Give Me the Name of God

Chapter 893

Elmeng lived on the mountain for more than ten days, and all male creatures were awakened to their most primitive mission. Every night, there was laughter and laughter in the mountain, one wave after another.

Only three men remained unmoved. One was Manda. He knew that his efforts were in vain. During this time, he was concentrating on studying skills, including those taught by Tianping girl and those left by Hermes.

The other is Werm. He is excited, but he can\'t find a suitable target. There are no insects equivalent to his size. There is still a little psychological barrier for him to fall in love with women.

Another is paviu. He doesn\'t dislike girls, but loves that bag of seeds more.

Since he got the seed of the God of agriculture, he has never left the farmland. August is not the sowing season, but he has skills. He can keep a small piece of land under a certain temperature and humidity and let the crops grow under the most suitable conditions.

Nongshen\'s seeds didn\'t disappoint him. They all sprouted in less than three days.

But the biggest surprise came not from these seeds, but from the original crops in the mountains.

In the wheat field, as long as a small part of the wheat has been spiked, the wheat grains are almost empty shells.

However, an old farmer found an ear of wheat with experience, and the grain in the ear was full.

Paviu took the ears of wheat and ran all the way to Manda. He shouted excitedly, "master, this can be used as a seed. This is our own seed of seven star mountain!"

Manda was also very excited. With the seeds of the God of agriculture and her own seeds, there was food in the seven star mountain.

He immediately ordered to give the old man a heavy reward: "let them find it, all the farmers find it, find a grain of wheat, and I\'ll give him ten pounds of grain!"

Paviu has made a lot of credit to Manda. Because he is not good at fighting, he has always been the one with the least sense of existence in the family, but everything he does is fighting for survival.

Touching a pair of frogs stacked together, elmeng thought he had completed his mission. Manda gave him the opportunity to choose: "you can stay here and live with me. If you want to go back to earth, I will never force you."

This choice alone made elmeng feel reluctant. He really didn\'t want to stay, but he fell and climbed in the aristocratic circle all his life. He knew that some words could be said and some words could not be said.

He offered to stay, but hoped that Manda would take his wives to the mountain.

Reasonable requirements, the old Marquis is old, and he should be taken care of by his family.

Manda asked him how many wives he had, and Almon spent half a day drafting a list.

"I\'m old, and I don\'t remember my name very well." the old Marquis smiled modestly.

Manda looked at it roughly and decided to send elmeng back to Blackwater.

There were 466 names on the list, and he said he didn\'t remember them all.

In the face of such a base, the disadvantage of the Claude race family in the number of people is too obvious. Even if we drive at full power now, there is no possibility of surpassing.

Send elmeng back to Blackwater city. Manda decides to go back to the vacuum zone at the foot of seven star mountain. According to elmeng, many people have been trapped there. Manda has to find a way to protect the place and keep irrelevant people away.

If you look at it from a distance from the sight of ordinary people, the vacuum zone is no different from the former seven star mountain, but when you get closer, you will find that it is shrouded in thick fog. People can\'t distinguish the direction in the thick fog, and can\'t continue to get close to the seven star mountain.

In the thick fog, Manda saw many people who had become rigid due to the stagnation effect. Some faces were strange, like passers-by, and some faces were familiar, former residents of Qixing mountain.

They regret it? Want to come back here?

Manda is not so tolerant. It\'s impossible to go back to the Seven Star Mountain, but these people have suffered and suffered with him. It\'s also right to leave them a way to live because of old love.

He took out his brush, took the thick fog as the picture scroll, drew dozens of beasts, and let the beasts carry these stones away from the fog.

Some people who are not astringent and deep slowly recover their action ability, and those who are too astringent and deep soon turn into ashes in the air.

Where they will go is beyond Manda\'s consideration. Manda will send letters to the Lords in the southwest, telling them that the Seven Star Mountain has become a forbidden area and no one can get close to it. The reason is that it is the battlefield of the gods.

Through the dense fog, Manda saw the real appearance of the vacuum zone.

There was also a witch painting here. Unfortunately, it was destroyed by the Lord of divine punishment in the last battle.

The real appearance is a little bleak. Without Qixing mountain, the earth has become a dark barren plain. There are only hard rocks and a cold river on the plain, and there are no signs of life.

This is really a little similar to the underworld. Manda went to the river originally belonging to chest star mountain and wanted to try to feel the temperature of the river.

Don\'t touch it. Just get closer. The terrible cold makes Manda\'s skin frost slowly.

As I speculated, this river is colder than the Styx, because there is the baking of the river of fire in the underworld.

I thought this was the homeland that people miss, but now Manda didn\'t miss at all. He was about to leave when someone shouted behind him: "give you a riddle. If you guess right, let you leave. If you guess wrong, I\'ll kill you. What kind of tree, the white root of the elder, the white trunk of the elder, but no leaves?"

Manda said, "are you sure it\'s white? I think your tree is a little yellow."

"Answer my question!"

"It\'s teeth," Manda smiled, turning to Sphinx. "How dare you come to me?"

"Why not? My mission is to protect you."

"But when I needed protection, you ran away."

"That\'s because I don\'t know where you are. I have to clarify the facts with Hermes."

"Have the facts been clarified?"

Sphinx said, "I didn\'t expect you to betray Hermes, but it has nothing to do with me. The contract between Hermes and me has been dissolved. Now I no longer have only 20% power. My father has also reached a contract with the Earth Goddess. I\'m not subject to any restrictions in the world. If you don\'t want to die, you\'d better do what I say."

Manda is not afraid of Sphinx. Although he is a sixth order God, he has a big gap with Manda in strength.

With full-scale sickles, seven ranks and strange skills, even if the main god of Olympia comes, he can\'t get a bargain from Manda.

But he still raised his hand and deliberately made a submissive appearance: "goddess, what are you going to let me do?"

"I\'ll take you somewhere. I\'ll let you meet my father."


"What does he want to see me do? Do he want to have a drink with his good son-in-law?"

"Don\'t be slippery with me!" Sphinx pointed his claw at Manda\'s neck. "If your father wants to see you, just go. No matter what he wants to kill you or do, I advise you not to resist."

Manda wanted to see tifun, but Sphinx\'s attitude made him unhappy.

With a gentle wave, he cut Sphinx\'s nails first.

Sphinx was shocked. He didn\'t see Manda\'s action, but Manda\'s figure disappeared again.

When Manda showed up again, he was behind Sphinx, and his fingers gently scratched a scar on his face.

"It hurts me to hurt your face. This wound can\'t heal easily. It can help you remember. Don\'t be so rude when talking to me. Tell me where tifeng is?"