Give Me the Name of God

Chapter 899

Manda regretted that he shouldn\'t have summoned four separate bodies. Three separate bodies were enough to attract the enemy\'s attention.

Unstable factors such as chaos and separation should always be controlled in the real body. He must not be released until he is at the end of his tether.

Manda wanted to ask Tiffany to wait a moment, wait for the soul to return to the real body, and then go to taltalos with Tiffany.

But these words were brewing for a long time, but they couldn\'t be said.

In the midst of chaos and separation, Manda\'s thinking has been seriously confused. After a strong ideological struggle, he believes that taltalos probably won\'t let himself touch fuzzy power. Anyway, there is no hope. It\'s better to let chaos separate and hit good luck.

What logic is this? The chance to fight for your life, even let chaos separate into good luck?

Manda couldn\'t understand why she had such a crazy idea. But this idea is completely reasonable in the chaotic body, so reasonable that Manda can\'t resist it.

Typhon took Manda to his temple and said to Manda, "stay here and pray to my father piously. Remember to be very pious, or he will kill you."

Manda looked surprised: "this is your temple. What\'s the use of praying to taltaltalos here?"

"I\'m my father\'s agent in the world. You can regard my identity as my father vaguely. If you can understand what I said, it proves that you can communicate with your father. If you can\'t understand, give up as soon as possible."

When Tiffany finished, Manda shouted, "don\'t you stay here?"

"I really hope you can succeed, but I don\'t want to be implicated by you. My father\'s temper is not so gentle. Good luck!"

Manda stayed alone in the temple and prayed to taltaltalos. He didn\'t know what to say. He was too strange to taltaltalos.

Before leaving, you should ask Breton about tartalos\' temperament. After all, he is the only believer of tartalos.

Amid anxiety, Manda had another strange idea.

Why pray to Breton? What\'s the point of doing this? Brayton himself did not master the vague power of Tartarus. He only mastered the power of swallowing, which he personally admitted.

Do I need phagocytosis?

Obviously not!

Since you don\'t need it, what else do you ask him for?

Strange logic kept surging in Manda\'s mind. Manda tried to restrain her confused thoughts and set a reasonable goal for herself.

Don\'t ask taltaltalos to teach himself the power of ambiguity, just to make a good impression on him, just to have another chance to meet.

Looking at the exaggerated and ferocious statue of Typhon, Manda could not connect him with taltaltalos.

What does taltaltalos look like?

It seems that I have seen a statue in Brayton\'s house. The statue is too old. Its face has been seriously eroded and its facial features can\'t be seen clearly.

If you can\'t see clearly, it\'s in line with the vague divinity.

The so-called pious prayer is to recite the name of God. Just say, "taltaltalos, please look here. I want to see you!"

Strange thoughts appeared again, and Manda\'s eyesight was affected. He felt that the statue of tifun began to become blurred.

It\'s so fuzzy that it\'s illegible.

Is this a change of gods or an illusion?

All the candles in the temple suddenly went out. In the dark, the statue flashed a ray of light, so that Manda could barely see some outline.

The outline is very different from that of tifong. The iconic hundred heads and arms are missing.

A slender figure is approaching Manda. Is this taltaltalos?

"Are you Claudius?"

He spoke, and Manda quickly agreed, "it\'s me."

"What are you doing here?"

Don\'t mention the vague power, don\'t provoke him, first send blessings to the original God with a pious heart, and then put forward the special friendship between yourself and tifeng.

Pick up those who listen well and those who love to listen. As long as you can please taltaltalos, it is victory!

After brewing for a long time, Manda asked, "what do you think is the eternal truth of the world?"

Manda really wants to slap herself. This sentence is completely different from her idea!

Why do you ask this boring question? Are you qualified to ask questions?

Taltalos was silent for a long time, and Manda prayed silently in her heart: "don\'t be angry, give me a chance to explain."

"There is no eternal truth in this world." tartalos gave the answer.

This is a meaningless answer, but Manda can\'t respond like this.

He wants to say that this is an accurate answer, a concise answer, an unfathomable answer!

Manda prepared a series of rainbows and was going to send them to taltaltalos, but her mouth kept calling.

"I have found the eternal truth. Do you want to hear it?"

Manda wanted to hold her mouth, but taltaltalos seemed interested.

"Come on, I want to hear it."

Manda did not give a conclusion on the topic. Confusion is the biggest feature of chaos. He asked another question: "what is the difference between a lake and a puddle? How big a puddle can be called a lake?"

This question is a blasphemy to the gods, which has nothing to do with what I said before.

Unexpectedly, taltaltalos really answered: "if the diameter is more than one mile, it can be regarded as a lake, otherwise it can only be regarded as a puddle."

"Exactly one mile and one inch in diameter. Is it a lake or a puddle?"

"More than a mile, nature is a lake."

"I threw a few stones to the lake. The diameter became less than an inch. Did the Lake become a puddle?"

Taltalos was silent for a long time and said, "the diameter has changed, but the water has not changed. As long as the amount of water is enough, it is still a lake."

"How much water is enough?"

Taltalos pointed to a water tank in the temple and said, "if you can fill a million tanks of water, it is a lake."

"Is it a lake that can be filled with a million jars and one saliva?"


"If I lie down by the lake and have a drink, will the Lake become a puddle?"

Taltalos didn\'t speak. Manda then said, "what\'s the difference between a desert and a sand pile? If ten million sand grains can form a desert, I take two sand grains, can it become a sand pile again?"?

In fact, it is still a desert. Two grains of sand will not cause any change. Two hundred, two thousand and twenty thousand grains will not cause any change, but 20 million grains are different. Without 20 million grains of sand, the desert will really become a pile of sand. What is the reason?

Tieshan town is 1123 miles away from Wangdu, but if I walk two feet more, isn\'t it Wangdu? Where is the exact boundary? "

"Where do you think the line is?" asked taltaltalos.

Manda said, "there is no accurate boundary at all! All the boundaries in the world are fuzzy. Fuzziness is the eternal truth of the world! The truth is in your hands! I want to learn the truth from you. This is my real purpose to see you!"


Typhon was wandering anxiously in the valley when he heard deafening laughter from the temple.

Is father angry or happy? Tiffany didn\'t know, and taltaltalos was in a vague mood.

Typhon went near the exit of the barrier. If necessary, he would leave immediately. This is the wisest choice at present.


In the temple, taltaltalos asked, "wise man, who gives you the courage to see me with a separate body?"

Without fear, Manda looked up and said, "what do you think is the difference between separation and real body?"

Taltalos laughed again and put his palm on Manda\'s head.

If he were to kill now, Manda\'s soul would be destroyed immediately.

Manda knew there was no hope of escape and could only pray for taltaltalos\' tolerance.

After waiting for a moment, Manda didn\'t suffer from taltaltalos\'s sanctions, but she felt a warm current penetrating into her soul.

This is the blood of tartalos.

"In this world, few people can understand the true meaning of the power of fuzziness. Claudius, I\'ll give you a chance to know more."