Give Me the Name of God

Chapter 900

A day later, Manda walked out of the temple and staggered towards tifong.

Typhon looked up and down at Manda. "Have you seen your father?"

"Sort of."

"Seeing is seeing. Not seeing is not seeing. What does it mean?"

"I heard his voice, but I couldn\'t see him clearly."

Ten eyes turned around Manda several times, and Typhon asked, "father taught you the power of fuzziness?"

"How can I answer you?"

"Just tell the truth."

Manda stared at tifeng: "do you know the boundary between true and false? Some words are true now, but they may not be true in the future. Some words are true, but they seem false for the time being. Some things are true, but they are also false. Some things are not false, but they may not be true..."

Typhon already had the answer. He had heard his father say it many times.

"You left the things of the Lord of punishment in my territory and brought me a lot of trouble!"

Manda lit up her intelligent eyes and said, "let\'s continue to talk about the boundary between true and false. Our discussion has not reached a final conclusion."

"Get out! I don\'t want to see you again!"

After seeing off Manda, Typhon entered the temple, and tartartaros had not left.

"Father, did you really impart the power of ambiguity to others?"

Taltalos looked at Typhon and said, "do you know the line between true and false?"

Tifeng shook his head again and again. "I\'ve heard enough. I don\'t want to hear any more. I just want to know one thing. Why do you give your strength to a stranger?"

"Because this stranger is fighting Uranus, I know Uranus very well. I don\'t want to live under his rule."

"I also fought against Uranus. Why don\'t you give me your strength?"

"Can you learn? Haven\'t I tried? You can\'t even distinguish between true and false concepts. How can I teach you my strength?"

"True is true, false is false, which has nothing to do with vague authority! I won\'t say such a crooked reason to cater to you!"

Tartalos suddenly asked, "is it true that Typhon is a giant with a hundred heads?"

Tifeng was stunned: "of course it\'s true."

"I cut off two of them, leaving 98 heads. Are you still TIPHON?"

Typhon blinked all over his body, and he was teased by his father\'s wonderful logic.

"I may think differently from you, but it doesn\'t prevent me from gaining part of your power."

Tartalos asked again, "did you hear what I just said?"

"I heard it. I will try my best to learn your thinking..."

Taltalos shook his head and said, "no, I mean, I\'m going to cut off your two heads."

Tifeng was stunned and quickly left the temple.

Taltalos sighed: "you were born to defeat Zeus, but from the day you were born, I knew you couldn\'t win Zeus, and you couldn\'t win Uranus."


Manda returned to the real body with chaotic separation. The real body retained a simple consciousness and protected herself with a barrier. Seeing the chaotic separation, the real body felt and lifted the barrier.

Before transferring the soul, Manda stared at the real body and searched carefully for a long time.

Chaotic separation will use three line eyes, but it can\'t be peeled off. Manda saw two strange lines on her clothes, one red line and one blue line. These two lines are bright and dark, and the brightness is very unstable, which is very different from other three lines.

There is no yellow line to prove that the past of this thing does not belong to this world. According to Cronus, such a thing should be made by the Lord of divine punishment with materials obtained from other worlds.

Manda took off her real outer shirt. These two lines hung on her outer shirt. It should be a sign. It can be understood as the signal transmitter hidden by the Lord of divine punishment on Manda. Through it, the Lord of divine punishment can lock Manda\'s whereabouts. He not only successfully ambushed Manda, but also found the location of seven star mountain.

But the question now is, who put the mark on Manda? When did this sign appear on Manda?

It won\'t be too long, otherwise Manda won\'t live to this day.

Starting from the recent contact, Manda has just been chased and killed by more than 30 angels. Was the mark left at that time?


As soon as Manda arrived on earth, he was surrounded by so many angels. It was obvious that the other party had judged Manda\'s position in advance.

Further away, when fighting the Lord of punishment on the seven star mountain?


The Lord of divine punishment can find the Seven Star Mountain, most likely by relying on the mark on Manda\'s clothes.

