Give Me the Name of God

Chapter 898

Guatel pushed a cart of hot snot behind Manda, picked up the pot and lifted it over the hole.

The smoke trying to get in was hot and shrunk back. When you want to get in again, your nose has begun to solidify.

He almost forgot this. Hephaestus used his snot to repair the barrier of Olympia. Of course, the God of fire improved his snot. He has power beyond guatel\'s reach. His snot can permanently repair the barrier.

But guatel\'s snot can also last a long time, long enough for Manda to repair the barrier.

Kalke also rushed over, strengthened witchcraft again, and tried his best to interfere with the sight of the Lord of divine punishment. Manda took this opportunity to block the only loophole with a barrier.

The blue smoke agglomerated into a ball. The master of divine punishment came out of the smoke, looked ferociously at Manda and hammered the barrier.

Hammer it, see if you have the ability to smash the barrier!

After a short confrontation, the Lord of God\'s punishment left. He didn\'t go on with Manda.

Manda wiped the sweat on his forehead. Just a moment ago, he made the worst plan, but he didn\'t expect that the catastrophe had been avoided in the blink of an eye.

Did you escape? Did you really hide?

Seems to have forgotten something.

What about the blue smoke penetrating the barrier? Why is it missing?

Manda grabbed guatel and said, "where\'s the smoke?"

"What smoke?"

Manda asked kalke again, "did you see the smoke?"

"It seems that there are some blue cigarettes. I don\'t know where they have gone..."

Manda asked Stanley and everyone. Many people had seen the blue smoke, but they didn\'t pay attention to the direction of the smoke.

"Find it! Find it for me! You have to find it even if you dig three feet!"

Part of the Lord of divine punishment has infiltrated into the seven star mountain!

If we don\'t find out this part, the seven star mountain will have no meaning to exist. Everything we have done before will be destroyed by the Lord of divine punishment sooner or later.

The distant master of divine punishment said with a ferocious smile: "you have Cronus\'s sickle. No wonder you are so special. No wonder he takes care of you so much, little guy, let\'s slowly..."

The Lord of divine punishment suddenly trembled, and the soul left behind the barrier broke contact.

The balance girl took a blue cloud of smoke and said to Manda, "what is this?"

Manda said with a surprised look on her face; "This is part of God\'s punishment Lord. You found it!"

"The familiar smell," the balance girl stuffed the smoke into her mouth and chewed for a while, "the taste is also very familiar."

Balance girl ate part of the punishment Lord!

Manda\'s mood is very complicated at the moment.

What will this part of the soul become? Manda doesn\'t know. The top priority is to quickly transfer the seven star mountain.

He swallowed 400 pearls in one breath, resisted vomiting and flew in the air with the seven star mountain.

Although she got the true legend of the God of celestial bodies, it was still a huge consumption. Manda spent two days moving the Seven Star Mountain for more than 3000 miles, and the next day was completely in a coma.

On the fourth morning, Manda suddenly woke up. He missed the day agreed with tifong.

He is going to see Tartarus if Tartarus is willing to see him.

But if you go out now, you may run into the Lord of divine punishment. The Lord of divine punishment is much more enthusiastic than taltalos. He must want to see Manda.

It seems that the bet is a little big, but it\'s really worth trying for the power of tartalos.

Although he can\'t fully understand what fuzzy power is, Manda knows that this is the way to establish the God system alone. He wants to give the ancient god believers of Qixing mountain a way out and no longer be subject to the way out of the gods.

It\'s decided to take a risk.

After walking several times along the barrier, there was no ambush outside. Manda opened the exit with her golden finger and drilled out of the barrier.

This exit is likely to leave trouble. Manda marked it and made a new barrier to seal the exit from the outside.

Not only do you have to be on guard in the Seven Star Mountain, but you can\'t relax your guard all the way. In the mortal world, Manda came to the manor in Tieshan town through the witch painting.

Through the blood stone given to him by Hermes, he has consolidated his old skills and can now travel freely in the underworld. But he still felt that the witch painting was safer, because he could not judge the current position of Pluto.

It\'s only a few tens of miles from Tieshan town to resentment haze valley. It\'s just a blink of an eye with flying boots, but Manda found an angel patrolling in the air.

There are only two angels. It\'s not difficult to deal with them, but Manda is worried that God will punish him.

He changed his appearance and became a bearded middle-aged man. He bought a carriage and more than a dozen barrels of wine in the town, dressed up as a wine merchant and quietly left the town.

Not far outside the town, Manda saw a man on the road.

Lord of Tieshan town - Luzon munchke.

Even if she saw the two brothers, Manda wouldn\'t be surprised. Although he personally cut off their heads and destroyed their souls, the Lord of divine punishment may have the means to revive them.

