Give Me the Name of God

Chapter 892

Manda didn\'t hurry back to the palace. He wanted the ministers to tremble a little longer.

These ministers are one of the smartest groups in romroad. They know fear, they know the situation, they know which team to join under what circumstances and what kind of people to stand by.

But Manda wanted them to know their responsibilities this time. He gave longesen an order to kill as long as any minister dared to leave the palace.

Manda returned to the house where she lived when she was a government minister. The house was still with her belongings and the maid. Manda drank some wine and was ready to take a nap, but she heard someone come into his room half asleep.

The simple and clear fragrance belongs to Demeter, the God of agriculture. I almost forgot that August is his month.

Manda quickly got up from bed and saluted the God of agriculture.

Demeter sat next to Manda and said with a smile, "I saw what happened just now. Do you still hate your father?"

Manda shook her head and said, "I\'ve never had the slightest hatred."

"It\'s really strange. I don\'t think he hated you. I still don\'t understand what happened between you. If you want to go back to Olympia, I think he will forgive you immediately."

"I\'m afraid I can\'t go back."

Demeter smiled: "I\'ve heard something about you. It\'s not as easy to create a new holy mountain as you think. You\'d better come back."

Manda was silent, and Demeter sighed; "I know I can\'t convince you. I brought you something."

Demeter gave Manda a bag of seeds: "I hope they can grow on your holy mountain and your people can reproduce on your holy mountain."

When the God of agriculture left, Manda took out the blood stone given to him by Hermes.

Skills are not completely stolen. Not only the speed has slowed down, but also the control over animals has decreased. The most important thing is that the sixth level skills have been affected, because it is difficult to smoothly open the exit of the underworld. Manda doesn\'t dare to go to the underworld now.

Hermes gave me the divine blood stone just to get all my skills back?

Manda opened her third line eyes and looked at it for a while.

No, there seems to be something else in it

The Lord of punishment summoned sixty angels and began to wander between the three and five barriers.

Judging from the earthly stagnation, the position of the seven star mountain should be above the three barriers and below the five barriers. The bishop of divine punishment gave them some methods to judge the celestial bodies and asked the angels to find the seven star mountain within a month.

One of them is very special. He is much younger than the other angels.

Chakishore, originally a subordinate of Archduke de enko, later became a follower of bucken, a second-order believer of Athena, and became an angel on the recommendation of bucken.

This event once shocked the holy kingdom of heaven. Although shakhiso was only the most ordinary angel, not even an archangel, he became an angel after all.

You know, the current Pope Quentin is still mortal.

What qualifications does a young man who can only flatter like chakishore have to be an angel? What\'s more, he is not a true God Punisher. He was originally a heretic.

Since then, however, Quentin\'s complaints have been much less. He is not very interested in becoming an angel.

He found that the identity of blazing angel was indeed enviable, and the status of wise angel and throne angel was much different.

The position of Lord angel, force angel and energy angel is not much different from that of a high-ranking officer. As for the power angel and archangel, they are probably equivalent to centurion and military commander. What is an ordinary angel?

An ordinary angel is a soldier, far from the Pope. Quentin doesn\'t want to be an ordinary angel, but he is eager to live forever.

As an eighth order divine punishment warrior, his aging speed is very slow. Without accidents, it will not be a problem to live another two or three thousand years.

But the problem is that accidents always happen. He is not immortal.

Odysseus is the only one who has really lived for two thousand years. Most of the remaining believers, except a few, have died of accidents.

Moreover, the life span of two or three thousand years is far from satisfactory for Quebec.

He held Beverly, the Chief Secretary of state, and gave her a hard twist where she had the thickest fat.

Beverly bit her lips and said with tears, "Your Majesty, what\'s wrong with you?"

"Why, mainly give the power of eternal life to those bastards?"

Beverly said, "the Lord must have his reason for doing so."

Quentin twisted again. Beverly gritted her teeth and said, "even if it makes sense, he shouldn\'t do that."

Quentin twisted again. Beverly looked at the cardinal coral and said with a generous smile, "come, come to your Majesty\'s arms. It\'s time for us to change."


After cruising on the fourth barrier for a day, shakhiso suddenly stopped. He found that a cloud seemed to have changed.

The clouds floated in front of us, the shape and color did not change, and the trajectory of action did not change, but the whole looked different.

Xia Jisuo couldn\'t figure out what had changed, but he was patient. He squatted in place and wrote down every change.


Manda did not return to the Seven Star Mountain, and Demeter gave him new hope.

Seeds, if you want to manage the Seven Star Mountain, you must have seeds.

Seeds are not only buried in the soil, but also in other places.