A little further, when we played against the three brothers of Lucen.

Still wrong.

After defeating the three brothers, Manda got the cloak of the Lord of divine punishment, and used the cloak to lead the Lord of divine punishment to TIPHON\'s territory.

If at that time, Manda has a mark on her body, the Lord of divine punishment does not need to go to tifeng\'s territory, but can directly lock Manda through the mark.

When on earth was this mark left?

Don\'t worry too much. Since the mark is on the clothes, just don\'t want this clothes.

Manda threw the clothes aside and the soul returned to the real body.

He picked up his clothes again and wanted to look carefully with the stripping eye and the third line eye, but after a while, he suddenly realized a problem: why is such an important mark on his coat?

For so many days, I seem to have changed my clothes many times. Why is this mark still there?

Manda had a bad feeling.

He first established a fixed barrier to prevent the Lord of divine punishment from sneaking attack, and then injected his soul into the chaotic separation, staring at his real body again for a while.

There are also two lines on the inner shirt, bright and dark.

Manda stripped off her inner shirt and threw it aside. She found a tablecloth on the altar from her backpack and wrapped her upper body.

Soon, two lines grew on the cloth, one red and one basket, bright and dark.

Manda sat on the ground. Under normal circumstances, he would never understand the truth.

Why are there two thin lines when you wear clothes on yourself? Will there be a sign of God\'s punishment?

Have you left marks on your clothes for so many days?

Is the mark on me or on my clothes?

I still have many clothes left on the seven star mountain. Are there signs on those clothes?

I moved the Seven Star Mountain for more than 3000 miles, which is futile. The Lord of God\'s punishment can still come to the door anytime and anywhere!

What should I do?

Under the tension, Manda\'s thoughts were confused.

But in the chaotic separation, the chaotic thoughts have produced a clear idea.

I stayed with taltaltalos for a whole day. The Lord of divine punishment did not find me, and the angel did not find my real body, which proved that the Lord of divine punishment did not sense the mark.

The reason why the mark is not sensed should be the barrier.

But there is also a barrier on the seven star mountain. Why did the Lord of divine punishment come?

There was a gap in the barrier of Qixing mountain, and the exit was not blocked at that time.

The barrier to protect the real body is very small. There is no gap. The Lord of divine punishment can\'t find it here.

The barrier can ensure her temporary safety, and Manda\'s mood is calmer.

But when did you get the mark?

From the logic of time, it is after the fight with the three brothers of Lucen and before the fight with the Lord of divine punishment.

What happened during this period?

Meanwhile, Manda is interrogating Luther.

He destroyed Luther\'s consciousness and cut part of Luther\'s soul.

Lu Sen is extremely loyal to the Lord of divine punishment, and his loyalty even exceeds that of bucken. This part of loyalty is hidden in his soul and cut off by Manda, so Lu Sen knows everything.

Who hid loyalty in the soul of Luther?

There is no doubt that it is the Lord of God\'s punishment.

The Lord of divine punishment buried loyalty in Lucen\'s soul and was cut off by Manda, so Manda was eaten back.

In the chaos, the idea is more and more clear!

When Manda interrogated ruthen, the Lord of divine punishment soon came to the door, which is enough to prove that the above inference is correct.

The Lord of divine punishment buried loyalty in Lucen\'s soul and set up some mechanism on it.

Manda was hit by a mechanism, so she was hurt by some force and left a mark on her real body.

This sign, like radioactive material, exists in Manda\'s body. Manda\'s clothes are radiated, resulting in two thin lines. These two thin lines can cause the sensing of the Lord of divine punishment. Therefore, as long as Manda leaves the barrier, he will be chased and killed by the Lord of divine punishment and his men.

But why is there no thin line on Manda\'s body?

Is it thin thread special or Manda special?

This question is put aside. The primary problem at present is how to deal with marks.

With golden fingers, golden fingers can cut everything.

But Manda can\'t do anything about herself!