Only Lu Sen should not be here. He is still on the seven star mountain. Because his soul is seriously damaged, he is temporarily asleep.

Manda suspected that the Lord of divine punishment had left a mark on Lu Sen, so he tracked down the location of seven star mountain, so he sealed Lu sen in another barrier, but why did he appear in Tieshan town now?

He escaped?

Impossible, he can\'t break the barrier, let alone leave the seven star mountain.

This Lucerne is false. The Lord of punishment changed an angel to replace the Viscount of iron mountain.

Don\'t make a statement, don\'t fight with it, and don\'t forget the purpose of coming here.

Manda stopped the carriage by the side of the road and, like other civilians, saluted the Lord respectfully.

Under normal circumstances, the Lord will go straight all the way and won\'t look at these civilians more.

But today he was very abnormal. He stopped his horse and car in front of Manda and asked Manda about the price of wine.

"How much is a barrel of ale?" fake Luzon came over himself.

"Just a silver coin, sir." although Manda hasn\'t been in the pub business for a long time, he just bought these wines. A little calculation can tell the price in line with the market, which is also a gift given to him by Hermes.

Loosen patted the barrel and asked, "where\'s the wine?"

"The barrel you like is first-class wine. It costs six silver coins."

"How many barrels of fine wine?"

"Only one bucket, my Lord."

"What about Medium wine?"

"There\'s no medium wine. I only have two cans of wine. The other one is cheaper. It\'s only three silver coins."

"What\'s left is ale?"

"Yes, my Lord."

"Calculate the total amount of money. I want it all."

Lord, why do you like these inferior drinks?

Has fake ruthen seen Manda\'s identity?

But an ordinary angel can\'t see through Manda\'s skill of confusing the false with the true. Moreover, Manda pretends to be a passer-by without any characteristics at all.

Manda said to ruthen, "there are twenty-one silver coins, my Lord."

"Things aren\'t expensive, but I don\'t have a purse," he nodded

Manda respectfully replied, "just go back and get it. I\'d like to wait for you here."

"How can I do that? Don\'t I bully you? Come with me to the Viscount\'s castle and give me the wine after taking the money."

To your castle? This joke is too insincere.

Manda doesn\'t have to act anymore. He\'s sure his identity has been seen through.

Angels can\'t tell, but God\'s punishment Lord may be able to tell. Maybe God\'s punishment Lord is nearby.

Without a moment\'s hesitation, Manda overturned the carriage and ran away.

False lucerne and more than a dozen people followed him all the way. They were all angels.

They can\'t catch up with Manda, but there are angels in the sky. They all add up to more than 30 people. Once they get into a struggle, they will be in great trouble.

If God punishes the Lord, the trouble will be even greater.

Manda\'s body suddenly emptied and summoned four separate bodies at the same time. Five Manda ran in five different directions.

The angel in pursuit was silly on the spot. With their current strength, they could not distinguish between the separated body and the original. For a moment, they didn\'t know which Manda to intercept.

While fleeing, Manda quickly conceived a plan. He let the original split rush to the front to attract the enemy\'s fire. Manda led the other three split to get rid of the enemy as soon as possible, and then found a chance to take back the original split.

The cooperation between Manda and the original body is the most tacit understanding, and there should be no omission.

But in the process of implementing the plan, there were problems, the chaos was out of control, and he rushed to the front.

The angels in the sky and on the earth think that the fastest runner is the master of Manda. They all chase chaos and separation, and the tactics are basically successful.

But after Manda and the other three separated bodies got rid of the pursuit, the chaotic separated body refused to return to the real body. He chose to fight with the angels.

More than 30 angels, even Manda\'s real body, have little hope of winning, not to mention a confused split.

Manda can\'t give up his separation. His mastery of separation is far less than Hermes. His separation can\'t leave his body for a long time, let alone be hurt by the enemy, otherwise Manda is in danger of being lost.

In desperation, he took back the other three parts, settled his real body, transferred his soul to the chaotic part, and personally summoned him back.

Unexpectedly, as soon as she entered the chaotic body, Manda\'s thinking went wrong.

Angels have not yet formed a circle, and there are still opportunities to escape.

But Manda suddenly gave up the idea of running away.

He believes that killing one or two angels can frighten the Lord of punishment and let him stop chasing himself recklessly.

This idea is undoubtedly crazy. There are many opportunities to frighten the Lord of punishment. We should not work hard with more than 30 angels.

Let\'s go!

Can\'t go!

No, it\'s too late!

Thinking was still struggling, a black storm suddenly dispersed the angel besieging Manda. Tifeng grabbed Manda in the middle of the storm and said, "come with me! Father is willing to see you!"

Are you kidding? Just go to taltaltalos?

Meet taltaltalos in chaos?

It\'s not, it\'s not, isn\'t it... Good?