Cows in Qixing mountain only eat grass, chickens in Qixing mountain only chirp, and men in Qixing mountain only know how to farm.

They didn\'t understand the true meaning of survival. Manda once understood it under the guidance of an expert, but he forgot later.

Now he went to Blackwater city to look for the expert.

"You can do it. Point out the residents of Qixing mountain and let them know what reproduction is!"

Sir Alex\'s eyes lit up and said, "I\'m old, but your majesty is willing to reuse me? Even I feel useless."

Dozens of pregnant women were walking in the garden. Manda held elmen\'s hands and said, "you can, I trust you!"

Packed up his simple luggage, Manda took aylmen to a cabin. He didn\'t want to scare the old Sir Alex and let him know too much.

The two drank and ate meat in the cabin. The cabin flew smoothly in the sky. Manda prepared an iron ring in advance and put it on the wrist as a gift for the old Sir Alex. Aylmen didn\'t feel any discomfort from beginning to end.

When he arrived at the Seven Star Mountain, Aermeng sighed: "last time, I asked the messenger to visit you, but the messenger turned into a stone outside the seven star mountain. Since then, no one dared to go there easily. Did my messenger get lost? Or did your majesty use any magic? Is this really the seven star mountain? I always feel a little different..."

Manda took elmeng to the stronghold in the middle of the plain and passed a barn. Elmeng saw the bull inside and shook his head and said, "there are so many cows around him, but he only cares about eating grass. How can he look like a bull?"

At a glance, the bull shivered, went to a cow and rubbed its horns on it.

Al smiled fiercely and looked at the horse circle again.

"How can there be the strength of a war horse?" then he came forward and touched the horse\'s back. The war horse snorted and began to agitate. Manda quickly asked the groom to bring the mare.

AI Er fiercely looked at the groom, shook his head and said, "you don\'t have the spirit of a man."

The groom looked at Aermeng, his eyes lit up, the tiger body shook, and then grabbed the mare around him.

Manda kicked away the groom: "go home and find your woman!"

Everyone felt particularly kind when they saw elmeng. Manda asked the women to avoid and the men to entertain the old Marquis.

Kunta walked up to Manda and whispered, "my God told me that there are people outside, and I think someone is spying on us."

"I know someone is outside. I just want his blood to flow farther." after a few drinks, Manda asked the people to continue to greet elmeng. He walked out of the barrier of seven star mountain alone.

Xia Jisuo stayed outside the Seven Star Mountain for two days. Although he couldn\'t see the outline of the Seven Star Mountain at all, he was sure that there was something unusual in this place. Especially just now, he seemed to see a dark shadow appear in the air and disappear in the twinkling of an eye.

He did not read it wrong. Manda took El out of the cabin and walked into the seven star mountain. Two celestial bodies were invisible, but two human shadows were visible. This scene was seen by Xia Jisuo.

Although the evidence is not conclusive, xiakisuo decided to report the news to the Lord of divine punishment. He waved his wings and flew out more than 100 miles. Suddenly, he saw the figure of Manda in front of him.

Xia Jisuo was shocked. He turned around and left. He didn\'t fly far. He saw Manda appear in front of him again.

"You look familiar!" Manda laughed.

Xia Jisuo quickly lowered his head and said, "Your Majesty Claude Sai, I was originally a subordinate of grand duke de enko. Later, I became good friends with general longson. Do you remember me?"

"What a smart man, he can get along wherever he is. De Enke likes you, longson likes you, barken likes you, and even the Lord of divine punishment likes you. If he gets along with me for a period of time, I won\'t like you."

"I\'m willing to be loyal to you!" xiakisuo was about to kneel, but Manda put her finger against her throat.

"Why are you so polite? First tell me how many angels the Lord of God sent to me?"

"Sixty, from above the three-tier barrier to below the five tier barrier, are everywhere."

"Are Blazing Angels and archangels among them?"

"They are not here. They are all ordinary angels like me."

"What a pity that a smart man like you should die so ordinary."

"Don\'t mess around!" cried shakishore. "If you kill me, the Lord won\'t let you go!"

Manda laughed and said, "I brought the seven star mountain to heaven just to avoid such a threat."

When the voice fell to the ground, Manda cut off xiakisuo\'s head with her golden finger, not only the body, but also the soul.

After cutting off, Manda began to quickly mend two parts of the soul. He mended the wound in less than one breath.

Shakhiso\'s head was suspended in the air, staring at his eyes without expression.

His body kept struggling and tried his best to escape.

The soul is divided in two, but consciousness remains in the body.

Manda blinked. "That\'s interesting."