Give Me the Name of God

Chapter 890

On the third day of August, Manda returned to the king\'s capital. Although he had been avoiding the sight of the gods, he was still the king of ROM road and could not leave the whole country without saying a word.

He quietly entered the palace, but found that the hall was brightly lit, and the interior minister was praying with all his ministers.

Longson seldom prayed. He didn\'t even want to pray to Hercules because he felt that prayer could not solve any problems.

But he is also in the line of prayer today, praying to his crazy king.

In desperation, he believed that the mad king was the only one who could save him.

The angel issued a war order to the king, asking for an additional throne based on the governance of the two kings, to be held by the archbishop.

The angel and the Archbishop are the same person, Leo Frank.

At first, longersen felt very absurd and thought that Leo had a mental problem under years of depression.

He found a pungent official and made vicious sarcasm and ridicule at Leo. Leo gave longson a polite response and asked him to lead a team of soldiers to fight outside the city.

Longesen didn\'t want to fight, but he found that there were more and more divine punishers outside the city. In order to prevent Leo from regenerating things and make the divine punishers completely lose heart, longesen accepted Leo\'s challenge.

Longson brought thirty cavalry and Leo brought two hundred divine punishers.

It seems a little unfair, but longson doesn\'t mind.

Unexpectedly, the 30 cavalry of longersen were used to fight, and the 200 divine punishers of Leo were used to chant scriptures.

Leo confronted longersen and thirty cavalry alone. The whole battle lasted only one hundred hourglass. Longersen was put down in the blink of an eye, and thirty cavalry died on the spot.

The punishers chanted Scriptures for the dead and prayed for their souls to be forgiven.

Leo left longson alive and asked him to convey the news to Manda.

With Leo\'s current strength, it is really possible to defeat the king\'s capital alone. At that time, the king\'s capital will be occupied by the divine Punisher, and the romroad Kingdom, which has only enjoyed a moment of happiness, will fall into a nightmare again.

Yesterday I prayed to Hermes all day, today I prayed to Hercules, and at night I prayed to the crazy king. Tired, longson seemed to have an illusion, and King Claudius seemed to be around.

"Don\'t you have to salute the king?"

It\'s not an illusion. Manda did appear around. The ministers were excited and cheered, but Manda motioned everyone to be quiet and not to leave the palace. Then he took longersen to the secret room and isolated it with a barrier.

Longesen told Manda what happened. Manda thought for a moment and made a deployment: "you lead all ministers to stick to the palace. Don\'t give these ministers the opportunity to defecte. Let the guards patrol the capital three times a day, so that the people of the capital can see that their kingdom is fighting for them."

Longson could not understand: "does the Kingdom fight for civilians?"

"Yes, fighting for them is not for the throne, nor for the majesty of the royal family. This time we fight only for them. We will tell them countless beautiful lies in our life. This time, we will tell them the truth, and we will also tell them very beautiful,

To make them feel safe, not only their lives are safe, but also their families and property are safe. As long as they hide in the house, they can escape the war. When they can\'t hide, we will take them out of here safely. "

Longson nodded and did as Manda told him.

Manda stayed alone in the Council hall and analyzed the current situation.

Surface condition: Leo leads the punisher to seize power.

Actual situation: the Lord of divine punishment commands Leo to fight a war that takes advantage of everything.

If Leo wins this war, the faith foundation of Roma road country will be shaken, and it is likely to return to the era of God Punisher control.

Even if the divine Punisher loses, as long as the king is destroyed into ruins, Romulus will be seriously damaged. At that time, Bayer in the north, gray wolf in the West and Deere in the southwest will be besieged on three sides while Romulus is turbulent. The Pope will send a group of people to land at sea. It is the only country on origino that is not dominated by the divine Punisher, Probably will be destroyed in this war.

Look at the direction of this battle.

The best result: just Leo.

Manda is sure to deal with Leo, but what should he do if the Lord of punishment takes part in the war?

At that time, if Hermes and Cronus enter the war, the victory or defeat is still unknown.

If the two gods ignore it, it depends on whether Gaia has the power to resist.

If Gaia dare not resist, the battle will be over.

Manda could not fight against the Lord of divine punishment alone. The so-called faith, the so-called order and the so-called reappearance of the glory of the ancient god era have become jokes.

What he can do is to take some people worth living to the Seven Star Mountain, let these people live and live with him.

Late at night, Leo finished his prayer and was about to go to bed, but he found that there was another person in the quilt.

"Your Majesty, do you think so?"

Lying in the quilt is Manda.

"For the sake of our friendship, I think it should be."

"When did our friendship get under the quilt?"

"Where should our friendship be?"

"Among our aspirations," Leo touched his chest, "our aspirations are different, but there are some similarities."

Manda got up from the quilt and said, "for example, tolerance of each other\'s beliefs."

"I tolerated you, and I even asked my subordinates to pray to Hermes."

Before entering the southwest, Leo prayed to Hermes in brittle rock mountain in order to gain Manda\'s trust.

Manda said with a smile, "don\'t be so miserable. You have to do it to save your life."

"Have you ever tolerated me? For whatever purpose."

"I helped you become an archbishop. When you were an archbishop, I never allowed anyone to challenge your dignity and status. Isn\'t this tolerance for you?"

Leo laughed: "What dignity do I have? What status do I have? I worry about the clothes and food of the priests every day. In addition to farming, I have to try my best to win some funding for the church every day. Even if I do this, someone will bully us, spoil our farmland, spoil our church, and even beat my priests. How humble am I to be in order to really get it Your tolerance? "

From the overall situation, this is not Manda\'s fault. Other people\'s hatred for the divine Punisher can not be attributed to Manda. We can only say that the divine Punisher was too fierce and domineering and had too many resentments in the past.

But in terms of the commitment between the two people, Manda really has some responsibilities. Leo lowered his identity and made sacrifices that ordinary people can\'t imagine. Not to mention that he is an archbishop, even as a high deacon, his life is much better than now.

However, Manda did not provide him with the necessary protection, nor did she give him the due respect, and even never recognized Leo\'s identity and status in public.

Manda is too wasteful of government affairs. He doesn\'t see some problems that must be solved by him. Leo, who has always adhered to the way of tolerance, is finally crushed.

"Two months ago, under the grace of the Lord, I became an angel. I disobeyed the Lord\'s command and did not use the power given to me by the Lord for revenge. I told longersen the Lord\'s will and hoped that he could stop the atrocities of others, but longersen didn\'t see it,

I can\'t stand it any more. Now I\'ve issued a letter of war. Out of our friendship, I can let you choose the time and place of battle! "

"I\'ve already chosen," Manda got up. "The place of the battle is in the suburbs outside the city. The time of the battle is now."

"Now? Have you organized the army?"

"You don\'t need an army, just you and me."

"Only you and me? This is a duel, not a fight!"

"What\'s the difference? Do you want to protect the dignity of the Lord or deprive more lives?"

Leo shook his head and said, "the LORD said that the battlefield must be chosen in the king\'s capital."

Manda lowered her face and said, "if you don\'t want to, we\'ll go to war now!"

"War in the cathedral?"

"You don\'t want to fight at home, do you? You don\'t want to destroy the cathedral, and I don\'t want to destroy the king\'s capital. If you really have the courage to fight, we\'ll go outside the city now."