Give Me the Name of God

Chapter 891

Leo and Manda came outside the city. No matter what his position, his personality remained the same. As long as Manda put forward reasonable requirements, he could accept them.

Both sides must first confirm the outcome of the duel.

If Leo wins, Manda will follow his idea and make Leo king. Romulus will be ruled by three kings in the future.

If Manda wins, Leo must give up his status as archbishop and set up another person. Otherwise, with the strength of an angel, he may crush the king at any time.

Set the rules and go to war.

Manda has fought with madesa and bucken many times. He knows Leo\'s strength, but he doesn\'t know Leo\'s fighting style.

Leo and Manda fought side by side. His way of fighting was regular, but it was difficult to compare between the mortal period and the divine period. After becoming angels, the way of fighting had changed greatly.

Manda wanted to wait for Leo to do it first, but Leo refused to do it.

"You\'re still kind to me after all," Leo stood with his back. "It\'s right to let you do it first."

"What a big breath. I\'ll do it first. You may not have a chance."

"If I am destined to give my life here, it is also the will of the Lord. I have no regrets."

We can\'t spend it all the time. There are gods watching here. Manda doesn\'t want to stay too long.

He took the lead to rush to Leo and tried to attack his throat with his golden finger.

Leo didn\'t hide or fight back. He stood where he was.

He can\'t hide? Kill him?

Manda doesn\'t want to kill him. Killing him doesn\'t solve the problem.

And in the angel lineup of the Lord of punishment, Leo is the most likely to be influenced, which will be of great use value in the future.

Manda put her fingertips against Leo\'s cheek and asked, "are you going to admit defeat?"

Leo was silent, his body suddenly broke and burst into a spark.

He used his body as bait to get Manda into the stream.

Underestimate him. This tactic is far more insidious than Manda thought. If Manda pounced on him with all her strength, I\'m afraid Mars has hung on her.

Because of uncertainty about Leo\'s next action, Manda didn\'t dodge and directly launched a strong wind to disperse the inflammation.

Mars suddenly became extremely bright and became countless holy lights, interfering with Manda\'s line of sight.

Manda was dazzled by the holy light. It doesn\'t hurt. He has the body of a true God. Even if he was hurt by the holy light, he can recover quickly.

Who thought, the holy light changed into golden light, and the seal of the divine sword jumped on Manda.

Madessa\'s offensive is continuous, bucken\'s offensive is in all directions, Leo is different from them, and his offensive is closely linked under careful design.

Fortunately, the speed of the holy light is relatively slow. Even if Manda temporarily loses her eyesight, she can easily avoid it.

The golden light flew into the air, turned into stone rain, and rushed at Manda. Manda continued to dodge with the sound of gravel sliding in the air.

This is a serious mistake. Manda has made the same mistake too many times in similar situations.

The other party is rolling with skills in turns. If Manda chooses to dodge, she will sink deeper and deeper in continuous passivity.

At this time, the correct response is to open the barrier, block a wave of attack, give yourself time to think, and look for a chance to fight back.

Although the other party\'s moves are consistent, they have not reached the point where Manda can\'t cope with them. He is increasingly proficient in the barrier bracelet and has enough time to open the barrier. However, whenever the situation is difficult, Manda\'s first choice is to dodge. This is a combat instinct formed over the years, which is difficult to correct at one time.

In the stone rain, Manda shuttles hard. Her eyesight is poor. She depends on listening to the sound to distinguish the position. What is he most afraid of at this time?


Leo\'s singing skill has limited power. It will not cause fatal damage to Manda, but can interfere with Manda\'s judgment.

"Merciful Lord, please forgive sinners!" the first lyrics were sung. Manda\'s body and mind were tight. She didn\'t judge the position of the gravel clearly, and her left leg was hit with a blood hole.

At this moment, Manda thought of using the barrier. He grabbed the bracelet and quickly poured divine power. The divine power formed a ring, and the barrier was about to form.

But at the critical moment, Manda slipped her palm and lost her bracelet.

Manda wanted to pull her hand back. She exerted too much force in her anxiety, and her divine power leaked out, forming a ring in the air.

Between the pulling, the ring forms a cylinder, covering Manda\'s body.

Five level skills, all pervasive skills with the lowest success rate.

