord of God\'s punishment senses the breath of all angels. There are two angels chasing Manda in drawnwork city.

They were too reckless to scare the snake. The two angels couldn\'t catch up with Manda and beat him.

God\'s punishment Lord gave orders to all the angels to quickly gather around the drawing city. They don\'t need to catch him or kill him. They just need to force him to have nowhere to go and return to the seven star mountain.

Angels show their abilities. Some incarnate into wind and gallop in mid air. Some incarnate into water and shuttle through rivers. Most angels have to fly on their wings.

Angels in the South cannot arrive at the drawing city in a short time. Although they are fast, they are too far away. Only angels near the drawing city can really form support.

There are also many angels near the drawing city. Before, the Lord of divine punishment sent 60 angels to arrest Manda, but it doesn\'t mean that he has only 60 angels. Knowing that Manda has Cronus\'s sickle, the Lord of divine punishment changed his strategy and mobilized all the angels in Romulus.

The drawnwork city is very close to the birthplace of Cronus, and its location is very special. The Lord of divine punishment has deployed heavy troops for defense, and there are more than 40 angels around.

Hermes looked at the angels in all directions from a separate perspective, smiled and said, "the first war has begun."

Under the siege of the angels, he kept running, rushed out of the drawing city and came to the deserted village outside the city.

More than 40 angels came one after another. There were no people in the deserted village and no figure of Manda. After searching for a long time, an angel said, "don\'t waste time here."

Another angel said, "where should we go?"

"Where did you say to go? Of course, to do serious things!"

"I, we, where to do serious things..."

"Of course..." the angels were stunned. They forgot what the serious thing was.

Why come to this deserted village? What are they looking for?

If things are not in this deserted village, where should they go?

"You can\'t make claims," finally a God woke up, "listen to this thing, listen..."

He wanted to obey the Lord\'s command, but his mouth couldn\'t open before he said the second half.

The upper and lower lips were firmly sewn with silk thread. He snorted twice and wanted to tear the silk thread off his mouth. The five fingers were sewn together again.

Before other angels reacted, several angels were sewn into twisted puppets by silk thread one after another, and the remaining angels were quickly ready for battle.

They formed a defensive formation, the outer Angel activated the shield, and the middle Angel jumped into the air to investigate the enemy.

The angel in charge of investigating the enemy did not see the shadow of the enemy, but saw a huge feather arrow flying. The feather arrow was not fast, and it was not difficult to avoid, but it was too late.

It was too late from the moment I saw it.

The arrows first burst in the air and turned into dazzling white light.

White light interferes with the angel\'s sight, which is not much different from the means of mortal believers.

But the next difference is big. The light turns into countless feather arrows and flies to angels in the air.

When the arrow passed, it was light. When the arrow passed, there was an arrow. It was blown up on the spot by countless angels with feather arrows passing through the body and turned into a part of the light. Some angels were smart and tried their best to avoid the light. Before they could stand firm, they saw more than a dozen huge arrows in the sky.

Athena said, "it\'s a little extravagant for them."

Apollo touched the silver bow: "the first counterattack should be more gorgeous."

Soon, all the angels flying in the sky disappeared into the light. The angels guarding the shield found the position of Apollo through the direction of the feather arrow.

The angels launched a counterattack, Liuyan and stone rain followed, and Athena and Apollo dodged on the ground.

The angels thought they had the upper hand, but they didn\'t know that a burly figure had come near the shield.

Hercules wore a lion skin armor, waved a long sword and cut on the shield. The angels were stunned, and the shield was cut into a crack.

Hercules cut several arrows, and the shield broke. An angel had no time to scream. Hercules grabbed his head and burst the pulp on the spot.

The angels fought back with the holy light, but the holy light could not break through Hercules\' lion skin armor. Hercules cut and killed wantonly with a long sword, and more than a dozen angels were cut into pieces one after another.

An angel tried to attack Hercules behind him and was shot by Apollo. The four angels lined up in formation to disturb Hercules with singing. Before making a sound, Athena broke her neck with silk thread.

There are still a dozen angels left, waiting for them is the wanton slaughter of the three Lord gods.

The three of them have a land of forgiveness, and do not have to worry about Gaia\'s punishment.

They ate enough pearls, and each blow could bring their strength to the limit.

In the twinkling of an eye, a group of angels turned into dead bodies.

Apollo said with a smile, "the first war is not gorgeous. It\'s too easy."

Athena disdained: "it\'s just some minions. I\'m afraid we\'re still vulnerable when we meet the Lord of divine punishment."

"The Lord of God\'s punishment will naturally be left to the Lord of the gods, and the minions and minions will be sent to us, that is, the era of the gods will return to glory!"

Apollo\'s expression was solemn and dignified, and Athena\'s eyes were full of longing.

Hercules looked at the bodies on the ground and said to the two men, "clean the battlefield and retreat immediately!"

Apollo glanced and said, "your attitude is very untimely."

Heracles lowered his eyes: "I am the commander of the command of the gods. This is the commander\'s attitude."


The Lord of divine punishment is still waiting for Manda outside the seven star mountain. As long as he gets the sickle of Cronus from Manda, the threat to the world will be completely eliminated. In such a key link, the Lord of divine punishment shows unimaginable patience.

A thread of painful thoughts flashed in my mind, and the Lord of divine punishment frowned.

More than 40 angels tracking Manda have lost contact. Are they all dead?

Killed more than 40 angels in such a short time. Did Manda Claude say do it?

impossible! He is not strong enough.

The Lord of divine punishment looked at the Seven Star Mountain and hesitated for a while.

We have to go to the battlefield and at least know who killed these angels.

Shortly after the Lord of divine punishment left, Manda, hiding in the palace, received the feeling of the spell:

"Go back. You\'ll meet some minions on the way. You can deal with them yourself."