Driven by the crooked first-order skills, the fifth-order skills succeeded smoothly.

Leo was just about to sing the second lyrics when he suddenly found that Manda had disappeared and was broken back into human form. Leo searched around for Manda\'s trace.

What a strange invisibility. I can\'t feel it at all.

He didn\'t realize that from the moment he didn\'t feel it, he had lost.

Manda appeared in front of her and became the Lord of punishment.

Leo was shocked and quickly closed his eyes. He knew it was a bad trick.

What a stupid response. How can you fight Manda with your eyes closed?

Manda poked her finger into his shoulder.

Leo ate pain and tried to incarnate the flame. Manda didn\'t give him a chance. He made dozens of holes in his body from head to foot, and several times hurt his soul.

Although the wound healed quickly, Leo\'s skills were limited. He summoned Shi Yu hard. The gravel didn\'t fall to the ground, and Manda still circled behind him.

When the stone rain failed, Leo still wanted to launch the holy light. Before the light brewed out of his hand, Manda kicked him to the ground.

Leo should have eight ranks, but without eight ranks of strength, his combat experience is far less than his strength.

With careful tactics, he can take advantage of Manda. Once the tactics are broken, he can only be slaughtered.

"Admit defeat?" Manda squatted beside Leo.

"You kill me!" Leo closed his eyes.

"Angel, are you not afraid of losing face to the Lord of God\'s punishment for breaking your word?"

Leo gritted his teeth and said, "don\'t slander the Lord!"

"Once you die, the Lord of God\'s punishment is bound to avenge you. The whole country of Romulus will be killed into a river of blood. He will be hated by thousands of people, but will he still use me to discredit him?"

"It\'s not something I can control."

"Bullshit! This is what you started, and it\'s up to you to end it! Tell your Lord and ask him to appoint a new archbishop. If you still have dignity, don\'t use force against Romulus in the future, and don\'t crush mortals with the power of gods."

"I\'m not a God, I\'m just an angel."

"Whatever you are!" Manda got up and left. "As long as you have a conscience, you should know what shame is!"

Manda is gone. He doesn\'t know whether this duel can stop the next war, but at least he has sent a message to the Lord of punishment. He can\'t defeat the crazy king with only a few angels.

The Lord of divine punishment has been watching the battle. He once thought of killing Manda directly, but he can feel that Hermes is nearby and Cronus is not far away.

When did Manda Claude get so strong? The moment he disappeared, even the Lord of punishment could not feel him.

Is it Hermes\' preference for him? Or has the overall combat power on Mount Olympia improved?

Leo was lifted into the air by a force and came to the Lord of punishment.

He cried and said, "Lord, I lost your face."

"You are indeed ashamed," sighed the Lord of punishment. "That man is right. You are not suitable to be an archbishop. I will find someone to replace you. Stay with me and do what you can do."

The voice of the Lord of God\'s punishment was loud, as if he were telling others.

Manda walked from outside the city to inside the city. He didn\'t hurry back to the palace. He walked around the streets for several times.

Although it is late at night, there are still many lights. The night scenery of Wangdu is so beautiful, but I don\'t know how many days this scenery can survive.

In the world dominated by gods, the fate of mortals is so humble, but even if Manda becomes a God, his efforts are limited to this.

There was a sudden sound of footsteps behind him, so light that he could hardly notice it.

It\'s him! Hermes!

Manda stopped and slowly turned her neck.

The opportunity to retreat is not entirely absent, but we must remain calm at the moment.

"Don\'t look back," said Hermes, with a little banter in his tone. "Don\'t look back. Don\'t let me see your face, or I\'ll kill you."

After a long silence, Manda whispered, "I\'m sorry."

This is Manda\'s truth. Hermes gave Manda too much, but Manda did not return the loyalty that Hermes should have.

"Don\'t apologize, it\'s my choice," Hermes smiled. "Don\'t keep avoiding me. I can pretend I can\'t see you. You stopped a disaster. Remember to engrave your woman on the slate."

A gust of wind hit, Manda looked up and saw a god blood stone fall in her arms.

This divine blood stone is very familiar to Manda.

Hermes said with a smile: "the skills are not completely stolen, and your speed has slowed down. Take it. Don\'t be so embarrassed next time."